3 a.m...slow dancing in my slippers
So, do we live our lives in a state of
perpetual wariness, believing first that the
intentions of others are malevolent?
Or do we accept at face value, believing
in honesty & goodness? If we live our lives
the second way, we are always susceptible
to the bitter truth of deception & ill
intent. If we are hurt too often,
we begin to live our lives behind walls
we erect to protect ourselves. If we
build the walls too high & too strong,
we miss out on the joys of spontaneity.
But we are protected. If we erect no walls,
we stand in the path of the bulldozer
clearing the lot, but we are taking
a chance on life & its joyous possibilities.
All life and the growth of our soul is
about balance. If we choose to ignore the
suffering of another, it will come back
to effect us. In order to achieve balance,
we must learn from both the good and
the bad. In order to understand day, we must
know night. To know sweet, we must have
experienced sour. To know the full extent
of joy requires us to have experienced sorrow.
To know the meaning of love, we must have
experienced emptiness ~ for the opposite of
love is not hate, it is the absence
of love.
When those we love do not live up to
our expectations, we hurt & may be angry.
But we have to remember that our expectations
have been formed by our own experiences ~
experiences which are unique to us.
Each soul is at a stage we cannot know
precisely, because we have not shared
the same experiences. Often, it is the simple
fact that we have not been able to
control or manipulate the behavior of
another to suit us that is the thing
that hurts. If we do not wish to be
controlled or manipulated, then we must
learn to shed our own expectations and
not attempt to control or manipulate others.
In this way, we create harmony, building
our own wisdom and touching others in
a way that will help them build theirs.
3 a.m. ~ the hour of peace
Yet, a tear falls ~
"To dream of being the person you wish to be is
to waste the person you are." ~ anon.
I miss my son. Just thinking about him tonight.
Thursday, March 9~
I'd like to share the following with you.
I received this email from my son tonight.
"Mom, I'm sorry that I've been so busy...
I read your journal tonight... I guess there
are a few things that I want to say...
You are the most important and influential person
that has ever been a part of my life.
I am so proud to have you as my mother.
Everytime I speak to anyone about my
family, and they ask me about you, I say
"...she's the most brilliant woman I know..."
It's true, Mom... You've always challenged me
to make the most of my life, and to
share that with others. I love you
more than you can possibly imagine.
Thank you for being so amazing...
I love you..."
I love you too, Nate.
Truly a mother's validation.
Saturday morning, March 11 ~
ah yes, reality...
Just a note. The image of the crystal lion is very large.
If you cannot view it here, click on the
image and it will take you to Laf's Thoughts
where you will be able to view the lion
and read his essays.
Talked with a friend today about expecting our
efforts toward others to be returned.
The joy is the giving? Perhaps. It depends
on the relationship. When two individuals
do not perceive a relationship the same way,
therein will lie the rub ~ for there will never be
a truly mutual reciprocation. One will always
feel that something is missing. Because it is.
5:45 ~ Light out now. Trees in silhouette against
a sky of pale blue and sun-brightened clouds. Sigh~
Just remember this:
The gum you spit out on the sidewalk may end
up on the bottom of your own shoe.
Tuesday, April 11 ~
I'm not quite with it this morning and am still
pondering this that I received in my mail:
Love teaches even asses to dance.
-- French Proverb
Will I live to see tomorrow? I could have
posted this one instead, but I wasn't sure
if he was alive and in sleeping/agony/ecstacy mode
or if he was dead:)
Wednesday, May 3~
Such brief respite. Kaena has "things to do" and
is on her way here with Gabe. I was praying
for a few more hours alone, but it is
not to be. After Ed left with the baby yesterday,
I showered and visited daughter Kate briefly at
her new apartment. I was only there for 45
minutes or so. When I returned home, Connor was
home from school and Gretchen had left for
work. I had errands to run and took Connor with me.
No one was around for him to play with, so he
spent the afternoon in the house. He and
I had a late supper. I fell asleep waiting
for him to finish a surprise for me.
When I awoke shortly past midnight, I woke him up
to go up to bed. I never saw his surprise until
this morning. He made me a card and here is
what it says:
"happy grandmothers day. Dear: babboo: I thought
sints you aren't my mom, and I love you,
I made up...grandmother day!" Inside the card is
this: "I made up a grrreat day on may second.
I love you. I hope you will like this card."
There is a picture of pikachu holding a sign which
says, "grandma rules." On the back is what I
assume to be a picture of me (with glasses
yuk:). What a neat card! Thank you, Connor.
I love you, too!
I watched tulips open today and wondered
if I envied them. I offered a mournful little
prayer for the two I found trampled by boys
playing ball and was reminded of a recent
conversation. Is it better to have known joy
only once than to have never experienced it at all?
Wednesday morning, May 10 ~
Mom loved music more than anything in the world.
She loved to sing and dance and could whistle
a tune like no other I have ever known.
I remember her embarrassed grin as she danced
to "The Stripper" while she ironed and the times
we would sing together favorite tunes from
"My Fair Lady." We danced the can-can together
in the living room and she taught my twins
the songs we used to sing around the bonfire.
Here's to you, Mom. I miss you!
A note to Hope ~ Thank you for the
inspiration! You always come through for me when
my spirit needs a bit of uplifting and I love you
for that.
Thursday, May 18 ~
Rainy morning. Wish I could be lazy and enjoy it.
The peaceful sound of raindrops hitting puddles...
quietly dingy with the warm comfort of
desktop illumination...peaceful background music ~
I was in a silly mood yesterday ~ from
sprucing up the other forum in case we need it
(I can't sit still to "Ooh La La La"...just makes
me laugh and want to dance)!...to mysticlady's
delightful post at Laf's and a look at Z-Dr.'s
Hidden Camera Room. I did absolutely nothing I was
suppose to do, but it was worth it.
Feeling a little overwhelmed this night. Thank
you, J, for a most precious gift.
The Sunny Side of Alone
My gift for you ~
This Road Toward You
Monday, May 22 ~ 2 a.m.~
Wednesday, May 24 ~
Incredibly overwhelmed this morning by the warm
greetings and beautiful gifts from my Diva sisters.
Thank you all!
And did she also teach you that love is
not enough if it is not accompanied by honesty,
by committment, by the ability to face problems instead
of running away or ignoring them? Yes, such
love is hard to find, difficult to let go and
impossible to forget. An exquisitely perfect note in the
song of life and well worth remembering.
But just as Sunday morning's gentle rain is perfection,
so too, is Tuesday's sun dancing on a gentle breeze and
Friday's thunder with the promise of a rainbow. They are
all perfect and cannot be compared to each other.
Tuesday, May 30 ~
Breathing again.
Wednesday, May 31 ~
Frustrating lately to have so little time to follow
the news. I have been a watcher only of the
political discussions I've always delighted in being
part of. This bothers me. Kate took the kitchen
TV with her when she moved to her own place. Even
before that, if Gretchen was here, she preferred
Leeza to my CSPAN or CNN. The only show I
watch now is Blues Clues. If I'm really lucky, I can
even catch part of the Scooby Doo Marathon.
To J ~
There is nothing I can do to remove the sadness with
which you must face the task ahead of you
on this journey. Even so, remember I am with you.
Try, if you can, in the hardest of those moments,
to recall this angel on your shoulder.
Afternoon now, but still eerily quiet. I was surprised
to return and not find a message waiting
for me from Kaena. Connor has spent a
contented morning putting together new Lego sets,
going out a couple of times to rollerblade
or to play with a friend. The TV hasn't shouted yet
today. The sun has disappeared and it is cool for
June. My walk to the store was pleasant and
quiet. I chatted with a neighbor who was outside
observing work being done on her new sidewalk ~
the only such activity I observed on my walk.
I jaywalked carelessly, confronting no traffic on
quiet streets. I noticed for the first time, a
"Children at Play" sign where I have never
seen children playing. Our local kudzu spiraled up
bent wrought iron railings of abandoned houses as I
approached the downtown area. Church bells echoed here
and there throughout the small city.
The period of warm weather we in the
Northeast enjoy is brief. The tulips we waited
for are already gone. My burning bushes, which I
love so much, have doubled in size since
I planted them and they are now in the time of
rapid growth, finally reaching the same height from
the ground as the porch railing. The dark
red leaves of the Japanese Maple are pushing
skyward, and this too, has quadrupled in size.
The rhododendron is full of huge, showy, purple
flowers. This is my June child. The orange daylilies,
planted by some long ago tenant, will appear around
the Fourth of July, and the hosta will shoot
forth with long, fragile multiple blooms in
August ~ a warning that cool weather will return
soon and a reminder to bring in the last
of the tomatoes and peppers. I begin then to watch
the burning bushes for the first blush of color.
