There was no map for me to follow
On this road toward you.
You did not hang a welcome sign.
After all, there was naught to renew.
But I carefully wrapped all I had to give
in a knapsack fashioned from sunbeams
~ courage, love, trust, hope & dreams
And set out on this road toward you.
I could see you o'er the miles and miles
Of deep valleys, mountains, of rivers Nile
I would have to climb and have to cross
On this, my journey toward you.
Shoulders once straight were bent in defeat
Loneliness had replaced your smile.
And your bitterness deepened
As I traveled hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of miles.
My way was fraught with wrong turns and falls
Darkness in monster form leapt in front of me
I even thought you might have sent them all
To keep me from my road to thee.
And now, as I lay my knapsack at your feet,
I smile as you accept a gift or two from me.
We are alone, but we are not.
These are gifts which will ne'er be forgot.
My journey is not yet over ~ nor can be yours,
It's hard to stay strong when "alone" fills the hours.
I thank you for knowing what I needed too.
For I have rediscovered me ~ on this road toward you.
To J ~ Keep that knapsack close at hand because inside you will find what you need while you search for answers. You have given each of us our own. This one is for you. Smile for me, hon.
C. Brimmer 2000