Would It Were Yesterday
Oh, why can't it be just yesterday, my love?
Could September again be only once just May, Love?
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If Friday should be Tuesday,
My hair still bright and not gray, Love?
If I could rewrite the story
And the chapters were different
Of the book that is me, Love
Who now would I be, Love?
Oh, why can't it be just yesterday, my love?
In the mirror is a stranger
With no lines upon the face
No sadness written in the eyes
No one sees me
The one with the sparkling eyes
The one I watch dance
The one who used to be me.
If I could somehow forget
All I regret, my love
If I could turn back the time
Would you and I still rhyme, Love?
If misery had been joy,
And fate was not sorrow, Love
If today was not yesterday
Would you be here tomorrow?
The shoulders are straight.
Such an abandoned and wanton gait!
No care that I'm here
Envying the laugh without fear.
If my heart had then known
What it meant to be free, Love
Would it still be your smile?
Would I still be me?
Would I still be me?
Would you still be you, Love?
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Would it were yesterday?
C. Brimmer 2000
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We Love You, Ivy!
The Sunny Side
of Alone
You Are Loved
This Road Toward You
A Touch of Whimsey
The Child's Dream
After All
A Dream Without Words
Do Not Take Me Dancing
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Would It Were Yesterday
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