These will burst into flame red beauty in September
as the two hundred-year-old maple provides a
brilliant yellow backdrop. At the first frost, leaves
will drop rapidly and the pungent odor of wood
smoke will begin to fill the fall night air.
Time...quickly slipping past...lost forever and
meaningless if not filled with beauty and love.
I don't think there will be a midnight
nap tonight. When I go to sleep, it will
be for the night. Perchance to have dreams which
will bring a smile or two. Good night:)
Tuesday morning, June 6~
Don't wanna leave this little space I found
...this so necessary imagination creation.
I am the little girl dreaming on the porch
swing, the child splashing with darting minnows, the
lass enjoying a peanut butter kiss in the rain,
the young mother watching her infant's eyelids
flutter as he sleeps, the woman who now slow
dances alone, yet not alone, after midnight.
Friday afternoon, June 9~
Sitting here smiling. Not sure why. Draggie
was right. 5 a.m. is not a good time to go
to bed when the alarm is set to go off
at 6:15. After suffering through html nightmares,
I crawled back downstairs at 7:45.
Connor has been sworn to secrecy about the cookie
I gave him for breakfast:) The sky is darkening
and it looks like more rain is on its
way. I have a ton of work in front of me, Gabe
has broken another piece of furniture
and ripped another piece of plaster from
the cellarway and I have a parking ticket notice
for my son sitting here in front of me.
Janna's wedding page was due yesterday and I
am just now trying to talk myself into
starting it. Yet, I am smiling. Thunder!
Saturday, June 10 ~
High temp of 50 yesterday caused me
to turn the heat on for the 3rd time this
month. It's almost 90 now. Lights keep flickering
...not sure why. Maybe something to do
with the heat and the amount of electricity
being used at the festival only
a few blocks away.
1:30 ~
Trying to relax for a few minutes. Momentarily quiet.
And the phone rings...this time to bring me peace:)
June 12 ~
Monday evening ~ Unashamed by tears which flow
freely tonight ~
To the one who understands, you can
almost feel it when I reach out my hand,
can you not?
How quickly things change. That peace
and contentment which took so long in
coming was finally here...and shattered only
moments later. It did not have to
happen this way.
How strong am I suppose to be?
Tuesday morning, June 13 ~
Deadlines and responsibilities ~ those things
which usually keep me going ~ are difficult
to deal with now, as the pressure
caused by the upcoming weekend begins to strangle
me. It seems so long ago that any
sense of peace and tranquility might have been a
part of my life. I see it through windows now
and it even touches me briefly now
and again, but I long for it to stay when
it visits, instead of always vanishing.
Then I am left standing here, bewildered,
wondering if it was there all...
or was it just an illusion?
I sit here this morning pondering the
insensitivities of those who proclaim publicly
what they should have whispered privately.
Yet another gray day ~ cool and cloudy.
Woke up with the birds at 4:30 this morning.
Lingered a bit here, unseeing eyes resting
somewhere past the monitor, before creeping
up the stairs to bed. The initial rush of the
day is over. Connor is at school. Ed has
taken Gabriel for the day. Little Alex's
porch questions have been answered. I will
enjoy a few sips of hot coffee, at
least, before the rush to use my free time
wisely begins.
So much I wish I could say tonight,
but cannot.
Tuesday afternoon, June 14 ~
Another dark, rainy day. Rushed to catch
up on all I was unable to accomplish yesterday.
I am still angry that the actions
spilled into today, but have too much to do
to allow it interfere. The Terrorist
is back home. Nola, I talked to Ed and will
email you with his snail mail addy. If I
forget, remind me. I was delighted to
hear that Kevin got the job he interviewed
for and I belatedly sent his
reference this afternoon after Gabe's return.
I got caught in a downpour at
noon while running errands. The timing of the
rain was unfortunate as it caused Connor's
Field Day to be cancelled. I may be
looking to lease the Ark from Noah soon. Gabe
is loudly protesting his nap...this
will be a very long day if he doesn't fall
asleep soon. He has been staying awake
forever at night for the past couple
of weeks and can still be heard at midnight.
I have to keep the windows closed just
so he doesn't keep my neighbors awake.
Back to work.
The festivities will have to go on without
me. I will be in my usual spot. And to
think I even considered. Sorry, hon.
No can do. I need to breathe, remember?
I can neither find nor give comfort here.
I can only watch ~ and wait.
Coffee and donut remain untouched as I sit here
lost in thought...thoughts too many
and too jumbled to express now. Trying...
just can't.
May as well begin the day. Dad will
be here for his weekly visit within the
hour. I just need to know what to do
I have my answer.
Impossible to focus this afternoon. Too much
to do. Too much noise. Too many people.
Tension. Getting a good look today
at the rest of my life. For of course this is all there is.
I walked tonight. It occurred to
me while I was walking that I will never
know a perfect summer night. Hazy, the moon
awash in yellow with black cloud shadows.
The breeze whispering past my skin...almost,
but yet forever never perfect.
Sunday, June 18, 1:30 a.m.~
Perhaps I will write after everyone leaves
this morning. I went home today.
December 17, 2000 ~
Found this today at Joe Giove's Highrock Cafe.
The River
Quiet now ~ the too brief moments
for which I usually long. But today I find
no peace in the silence.
Wednesday, June 21~
just another day with minutes which seem
like hours. Nate's birthday.
Thursday, June 22 ~
Talked to Nate and wished him Happy Birthday.
I guess I forgot to eat today and he
reminded me of the turkey in the fridge.
I'm just tired now, I guess. I will have
something to eat, Nate. I promise.
I love you.
Thinking about words..."price to pay."
That is only something you can
determine, hon. Obviously, you consider this
one worth pennies. What I asked you
for put my acknowledged price to pay
on whatever decision I made. It didn't
matter which...there would be a price.
But that was something I was aware
of when I asked the one thing I asked of
And by the way? My thought
processes work just fine. I have the ability
to recognize the value of all steps
between 1 and 12. Some can only see step 1
and step 12. It doesn't work that way.
I simply asked for consideration which
was not given. Because of this, the pain
of the loss I knew would come one
day was doubled.
Janna was worried about being the
center of attention at her wedding shower
today, but she did Mom proud and was
gracious and ever-much the lady.
A bit of tension as my sister-in-law showed
stripes that were such a blast from
the past. Other than that, the party went
nicely. The trip down was done
in song as the 3 girls blasted radio music
and sang at the top of their
lungs. So too, the trip back...this time
to keep a weary driver awake.
Another's birthday has the girls elsewhere
tonight and both little ones still away.
It also has left me with the wish I wasn't
so tired, so I could work in
the quiet I am unaccustomed to. My thoughts
during the day wavered between there and
here. I itched for pen and paper
which I had neglected to include in the
trip requirements. I am going to
bed, hopeful that tomorrow morning I
will have a few extra hours of
silence to collect thoughts and write.
Emotionally cold day...unsure of
what to do anymore, I guess. Nothing
is the same anymore and I'm damned lonely.
Working on pages for Janna, but finding
it difficult to concentrate. I went
home a couple of weeks ago...to the mountain
where I grew up. Connor begged me
to take him to the brook, which, of course,
I did. He loves it there and
I'm glad that he does, but on this particular
day, I would have preferred to go
alone. He chattered incessantly, happily
impressing himself with his rock-throwing
prowess. (There were a few tosses
which impressed his grandmother as well).
While he amused himself, I sat on
a rock near the edge of the brook, watching
the white foam of mini-rapids and
waterfalls. The roar of the rushing water
did not quite cover the gleeful
sounds of Connor's voice. I looked up through
pine boughs to the circle of sky far above,
remembering vague little girl dreams,
but this time could find no peace in this,
my last place of refuge. Gabe was
back at the house and I knew my father
would not be happy if I wasn't
there to keep him out of mischief, so my
time in this place I love so
was short. I worked my way back up the
hill, mushy and soft with decaying
pine needles, damp and slippery after the
morning's rain. Connor came up slowly,
also loathe to leave. But as we neared
the top of the forest bank, he
ran for the house. I was left for a few
moments...alone...to gaze around me. I saw
the circle of trees which used to be
my "house." Paths, once so well-worn, were
overgrown with disuse and barely
discernible. I wanted so much to stay and
clear them, but in sadness, I turned
and left.
Nothing has changed? Everything has changed.
Hon, that was a beautiful new piece
that you sent me, however I would hope
you understand why I could not
respond. It was salt in an open wound.
That you would send it to me as
you did tells me that you have not
listened. Promises made yesterday are
no good today. My night is ending.
You are a beautiful man...
You have my hopes that you will find the
peace you are looking for...you make me
smile always..and I need that
..thank you.
And to warped Kandi...you made me
laugh. Love you both. HUGS!
Friday, June 30~
Quiet now...Working on wedding pages.
Needing time to cry and can't even
find that.
15 phone calls between 8 & 9 a.m.
I don't even listen anymore. The neighborhood
is waking up slowly this morning. The
boy voices of Connor and Alex
seem shrill against the background quiet
and my stomach tenses hard and
quick at even the rumble of a passing
garbage truck. Gabe is banging
around in his crib and there are things
to do...things to do...things
to do.
I avoid looking up nowadays,
but it makes no difference whether I do
or not, for that which I would
see there is firmly planted in even
horizontal view. It is a vision which
has supplanted all else ~ all I
can see through the bars of this cage.
Yes, lion. Words my heart could
speak only in silence. You did well.
Please understand now that I can bear
no more.
Saturday, July 1 ~
I know what it is. I am Bill Murray
in "Groundhog Day."
I slide my mouse lightly, gently
tracing letters ~ searching for communion
and finding only its shadow.
Descend upon me quickly,
O thou gentle night!
Shield me with thy midnight cloak
And lift my soul in unseen flight.
Placating perhaps? A bittersweet tale?
A story that will never be written.
This made me smile ~
"I'll not listen to reason.
Reason is always what someone else
has got to say."
--Elizabeth C. Gaskell
"We find comfort among those who
agree with us - growth among those
who don't."
--Frank A. Clark
And to add a "Sage-ism"....We will
find our best friends among those
who can do both.
Lingering here longer than I should.
Clinging to this writing which is
the only thing that I can now live
for. I will have no space to do so
this weekend and I am loathe to
leave here just yet.
I would like to thank Diva Colleen
for reminding me of this ~
"Give sorrow words;
the grief that does not speak
Whispers the o'er-fraught heart,
and bids it break."
~ Shakesphere
~ Macbeth
When I have time, I will be
redoing my homepage. In the meantime,
I put all of my poems on a page
called Midnight Musings. The new
link can be found at the bottom
of this page.
I look out the window now,
knowing that in another lifetime I
was able to appreciate that gentle
green mist. Now there is nothing.
Hon, after tonight's reading, I can't
understand how you would ever expect
I could go back. Everything
has occurred exactly as I said it
would. If I left, if I stayed,
...the price to me would be the same.
I can bear no more and cannot
go back again ~ not even to read.
It has become too painful and too
much a reminder of the bleakness
of the rest of my life.
And if I may quote:
"Of all the things I have lost in
this lifetime, the loss of a
belief that things could ever be
good, right and wondrous was the one
which affected me most."
J James "Discards"
Sunday morning, July 16 ~
I tried to write last night, but simply
could not find words. Turning out
the light, I fell asleep quickly.
The day had been incredibly long and I
was exhausted. Nightmares startled me
awake twice. So vivid and real were they,
that I opened my eyes in panic ~
awake, but not yet able to realize
that that which had frightened me
was not real ~ and had not happened.
11 p.m. Sunday night ~
Thunderstorm...listening to windchimes ~
Between Darkness and Dawn
For me to share grief with the
one I love is not possible, hon.
You had a sunny side of alone.
I no longer do.
Written eons ago, or so it at least seems: To J ~
The Fledgling's Reply
Friday, July 21, 2 a.m. ~
Long day, but then again, I guess they
all are nowadays. Most free time today
spent script-searching. Going to
Saturday, July 22 Luau Day
11 a.m. ~ It is momentarily quiet.
The phone has stopped ringing. The
TV is off. Bruce took Gabriel to
Kaena's and Connor just left with Bob.
Toast made hours ago is cold.
Making fresh coffee.
What an incredible sound ~ this
silence. Sunlight flickering in and
out. I can hear a plane
somewhere. The windchimes are dancing in
the breeze. Birds chirping. Sounds
I rarely am able to enjoy.
It is almost amusing to note
how easy it is for those who are
standing atop the mountain to give
"friendly" advice. Unfortunately, for some,
there are obstacles that cannot be
"whistled" around. Moving on for the sake
of practicality does not mean one
"lives." It simply means one "exists."
Midnight approaches with little significance.
Thoughts run together and turn into
gray fog. Existing, but only just...
nothing more.
Monday, July 24 ~
More nightmares. I opened the backdoor of my
childhood home, not, this time to the
wolf, but to a monster in human form.
I woke up, wanting to go downstairs,
but afraid to do so...afraid I
would find him there. Before I woke
up this morning, I remembered the
place that the one who watched used
to send me to. If he is still
here with me, I need to go there
now, but forget how.
Tuesday evening, July 25 ~
Bunny's right. I'm trying terribly hard
to distract myself from pain and grief.
Not doing so well, I guess.
Installed Paint Shop Pro today and came
up with my first image for the Divas.
I will share it with you here.
Cartoons blasting in the living room.
Neighborhood kids using play equipment.
The backyard seems to have become a public
playground. Just sitting here ~
dreariness obscuring thoughts.
I did something this morning
that I don't normally do. Below you
will find a page that was
inspired by my friend, Ivy. Every Sunday,
she sends me inspirational poems and
stories and has sent some beautiful
photographs as well. I created a
page this morning using some of the
things she has sent.
You Are Loved
Sunday evening ~
An odd day, this...perhaps I will
write after the children are in
Monday, July 31 ~
Awake now, but still embraced by dream
impressions and feelings of sadness. The rain
outside my window matches the rhythm
of the teardrops within my soul.
I am reminded of Bunny's page ~
"In cyberspace no one can hear you scream..."
Tuesday, August 1 ~
Today is my father's 71st birthday. My
sister called yesterday. She doesn't think
he will see another year. After the
wedding, we will have to see if his
doctor will talk to us. Dad won't
say anything at all, but he is
deteriorating before our eyes. He and
Bruce are going to my niece's wedding
in Virginia and will leave Friday
morning. I hope he will let Bruce
drive. Sis keeps telling everyone how
busy she is. She has made no time to
see anyone. Before we hung up,
I told her that she simply has to make
the time because that will be the
one thing she will regret not doing.
Hon, thanks for listening to me
last night. I've tried so hard to
distract myself. It's just been
so difficult to concentrate on those
things I need to do lately.
It seems that every time a sense of
practicality touches me enough to allow
some detachment, something happens to
send me reeling back into the
endless pit of despair.
Wednesday, August 2 3:45 a.m.~
Returned after midnight from Albany.
Gret and I watched an old Bruce Willis
movie neither of us had ever seen.
She went up to bed before it was
over. I'm sorry I missed you, Bun.
Thank you, Vicki, for sending
Red Silk's url. Thankfully, I bookmarked
it, as my mail seems to be down again.
Tired. Going to bed. BTW, hon, get
rid of the anonymizer. It doesn't
become you.
Thursday, August 3rd~
Hectic morning with swim lessons, appt.
for oil change, Dad's Thursday visit.
Bruce is on his way home for interview
with local company. I think, in his
mind, he has already accepted it
without knowing the details. He wants
to be home. He and Dad will leave
for Maureen's wedding early Friday morning
and will not return until Sunday
evening, when Bruce will have to turn
around and head back to Massachusetts.
Gabe broke the 2nd living room fan
a few minutes ago. Not really any
time to write now. The squeeze is on.
Bruce took the job. He will
be back home for good in 2 weeks.
2 a.m. Friday, August 4 ~
I haven't had a best girlfriend since
I was little. I do now.
I love you, Bunny! I thank God for
the gift of your friendship every day.
Saturday, August 5 ~
Too busy to write much now. Rushing
morning coffee. Gabe is waking
up and I need to shower quickly. Had
to wake Gret at 5 this morning.
She had to open the restaurant this
morning. Janna and Chris will stop
by sometime today as they will be up
to make final preparations for
their wedding, now only two weeks away.
Will have to find time to type
up Bruce's letter of resignation today.
If you wish to know the true
character of a man, listen to how he
speaks of others.
Past midnight now. Just remembering.
Monday, August 7 ~
No time for anything this morning/
afternoon. Had to wake daughter up for
early shift at work, emails from son and
daughter concerning upcoming wedding,
getting Connor ready for birthday party
and chasing baby. Talked to my brother
in Virginia. He is calling Dad
today about meds and doctors. My father
should really be in the hospital
now. He should not be alone. I'm afraid
he is simply not going to wake
up. Tensions are high. Need to find
time to spend helping Janna tomorrow
after seeing eye dr. Whether or not
I will be able to do so depends
on Gabe's dad showing up as promised
to take him. P.S. After doing
some quick reading this morning, I
think Percodan Dan needs a refill.
Chill out a bit, hon, before you hurt
good people.
Did I ever mention that people
who honk their horns outside a house
drive me insane? Kind of like
dog owners who let their dogs bark
incessantly or walk them without
leashes and let them do their business
on your lawn, forgetting that the
grass will yellow almost immediately.
Visiting Diva Red Silk's pages tonight.
I hope she won't mind me borrowing
her favorite quote. It is appropriate.
"A friend is someone who knows the song
in your heart, and can sing it
back to you when you have forgotten
the words." ~
I read early this morning after
hearing from a few. I'm sorry to say,
hon, that you really did go over
the line. Sometimes you need to be
reminded that these people are your friends,
not just strangers with whom you joke and debate.
Fair and softly goes far...much farther than
hot-headed name-calling. And this
time, Offy is right...as is Z and so too,
Dragonsinger. Please take a step back.
If you think someone has incorrect
information, that is one thing. But
there is no one there who makes a
point of lying. You should know
that. I am not posting "again." I went
in because I was concerned. Perhaps
you should work this out in private.
Thursday morning, August 10 ~
Bleary-eyed, but needing to rush already.
Gabe has me paranoid. I cannot contain him.
Having nightmares about whether or not
I locked all the doors...afraid I will
wake up one morning and find him
gone. I put him to bed last night, went
to tuck Connor in, and Gabe
climbed out of his crib again. Had to
close his door and pray that I'd
be able to stay awake long enough for
him to finally go to sleep...and
still, I woke up during the night to
listen for him. The child is scaring
me to death.
Friday, August 11, 4.am. ~
Quiet now, as the baby finally sleeps.
A bittersweet moment for me, perhaps, as
you have saved yourself from yourself,
with a bit of help maybe, and I am
no longer needed. Acceptance is still
necessary. We shall see. You will not
remember what I said because you
were not listening. You know where
to find me should you need me.
The past few days were almost like
old times, but not quite, and I
cannot remain. 'Nite.
Not sure "fantastic" is the word I
would use. I could see a certain keyboard
littered with pulled hair and hear a low growl
coming from the throat of the typist.
However, company was kept and mood is
Woke up late. I've always hated
going to bed and ending the nights,
which are my time. I open my eyes
in the morning and within seconds I must play
twenty questions. This cat Connor found
lets him dress him up. We are
not having a cat. We are not having
a cat. We are not having a cat.
Almost amusing to find myself a
character in someone's favorite soap.
Do you keep a box of chocolates near by?
Monday, August 14, after 1 a.m. now~
Quiet. Listening to crickets. I can
hear my daughter turning the pages
of her book upstairs. Thoughts jumbled.
Recalling a touch...corners of my mouth
turned in a half-smile with nothing
to match it in my eyes...waiting with
irritation and impatience for the touch
to leave. Silent screams.
I wonder sometimes about the
differences between those who balance
thoughts of "me" with thoughts of
others and those who never seem to be
able to see much past the end of
their own noses. I live with one who is
of the latter variety. She does
not know me and makes no effort to do so.
Self-centeredness is a very unbecoming
trait when it is not balanced. If you are
on the receiving end of the attentions
of others and you do not return their
care, eventually you will lose that.
Giving requires stepping out of "me"
and into the other. There are those
who take easily, who receive easily,
but have no idea how to give to others.
I don't want someone asking me
what I want for my birthday. I want
that individual who wishes to give
me something to think about me...to pay
enough attention to me...to listen
to me...to know me well enough to choose
their idea of a perfect gift. What
that boils down to is TIME. There is
no gift more precious than time
spent on another. If that gift is not
given, then it is important to
understand that because all things are
connected, that lack of thought and
caring and time spent will eventually find
its way back to us.
There are those who will enter
a roomful of people and see faces, but
not souls. Don't be one of them.
Do not let yourself be filled with such
self-importance that you become
blind to those around you or careless
with them. Give the greatest gift
you can give...your time. In the end,
what you have given will be the
thing that fills you back up in the
eyes of the Creator.
A friend promised to take the little
ones today to give me some wedding prep
time. She never showed. I just don't
understand those who can so easily
blow off obligations and promises. If you
say you're going to do something, then
do it.
It's raining. Of course.
If you do not know your audience,
you will not have one.
You once listened to me. Remember
what I said about knowledge and wisdom?
Trying for a nap. Stop laughing.
Note: I did too take a nap, but do
you have any idea what horrible nightmares
can be caused by falling asleep
in the middle of the Democratic
National Convention?
Tuesday, August 15 2:45 a.m.~
Special note to "i": If I edited you,
what would happen? Glad your file transfer
is up and running again. Enjoy, but
don't over-indulge.
The sky begins to lighten. It is raining.
No more room. No more time.
Heavy machinery and jack hammers begin with
daylight as they ended the evening. All
original plans for the day are off.
The car is dead in a motel parking lot
in Massachusetts. Chris is driving down
to pick up Bruce. Gret has to go back
to Albany to meet them and pick
up tuxes. And as this week ends and
Janna and Chris begin their life
together, I am forced to enter a new
phase of my own life. There are
walls to be built. So many times have
I tried to lay the first bricks
and they have been kicked aside by me
or by another. But it is now time.
The events of the past few months placed
the heaviest of burdens upon my soul.
Even the sudden death of a loved one is
perhaps easier, for the finality is there.
The loss I suffered was the greatest of
my lifetime. Perhaps, I will write
more about this later, but for now, I
apologize to all who have suffered through
this with me and extend to you my
gratitude for not letting me give up on
Why did I become so angry?
Because there has been a dramatic increase
in the lack of regard for others.
There was a time when I could cajole
and calm, but now my appeals fall
upon deaf ears. I am saddened by the
departures of friends. I am saddened
that there is such a great lack of desire
to care. Almost a year of grief
and yet others are expected to
"get over it" while having their
noses rubbed in it. One needs to work
one's soul through the grief process,
but knowing there were those who cared
helped. You must expect to return the
same caring you received, otherwise
friendships simply deteriorate.
We must indeed be responsible for
the nurturing of our own souls, but
one of the ways we do this
is by observing the souls of those around
us. We see things in others
which we do not appreciate and we also
see attributes we admire. We then examine
our own souls to discover if there are
traces of those things we have
seen outside of ourselves. Then it is time
to shed that which is negative
and to create that which is positive
within ourselves. This is how goodness,
kindness and peace are perpetuated. Are we
responsible for other souls? Only in the
sense that if we have the ability to
nurture, we should use it.
Friday, August 18 ~
Up much later than I wanted. I was
at least able to determine there
was no validity to the reported slam by going
directly to the individual. Unfortunately
this type of misunderstanding seems to occur
frequently here in this venue. I could
point to 3 or 4 instances just in
the past couple of weeks where intention
was misunderstood. One came from an
entirely unexpected source. On the Net,
individuals must understand that if they
come to be known as game players or
are known as those who hide behind
available Internet resources, they will not
be trusted. This type of thing
was, perhaps, the most distasteful thing I
discovered on the Net. True misunderstandings
are just that. But the game players
are out there, to be sure. Honest
relationships are very possible between
people who venture here. Communication is
key, as is one's choice of words.
On a related note, it is easy
to offend unintentionally here. Observation
and consideration for others before
jumping into ongoing conversations is
necessary. Blatant disregard for others
can often cause problems and hurt for
those who do not deserve it.
The rehearsal dinner was really
pleasant, thanks to Gret and Wid.
As irritated as I have been
with Gretchen, I have to say that she
has been terrific to Janna in
helping with the wedding. Connor was
the gentleman that he usually is.
Very well behaved. I ate too much, but
I could eat buffet every night.
I couldn't understand why Chris's stepmom
questioned me about my desserts.
..until they came out with an anniversary
cake for Bruce and me. 27 years.
Gret insisted that Kate sleep here
tonight so she didn't have to worry
about waking her up. They will be
up within the hour to leave
for my father's where they will have
their hair done. Father O'Brien blabbered
so much during rehearsal that few
of us could tell if he was
joking or if he was being serious.
I met Chris's sister, Heather, for the
first time. Winona Ryder came to mind.
I came back to finish cleaning
up here and to give Connor a bath.
He was terrific with his ring bearer
walk down the aisle at rehearsal. Nate
and Mel are asleep in the living
room. We will be at the lake by 10 and
then to the church. I will stay
with my father until I see contentment
in his eyes that things have been
cleaned up, then we will host a
party for those who will stay for
an extra night. I'm beat. Need
to get to sleep before the girls'
alarms start ringing.
Sunday evening, August 20 ~
Saw my son and his girlfriend off a
short while ago. They were the last
to leave. The little ones are back
and so our naps are now over. The
wedding was a beautiful event and the
reception was terrific. Experiencing a bit
of an eye problem, so will try to
write a bit later as my vision returns.
Very early Monday morning, August 21 ~
can't write much now.. Vision is still not
back to where it should be and I
still need a bit more rest to
recover from the past week's activities.
As I knew it would be, my personal
space is now gone. I cannot write with
people looking over my shoulder. Not
sure what I will do now. My daughter
invited a friend over to join her
in a glass of wine. By the time he
arrived, Gabe woke up and threw up.
She came in from the porch where they
were sitting, but I told her I
would take care of it. She is lonely
and needs the company. I went upstairs
to bed, but came back down when I
heard him drive off. However, I'm
just sitting here thinking. I guess I
really am too tired to write.
Morning. Vision better and feeling a bit
more rested now. Tension is with me
as I come to the full realization that my
early mornings here are now truly gone.
I did manage a couple hours of sleep before
the wedding on Saturday. The weather
worries dissipated immediately as this
special day dawned sunny and bright...
cool for this time of year, but a beautiful
day. Bruce, Connor and I arrived at my
father's shortly after 10. As we pulled
into the drive, Janna and her bridesmaids
were being photographed near the corral.
What an exquisite picture the four of them
made! Janna, the most beautiful bride,
surrounded by her twin sister as maid
of honor, her younger sister and Chris's
sister ~ all pretty in pale pink.
Janna's hair was swept up with the veil
she made herself. Gretchen's blonde hair was
also worn in an upsweep and she
looked like a model for Bride magazine.
Little Kate with the curly hair wore her
hair down in ringlets and I was
struck by her charming fragility. Heather,
the character in the group, wears her
hair short and boyish and looked beautiful
and slightly impish and amused. I paused
for a minute or two to watch them
pose, then headed into the house to check
on my father, who is very ill
now. The long white limo appeared and
Chris's mom and I left with Connor
to await the bridal party's appearance at the
church where I was married and my
parents before me. We waved to Chris, who
was standing on the stone steps leading
to the church with his best man, my son
and the other usher, a friend of Chris's.
There was another photo session while
we waited. This time, Connor, the ring
bearer, joined the young men for photos.
Chris's mom is a sweet, shy, gentle lady
whose company was a comfort. The limo
arrived and a few brief minutes later,
the organ music began the Ave Maria
and the groom's mother started her walk
down the aisle. As she took her seat,
I entered the church on my son's arm. He
escorted me to the front pew where my father
and my inlaws were already seated. My
brother was doing videography out of the
goodness of his heart, as Janna and Chris
had decided against the additional expense
of hiring a professional. There was a
pause at the end of the Ave Maria before
the beautiful strains of Pachobel's Canon
were heard. Katie walked toward us
slowly, then Heather and as Gretchen entered,
we stood to watch. Gretchen, so
usually self-assured, was the most demure
as she tried to hide tears. Connor,
bearing the pillow, followed her. Gretchen
continued past us to ascend the steps to the
altar and take her place at Todd's
side. Connor, the serious little gentleman,
scooted in next to me. Then the
beautiful bride entered on the arm of her
proud father. He gently and ceremoniously
handed her to her husband-to-be and the
ceremony began. There was no Mass because
the priests in our little tourist town are
adamant about Sunday obligation. Janna's
godparents did the readings. The priest
spoke of their meanings and blessed the rings
in the hands of the maid of honor
and best man. We were asked to raise our
hands in a mutual blessing of the bride
and groom, who then stepped down from
the altar to speak gently their vows and
to exchange rings. And it was over!
Tissues for weepy eyes were put away and we
joined the wedding party outside for
the traditional receiving line. There was
another photo session, then we left for the
reception at my father's. There was a good
hour which passed before the limo arrived
and the party was already in full
swing under the tent which had been set
up on Dad's back lawn. The caterers
did a terrific job. The DJ played the oldies
but goodies through hors d'oeuvres
and cocktails, the anouncement of the wedding
party and parents, and through the buffet-style
meal. The much louder dance music
began after dinner and the dance floor filled
up immediately and remained filled for
the next few hours. Connor's dad stopped by
to pick him up around 2:30. The little
boy, whose behavior had been impeccable,
was tired and glad to see his father. The
caterers left around 5 and I began to
clean up the tables when I realized they were
not going to take care of that. My
concern was for my father, who had come out
a couple of times, but who was simply
exhausted from the strain of the week.
As guests began to depart, my brother and
other family members joined me in the
clean up. We left for home at 6:30 and
cars and people were waiting for us
as we pulled into the driveway. The car
was immediately surrounded by hands
eager to help unload. I know they saw my
eyes reaching half-mast and they took over
once inside, adding water to vases of
flowers, preparing food and drink. Gret was
understandably disenchanted with Chris's best
man and friends from his side who elected to
spend the evening at a local bar, however
her personal friends had joined us, as
well as many of Bruce's brothers and sisters.
As the evening went on and the
air grew chilly, I wrapped myself in a
blanket in my chair. The next thing
I knew, Nate was shaking me to go upstairs
to bed. The end of a special day.
So, now what?
I am hoping to be able to
work on a special page this week for
the wonderful ladies of Diva of the Net.
In the meantime, I would like to share
here some of the thoughtful gifts
they have sent me this week. It has
been a tough year for me, both
physically and emotionally. There is no
greater comfort than to know that
friends care enough to walk with you
when you become lost.
* 8/26/00 ~ Gift page is complete. You will
find it below.
Tuesday, August 22 ~
It is just past midnight now as I awaken
from the sweet slumber which is my last
place of refuge. Even now, at this
quiet hour, can I not relax. My daughter
speaks in her sleep. The baby changes
position in his crib. The music from this
page is barely audible as I listen
for other sounds which will obligate me.
I die a million deaths as I sit
here lost in thought and I am unable to move productively.
My thoughts stray to my childhood home
where my father sleeps alone. I worry
and wish I was there with him.
I did enjoy a call from my son
before supper (something which it seems I
am now forced to eat). He received
a promotion recently at his regular job and
is now Head of Engineering. He called to
let me know the company had activated
his cell phone. He is giving me my domain
name and giving me space on his
server as well, which will allow me to
work unencumbered by server regulated
advertising. The first company he formed will
reach a billion hits this week
and was Number 1 for July on a well-known
Internet hot pick site.
I managed to get through some email
today, but with so little free time now,
I am still playing catch up from this
weekend. It seems impossible that Connor
will begin 2nd grade in 2 short weeks.
It is as if summer did not occur
this year. Of course, with the need to
heat the house several times during
the month of June and nights in August
so cold that the heat is coming
on automatically, I guess it really
I had a visitor from naz.edu
last night. Nate suggested that it might
be Alison, who says I am well-known
at six degrees. Alison, that is Cousin
Kevin Bacon's fault, of course:)
And btw, Alison, he conveyed your
compliment...thank you!
Noon ~
No place to go. Followed from room to room.
Cartoons in living room. N Sync in dining
room. Jerry Springer, of all things, in
kitchen. Raining. Force fed food when
I'm not hungry. Yahoo mail down for
maintenance, so they say. Longing for
a place of my own. Bruce given new start
date of Thursday, but we will see,
as through an indiscretion, that may not
2 a.m., Thursday, August 24 ~
Today is my littlest angel's 19th birthday.
I opened my eyes a short while
ago from the only place left to hide.
I was disoriented and misread the
clock. Thinking it was almost 5 a.m.,
I almost dove for bed. I would
have lost these few precious moments of
alone and of quiet. The rain has
stopped and the fog is thick around the
lamp post. The rhythmic chirp of
crickets is slow and hypnotic. I dare
not make any sound that would disturb
and I resent this new tension.
I am a stranger in my own house
now and do not know how to explain
that I cannot go back.
I heard unexpectedly from one I will
never be able to erase from my being.
I didn't mean to lash out, but the
hurt won't go away.
It was good to talk to Hobbsie who
always makes me feel warm and comfy.
There was little sleep to be had
and I was up early, but have had
no time here today. I did manage
to catch Bunny, who was on her way
to register at the college. She's
excited and I'm tickled pink for her.
She starts classes on Monday!
Almost 7 p.m. So wonderfully quiet!
I've been working all day on the
promised gift page. I think I will
be working on it for awhile longer:)
(Thank you all for your thoughts)! I am
alone. Completely and utterly alone...all night
and most of tomorrow and it feels
Finished...well as much as a page is ever really done:)
Almost noon ~
Hated to oversleep so on this particular
day. I expect the phone will
ring momentarily to let me know of the
impending arrival of family members
who have been away for the weekend.
It was after 4 a.m. when Gret
returned from work. She is still asleep.
She has seemingly succumbed to
the persistent recruitment efforts of Mary Kay.
I think the lady noted the
physical beauty of the twins and simply
did not give up. My only concern
is how time spent on a second job will
effect me. My youngest informed me that
she has found a new roommate, so will
not be returning home afterall. It
is clouding up as I finish the Sunday
paper. The air is filled with the
laughter of children, the loud, rapid
chirp of crickets and windchimes which
speak of an approaching storm.
Spent afternoon uploading photos from
luau...a bit family lop-sided, but the
first bunch is up!
Luau Photos!!!
Monday, August 28, 5:30 p.m.~
I am finding it increasingly difficult to
be here. There is no hour left for me.
It is hard enough to complete a
thought while chasing Gabe, but do I
really need to be subjected to recaps
of the latest Homer Simpson rerun?
Wondering what is left of me and for me.
Just don't know anymore.
Tuesday, August 29, mid-afternoon ~
It is official ~ I now have a daughter
who is an "Independent Beauty Consultant" for
Mary Kay. Unfortunately, any free time
I have today will be spent nursing a pulled
back muscle...another Terrorist mishap, of
"The superior man is modest in his
speech, but excels in his actions."
Considering writing an ode to the man in
my life...Ben,
as in Ben-Gay.
Ouch! Playing soccer with Gabe and
waiting for my daughter to show up with
mattress she borrowed. When Gabe goes
down for his nap, so will I. Can't sit.
Can't stand. I am bleary-eyed. My apologies
~ pagers are off for now 'cause
I simply cannot move.
Reading with squirmy Gabe. Kate has come
and gone and the front porch is now
adorned with mattress and box springs.
"To know what is right and not
do it is the worst cowardice."
Gret was off today and Bruce had
no work. Car inspection appointments, and a
trip to the Great Escape by them helped me
maintain sanity. Although, as I write this,
Gretchen is off visiting a friend and Gabe
is awake early from his nap and
screaming. TAG! I'm it!
Friday afternoon, September 1 ~
Good to see you back, Nola. I haven't
heard from Gabe's dad since the wedding,
nor Connor's either. Our little Terrorist
had another accident this morning. He had a
temper tantrum when I wouldn't let
him have something on my desk. He flopped
himself on the floor, smashing his nose
and mouth on an old Sesame St. trolley
car. There was blood everywhere. But...
within a minute or two, he'd stopped
crying and was fine. Just another calamity
in the life of Gabe.
Keep hoping to see a lightbulb go on,
but it just isn't happening.
Now that the wedding is over, I will
be working on several projects. Safe School
Week is approaching and I will be adding to
the Teen Pledge page. I will also be
working on the long-promised gender pages,
as well as revamping my index page,
which was put up when I knew very little
about webpages. Fortunately, since that
time, I have met some wonderful people
with much knowledge and know I can rely on
most of them to help me if I
get stuck. Keep in mind that I still
need to spend "quality time" with a
certain terrorist, as well as homework
time with a gifted seven-year old, and,
also, that I now have an additional member
of the family at home. The going will
be slow.
Sigh ~
Possibly even slower now. Gret called. Some
idiot hit her car in Albany as she
was pulling up to a friend's house to visit
the friend's new apartment. She banged
the heck out of her knee. The idiot Albany
cop (and believe me, they are idiots),
refused to give the guy a ticket because he
didn't see it happen. Now I am seeing me
walking Connor to school, insurance rates
jacked even higher, car in the shop, etc. If
it will happen to anyone, it will
happen to Gretchen. Always.
I received a terrific letter tonight
from a young visitor to the Teen Pledge.
This page has been particularly active in the
past month or so and I am hoping,
as I said, to add a few things of interest
to that page. Thanks for visiting, Shannon!
Saturday afternoon, September 2, ~
Except for the kids in the pool out
back. it is fairly quiet. Gabe is
napping. Bruce, who is on call this
weekend, is also napping. Gret returned
to work. It has been a very inactive
day for me as I alternate between here
and the couch ~ not comfortable in either
spot for long. Been doing a bit of research
surfing as I gear up to work on
sections of this site. The past couple
of weeks have been frustrating with
no time left for quiet contemplation.
I find myself withdrawing further
from interaction with all but a few. Even
the doors to the little spaces I
once could create seem locked.
Watching lightening as the storm that hit
a short time ago, moves on. We haven't
had a really good storm in a couple of
years. This one was unusual, with black
clouds rolling in from the north. Connor
and I sat on the porch and watched
our little street turn into a river. We
have always been a thunderstorm family.
Sunday morning, September 3 ~
I'm not much on reclining, which seems to
be all I've done for the past few days.
Odd, grunting sounds grabbed my attention.
Someone had left the television on and I
watched the final few moments of a
movie set in the time of the very early
beginnings of human language. There seemed
to be significance in the main character's
departure from all she'd known to follow
the "Great Bear." Gabe was awake and
chattering and I sat here for a bit, reading.
I headed upstairs to bed shortly
after 4, but found sleep illusive. I must
have just drifted off when Gretchen burst
into the room in tears. After an hour
commute home from work, she'd stopped at
a local grocery store to pick up
a few things. She returned to the car and
as she exited the parking lot, something
clicked and the car died right there on the
spot. She was forced to push the car back
into the parking lot and walk home.
It would appear the accident caused much
more damage than was originally thought.
The left front tire mechanism is now
spinning in neutral. The cop who took
the insurance card of the individual who
hit her better have that insurance
information entered on the police report.
Because the cop refused to give a ticket
to the guy who hit her, she will need
a lawyer. In the meantime, she is left with
no way to get to work and no
way to get Connor to school. After I
absorbed all of this new irritating
information, it was close to 6 a.m. before
I was able to get back to sleep,
thankful that it was my mother-in-law who gave
birth to 11 children...and not me.
Following the "Great Bear" seems a more and
more attractive option.
Had Connor call his dad to touch base.
Bob asked him to spend the night. Connor
was delighted, of course. I'm not calling
Gabe's dad. He doesn't quite get it
yet. Boys need their dads. When fathers
must pay support, they seem to equate
children with money, rather than time.
4 a.m., Monday, Sept. 4 ~
Woke up from my spot on the couch as
Ms. Sunshine came in from work. A
few minutes here, then refilling the hot water
bottle and heading to bed. For those of you who
know "ivysgirl," her dad passed away a
week ago Saturday. If you wish to send
her a note, she can be reached
at "ivysgirl@yahoo.com". Ivy, hon, I've been
working on your promised pages and
hope to get them up tomorrow. I finally was
able to catch Herb's Jetta commercial
~ all 15 seconds of it. Bunny informs me
that the movie I woke up to was
"Clan of the Cave Bear." As soon as I
can carve me a pair of crutches out of
that old limb, I'm headed out his way.
My knapsack is packed and ready to go.
As the Bobbsey Twins return, I'm outta there.
And so it begins again.
Finally. Bravo.
Now perhaps a recital of the Golden Rule?
Or is that not applicable?
Nola, I promise I will write.
I'm glad you heard from Gabe's dad.
It would be nice if Gabe did.
Apologize for the inconvenience. After
suffering through 5 or 6 fatals this morning,
I am turning off all pagers. Have a
feeling that aol IM is the culprit,
although it was nice to finally catch Nate.
The first school night. Gret having
her car towed. Bruce home again because
there is no work. Quiet for a few minutes,
but so little time here anymore.
After 2 a.m., Wednesday, September 6 ~
Hitting the sack now. I did manage to catch
up on a little work after all went to
bed. Good to talk to Rosie...thanks
for the thoughts, hon. Bunny, I left you
a little gift at my forum. It was
also good to chat with Bar yesterday. It's
been a couple of months at least.
Bar, please tell Ron not to send me email with
his entire list. I'm sure he didn't think,
but there is one new on his list that
I really don't need to see there.
Glad you got back alive, Z-Dr. Sorry I
missed you this morning.
This day has been so long that I
barely remember the beginning of it.
Will write after kids and Bruce are
in bed, which I hope will be soon. I have
a headache. And there is one who must learn
to think of others and how what you
do and say in self defense may effect them.
I will say no more here.
Thursday, September 7, 10:30 a.m.~
I was unable to return here last night.
Disturbing events and early morning conversations,
while not atypical, serve to remind
of tangled webs. Mysticlady wisely reminds how
individuals often fail to put themselves in
the positions of others; that often what
is seen is only what applies to oneself...and,
yes, to heck with everyone else.
Unfortunately, because of that very fact, her
statement will not be viewed as applicable.
2 p.m.~
The quiet and few minutes of alone time I
anticipated an hour from now flew out
the window as the door opened a few minutes
ago. Home already.
I was able to work briefly during
the naps of others on additions to the Teen
Pledge. The Albany cop fudged the police report
...putting down erroneous info. Gabe
appears to be ill...not sure what the
problem is, but he would not leave
my lap.
Bright sun and ladder shadows, frosty morning,
leaves beginning to turn ~ cider time is
here and hot air balloon placards adorn store
windows. Dad visited yesterday and looked much
better, but his new generosity speaks volumes.
I waited only for a sign of sincerity
in words, but they were just words, made
meaningless by actions. Months of wrath and
anguish, seemingly proper and fitting for
one, have been disallowed for another.
So be it.
A refreshing break in my daughter's
schedule will allow me to move early and
with freedom today. Unlike most days she has
had off, it is not raining, and I
will spend the day outside with the camera.
Back now, but fresh air-ravenous and
line-dried cotton sheet sleepy. A perfect,
end-of-summer day.
Saturday, September 9 ~
Only here for a few. Fell asleep on the
couch only minutes after dinner last
night. I woke up at quarter to five,
got Gret up for work, and climbed into
bed. Everyone was gone when I woke up.
The past couple of hours have been lazy and
slow with few disturbances, but time
is now a'wasting and I need to move in order
to make good on promises to myself.
To the one who called me hypocrite, I will
say here that nothing could be farther from
the truth. What I write of here is my
personal search for balance. What occurred
the other night was the result of
my allowing myself to be used as a "sounding
board," as one referred to it, perhaps once
too frequently in a too short period
of time. I prefer to think of it as the
shoulder I offer those I care about.
A shoulder which will always be there for
anyone who needs it. This time, I found
myself in a wrong place at a wrong time.
And yes, I became suddenly very angry at
continued blindness and disregard, not only
toward me, but for so many who have noted
or who have been hurt by recent
blithe indifference. Unfortunately, the responses
were no more than proof of the truth of my
words. It saddens me that a simple prayer
for kindness to be shown toward others has
always been regarded as a control issue.
True colors were shown by those replies
and as long as things remain as they are,
growth will stagnate. It is as it is.
And now I'm out of here until tonight.
Break somewhat abbreviated by Gabe's
behavior. No surprise there, of course.
Connor is begging that Gabe stay home for
the picnic tomorrow. That may be wise.
Sunday evening ~
Outside with Gabe for a good share of the
day. I worked on the Teen Pledge page
when Gabe went down for his nap. Although I
needed to do that, I was aggravated with Yahoo.
First on my list was to finish pages
for Ivy's dad and I couldn't get into my mail
for needed info. Gret is on her way
home and Bruce was called into work for the
night - a good thing, as he was not scheduled
for Monday. Bath is running for the
boys and they are eating supper.
Monday, September 11 ~
Just one of those kiddie days, which Bunny
can attest to. She hung up on me after the
10th rendition of the Barney theme
song, but...hey...admit it...she did enjoy
dressing Little Bear:)
Tuesday evening ~
Family schedules have altered much. Yahoo is
still giving me problems, although I think
I was able to delete enough so no one
will get anything thrown back at them.
It has, however, deterred me from some Diva
activities. I did manage to work for my son for
a short while. I expected to hear from him
today and did not. Mel, get after him
for me, k? As I am gearing up to work on
gender pages, I have been a recent
poster at the eleven o'clock feminist board
which Bunny had me start reading when
it first started. I just didn't have time
before the wedding. Have a feeling though,
that Jack is afraid of me:) I won't
spend much time there. Tired of people like
robot who use the power they feel hiding
in front of their monitors as a tool to hurt.
Nothing has changed elsewhere from what I hear.
Nola, Ed called and will be taking Gabe
tomorrow. I guess.
Hon, why are you here? Why?
It just makes everything so much harder for me.
I've tried so hard and keep getting drawn back,
only to get hurt over and over. What
am I supposed to do? Or did you just
come back to laf, to gloat, to continue
the conversation from the other night?
I truly don't know anymore.
After midnight. Tired, I guess. The day
was hectic and stressful. Oddly, the only quiet
part of the day was when Gabe and I were here
alone. I used that time to take care
of business matters. He is always at his
worst when others are around
and the house was full during the
afternoon and evening. Bruce's new job and
work schedule are throwing everything out of
kilter and I am turning inward and hiding
there. It is hot and humid and dripping from
earlier rain and I wish I was at the lake.
Here comes the rain again.
Wednesday, September 13, 10 a.m. ~
Getting somewhat growly as I wait for Gabe's
dad's promised "early" phone call. I have things
to do, but I suppose it is too much
to ask him to get out of bed before noon.
Today on Oprah: Gary Zukav
Still waiting for something ~ not sure what.
Bun, what's going on? Ah! Vet-type emergency.
Glad to hear that all is well.
Don't understand why there is so much
traffic at L&S. There is nothing left to be
said there. Nothing at all. This is
all that remains. Laf & Sage
Not doing real well emotionally tonight,
so will stay away for a few hours, I guess.
Boy...is Hillary blowing it, or what? Not
that I expected anything different.
Waited forever for Gabe to be brought back.
It was late & I dozed off. A couple of
hours later, I woke up to all 3 ~ Gabe, Ed & Kaena,
in the living room. It seems there
was a bit of a vehicle violation. They left
and I was able to put Gabe to bed immediately.
Long day with much to be done away
from here and family issues have been emotionally
Thursday evening ~
Back later, perhaps. Working on pages for Ivy.
Oh, lion. No quarrel here either. Just
tremendous loss and sadness. I'm tired too, hon.
So very tired. I hurt more than you will
ever know.
All are in bed now. Too tired
to write now, though.
For Ivy
3 a.m. ~
You do realize I wouldn't fill out that
survey for anyone but you, don't you,
Bun?:) Will write later today. Watched
Opening Ceremony for Olympics with Connor.
Course I had to wake him up to watch the
torch being lit. Worked away from puter
today as bugs seem to hit everything from
mail to tripod to ITW to stats. Gret &
Bruce both will be up in an hour to
get ready for work. Alone with kids
Saturday night ~
No schedule at all anymore. Bruce came home
to eat dinner and go to bed. Gabe
is chattering away in his crib. I got up very
late this morning after trying to watch
Olympics ceremony with Connor. Connor had already
gotten dressed and had headed out to play with
Alex. Gabe was yelling, so I had to bring him
down immediately. Was about to call Connor
in to watch Gabe so I could shower, when Bob
called to say he would be picking
Connor up to spend the night. I asked him
to stay long enough for me to shower,
which he did. Took Gabe for a walk in the
stroller, then let him play out back for a
couple of hours until naptime. He is much
more controllable if no one else is here. Wouldn't
eat his supper, though. Bun, sorry I missed you.
Howard, thanks for the help. Thank God I
caught Janna. She sent me one wedding photo close
to 1000k. I've had enough probs with yahoo...
don't need any more. Others are experiencing
hitbox probs for those of you who are interested.
Really nothing more than a what's happening post.
No thoughts..no feelings. Does that make everyone
happier? Here I am ~ one who fell out of a tree
while helping someone climb up.
Sunday morning, September 17 ~
Up early this morning. Gabe was just waking
up, but was content to stay in his crib for
awhile. Connor returned later than
expected. Now there are cartoons to my left and
'N Sync to my right. The day is gray
and cool. The heat was on when I came
downstairs. Reading about the decision of the
local United Way to continue funding for
Boy Scouts. Wondering why support is being dropped
elsewhere using public funding isses as a
basis for decision. Tax payer monies support
hateful and obscene art. Seems a bit hypocritical
to me.
Hope, why did I have a feeling this
would make me cry before I even went?
It's really hard...never had anything hit
me like this before. Thank you for thinking
of me, hon.
Yesterday When I Was Young
Happy Birthday, Draggie ~ wherever you are.
I received a request today from Dr. Ron Bissell
to link him to my pages. I will let you
check him out and see what you think. I will
not post a permanent link to any "spirituality"
site whose major purpose is to sell, so I will let
you be the judge.
Inner Voice
I truly have lost most of my time
here. What's worse, I guess, is that I've
lost desire to continue. All I said would
come to pass, did. But the knowing doesn't
help. There almost seems to be a deliberate
attempt to misunderstand and I've had
to deal with vindictive behavior that I never
Sunday, September 24 ~
Been working for, if not with, my son for the
past week. Other than that, not much
to say, I guess. So much has changed and I'm
trying to deal. Bunny, I will never be
able to thank you enough for sticking by me.
I guess this is when you figure out who
cares and who doesn't.
Hobbsie, I know it was the last thing
on your mind, but, hon, the next time you send
me mail, please don't disclose your
entire list. I really don't want to know your
new additions. It hurts, Ron.
Nola, I apologize for not being here.
It may interest you to know that Kaena called out
of the blue last week. She surprised the heck
out of me by asking to take Gabe and keeping him
for 2 days. Course I don't know if Ed asked her
to call...haven't heard from him at all,
so it's possible, I guess. Gabe has changed a bit
in the last couple of weeks. He's been
more congenial and cooperative.
Hope, your butterflies are free.
For Sherry ~
For Shelby ~
For Baby Cassidy ~
May they all rest in peace.
"I am the schnook... When I was a youngster, one of the epithets with which we used to inflict verbal stings upon one another was the Yiddish term, "schnook!" It was not a nice term, but as insults go, it was several steps below some others we often used for one another. A schnook is a fool... or, more accurately, someone who is stupid or an unimportant person. It is that plain and simple. Some words have changed meanings over the years, but not the old reliable verbal put down, schnook. Once, saying that someone is "bad" had a negative connotation. Now it is a positive thing to be. A "geek" went from being someone special and unique to a very negative appellation somehow. I am not really sure when and how that happened. How does one become a schnook? It's really simple in terms of human relationships. Here are the steps: TRUST... This is the first step on the journey to total schnookdom. All one need do is to allow another person to gain your trust. We begin with total trust as children but life soon cures us of that shortcoming. Somewhere about the second or third grade, our best pal claps us on the back and says something nice to us; meanwhile, he or she is sticking a "Kick me" sign on our back. At that moment, we begin to experience what it means to be a schnook and to lose faith and trust in our "friends." There seems to be a direct mathematical connection between placing trust, the degree and depth of intimacy of the friendship and the alacrity with which that trust is breached. As we grow older, the "Kick me" signs are no longer printed. They are now more often inscribed on our soul by those we dare TRUST! When we TRUST, we set ourselves up to be a schnook. CARE... To care indicates a desire to share a part of your innermost being with another and to share in them. What happens to them becomes almost as important, if not more than, what happens to us. Caring places another person in a position of being equal to, or more important than, ourselves. It also allows others to tag us as a schnook. COMMUNICATE TRUST AND CARING... As soon as we let our tormentors-to-be know that they have our trust, it is as if a compulsion grabs him or her, driving that person to impale us on the trust we grant them so freely. Sometimes those wounds are soul deep and fatal. The one with the wound is then a schnook in his/her own eyes and those of others. STRUGGLE WITH THE INEVITABLE... When we determine that we are in a position that leads us into appearing a schnook, we are often just like a fish that has just bitten down on what appeared to be a fat, juicy worm. He is caught and all his struggles manage to do is to excite and entertain the guy with the fishing rod. It is a sad truth. There are those who take some perverse pleasure in reeling us in. They abuse our trust, caring and willingness to communicate our feelings. They may as well take a bucket of the brightest vermilion red and paint the words, "This is a schnook," across our foreheads. Do these things and I will guarantee you that you are in an almost dead certain position to be made to appear a schnook. It is sad, but it is true. How does one become something other than a schnook? It's really simple. You must trust, care and communicate your caring and trust. Wait!?!?!? That is the same thing that leads to someone being a schnook. Isn't it? Of course it is. But the difference is monumental. "What is it?" you may ask. In my experience, it almost always is within the control of the one(s) we trust, care about and tell about our caring and trust. What they do with these precious gifts we grant to them out of love, friendship or even blood relationship determines if we are among the luckiest folks alive on the planet or if we are simple, everyday schnooks. Our other friends may rally to support us. They may even offer encouraging words to prop us up, but they recognize that the need for such sage platitudes derives directly from their own recognition that they see us, as do others, as we are, a schnook. Use wisely your freedom of choice when you deal with another human being. The choices you make will determine if that person is to see him/herself as a schnook or benefit greatly from your reciprocated trust, caring and communication of these things. Your choice may also make the one you reject or demean appear to be a schnook to others. Is that what we really want to do those who trust us, care about us and even communicate that caring and trust to us? Our playground days are behind us. Making another into a schnook for even what we consider to be the purest of motives at the time we do so is not something for which any of us should strive. We schnooks owe it to you to let you know these things."
Words uttered by Sir Loin of Laf-a-lot.
Interesting, wouldn't you say?
Like I said, hon...ok for you,
but not for me?
Soooo. What do I do now? Keep tryin' to
figure that part out. Not too much comes to mind.
What do I do, Hon? I just don't know.
Friday, September 29 3 a.m. ~
I've been sitting here for the past couple of hours
just rereading and feeling... Not even thinking
really. Too tired for that. Mom would have been 70 today.
Happy Birthday, Mom. Going to bed.
3 a.m., Saturday September 30 ~
I see Tripod is again amusing itself with the
logo on the cursor. I don't want
to offend anyone who uses those, but I have a
hard enough time seeing the cursor arrow
without having the point obliterated by some cute
little image atop it. I find it vastly
Sitting here in the dark. Correspondence I once
looked forward to, this time about nothing much,
and I catch my breath, trying to prevent
inevitable tears. Even now, at this hour,
I must watch the clock. It has become necessary
to sneak into bed. And now, as I write
this, he awakens. So much has changed and yet
nothing has.
Sunday, October 1, 2 p.m.~
I haven't been able to access Tripod since early
Saturday. Now, as I am getting ready to leave,
I am finally able to get in. Oh well. Later ~
3 a.m., Oct. 5th ~
Need to sleep. Only here for a minute.
This hour is my only quiet time now, almost
peaceful, but not really anymore. Even at this
hour, I am filled with a sense of
urgency ~ a need to hurry. Bruce's alarm goes
off at 4. Enjoying a second glass of cider
while I finish up the day. Gret, Kate & I
went to the orchard on Sunday. The day
was beautiful and apples were plentiful. A
door slams and opens and slams shut
again ~a pager ~ and I wonder what you are
doing. I miss you.
I've been working with graphics and new
pages for the past couple of days as Tripod would
allow. I will post new urls as pages are
complete. You are back. I do still need
you there. And now ~ sleep, before tears return.
3:30 a.m.. Friday, Oct.6 ~
This time is not to be tonight. Daughter just
home from work. Baby awake. Bruce's alarm
about go off. The sound of the rain will help
me sleep, at least. A tooth fairy night.
Did you know front teeth are worth $5 now?
For two & a half decades I accepted
my discontent. It was, after all, decisions I'd
made that were the cause of it.
Although I could not completely disregard that
part of me, I did manage to ignore it
~ to talk myself into believing that it was my
fate & to delude myself into thinking
it was not a necessary and important part of
living. I filled my days with the
issues of everyday life, with raising my children,
with school & community involvement,
with immersing myself in my many interests.
There were exhilarating moments. There was
even laughter. As long as I refused to stand
back & look at the whole of it and instead
spent my time on the bits & pieces, I
could survive. I accepted this. Until that part
of me that I'd pushed away came out
of hiding to stand in front of me, refusing to
let me shove it out of sight again.
What was this thing suddenly standing in front
of me? It was the exquisite realization
that there really was someone I could love with
the whole of my being. It is impossible
to go back to the way I was. Oh, I can still
find enjoyment or laughter in a moment,
but this will always be in front of me ~ the
vision of that beautiful hand-blown glass bubble
shattered in a million pieces on the
path before me. No, hon. Just as loving is
not always a choice, misery is not always
a choice ~ when, to alleviate it would create it
for another.
My daughter seems to be succumbing to
Mary Kay philosophies. The other day she told me
that there are ducks and then there are
eagles. "Dad is a duck," she said.
Gabe's dad called a few minutes ago.
He has half day of work tomorrow and wants to
take his son for a few hours. He
said I won't hear from him for at least the
next week because Melissa is due. I
asked when was the last time he'd seen Gabe
and he couldn't even remember, but
said he'd sent Kaena to take Gabe instead. I
told him I need him for the 4th
of November and reminded him that Kaena will be
in Hawaii. He said he'd start working
on it. Doesn't he realize he does not have a
I've had icq off for the past couple
of days because I needed my full screen to work
with graphics. I ended up with a fatal
when I tried to turn it on yesterday, so left
it off. Will try to run it again
later today.
7 p.m.~The time of day I detest the most.
It is this time that causes me to hide in sleep.
3:30 a.m., Saturday, October 7 ~
Timing seemed so perfect tonight until I suffered
3 fatals and found more missing posts
at forum. Gabe has been awake for an hour &
Gret's alarm goes off in 45 minutes.
Bruce's beeper has not sounded. He will be home
today, I guess. The fire siren is sounding again.
Wherever the fire is, it is close. Might
as well hit the sack. It is too late to
accomplish anything tonight and tomorrow will be
a total wash, of course.
I wish you would understand it is
the use of the possessives, but then, your compassion
has always had limits.
6:30 ~ Ya know...sometimes I just wish there
was no such thing as me.
Wedding Page
Below you will find a link to my beloved
friend's Library. Mr. James, affectionately known
as Laf, is a gifted Master of Words. He will
tickle your funny bone, implore you to
think and share his spirit with you. After you
have visited his Library, please feel free to wander
around at his site. You never know what
you might find there. While you are there, be
sure to sign up to receive his Laf Lions,
a look at life as he sees it.
We would love to have you join us at our forums,
as well. We each have our own, but we
share many of the same posters. No clique here...
We welcome all and we truly enjoy hearing
from all of you!
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