2 a.m. Friday, November 3 ~For Bunny especially, but for everyone else too:I can't really describe this feeling of drowning ~of being swallowed whole. Some of you have been thereand just know.
I really don't have much time hereanymore. This is a public private space, if thatmakes any sense. I know those of youwho come and go.
Some of you come to see what's upwith Sage just because you're bored and no onehas posted at Laf's for awhile.*Clarifying: no posts in the past 5 minutes or so*Some come to make sure I'm ok.Some because they really don't care, but find me acuriosity.
I find some of you a curiosity as well.Like watching one I know in "Would It WereYesterday" for so long and wondering what yourthoughts were while you were there. It is a sad "poem."Do you have regrets, too?
After 3:30 now. Little time left to write.Of all the things that have occurred in the pastfew years, the one to effect me most wasthe loss of my lion. This one loss is the one that effectsme every minute of every day. The one who usedto rush back from a trip to talk to me andwho now no longer even visits these pages becausedistance and situation got in the way andsomeone else was available when I could not be andhow could I ever hope to compete with that?I couldn't. My God, it hurts so damned much.And now, an alarm goes off and I must go. I no longereven have the middle of the night.
It was within the context of that unexpectedcompanionship that I found a sweetnessI'd never known. It was a rebirth of the childand an exploration of the woman; a renewed delight inintellectual exercise and I learned how to put theusually-too~serious Sage away every oncein awhile and just laugh. There were storms of course,and the path was not always clear. Butpersistence always cleared that path. Even throughtears, I still smile at the memory of beingoverwhelmed by an exquisite sense of thepeace which came ~ even if, for me, it was to beshattered.
And shattered, it was. I've always beenable to pull seemingly hidden strength fromwithin to do what has been necessaryfor family, for friends. I've relied on no onebut myself through the years. But suddenlyit was me who was drowning. I knew I loved, butdid not even begin to comprehend the magnitudeof the strength which came from that loving.~ until I lost one I love.From gray to bright colors...to black.
I lost the will to deal with the strugglesof daily life. It is still there somewhere, for if itwasn't, I would not be here. I wish I could sayotherwise, but the bleakness of spirit remains withme. I try to tell myself that I will somehowfind new purpose, something which willdiminish the sadness and emptiness I feel, but I donot know what that thing could be.Tomorrow is only today again.
1:30 a.m. ~ Short nap. No one here takes my need for occasionalsleep seriously. It bothered Gretchen notat all to come home and complain about things notbeing ready for tomorrow. Upset becauseI hadn't packed Gabe's bag, because I hadn't washedher clothes with the other 6 loads Idid today. Bunny taught me how to make martinis,flowers and mugs of beer on msn messenger.Everyone is asleep, including Katie, who is onthe couch in the living room.
The silence is thick and heavy like fog.All thoughts and impressions merge into a nondescriptmass of feeling. I look toward the light wherethere is only a silhouette which does notsee me anymore.
I fold laundry. A robot.
2:30 ~I hear Gabe sucking on an empty bottle.
5 a.m. Sunday, November 5 ~
I tried. Really. Did Scout stuff withConnor while fixing kids' dinner, then stoodand spoon-fed me while they ate.Coffee didn't help. Can't hold my eyes open &my head hurts. Need to sleep for awhile even though Ihate to waste the quiet. I'm no good like this.It just always takes so long to fall asleep.Same visions & thoughts haunt me constantly. Ican't breathe & there is no peace.
Monday, November 6 ~Tomorrow is "National Housewives' Day????"
Of course, "feisty" can change at a moment'snotice after visiting where I haven't been fora month. Only read a couple of threads so as toavoid more pain. Just wanted to make sure youwere alive. I miss you, lion. You sound tired.
Almost 5 p.m. ~My daughter is gonewith the baby for a few hours & Brucewill leave for work at 5:30.I have Connor, but his dad will pick him up forCub Scouts an hour or so from now. Janna setthings in motion and we will meet with an attorneyon Saturday morning. Little Eddie juststopped by with a birthday party invitation forConnor. I'm not sure how to work that asI will be in Rochester to see my son's play.Lion, I so wish for your sake that I couldspeak the words you want to hear, but I cannot.How can a heart so full feel so empty?
I fill my days with busy work. Nothing has meaning.There is little laughter & certainly no joy.
Wednesday,Nov. 8, 8 a.m. ~`Groaning as I wake up to a New York under Hillary.Thanks go to those voters who think lyingand deception are acceptable qualities in ourleaders.
Strange to notice changes in myself lately.I left yesterday to run errands, then vote.I suddenly became aware of the slownessof my pace. Shoulders slumped and head down tohide tears behind sunglasses. This is not the methat always was. I once walked purposefully withhead held high.
6 p.m. Hard for me to be here today. Needed to getout and just walk for a bit. There was a surrealfeel to everything, as though I was walking throughsome third dimension. Seeing things, but detachedfrom all of it.
So many thoughts today...so many emotionsI need to put into words, but haven't been ableto do so. How do I speak of the need to screamout in pain and to beat clenched fists onsomething...anything...?
Friday, November 10 ~Sitting among piles of paperwork...N Sync blasting...Gabe alternating between table dancing andcrying for unknown reasons...no school for Connorand the living room looks like a bomb went offin there. Connor records screams andreplays them. I am still reeling from beingkicked while I am close to being as far downas a human spirit can go.
Tickled with the talent Bunny's son is showingin the graphics department. He has the ability togo far:)
Ryan was the bright spot of my afternoon.As soon as I size some pics down, I'll show youwhat he did. With what is ahead of me tomorrow,I can't do it now, however. Planned a bath forthe boys. Wasn't sure I'd be able to follow throughas the bathroom fluorescent went out. Nota bulb problem...just this old house. I threwMary Kay at the ceiling and the light came on This after having Connor's car stolen off the porch.Didn't call the cops. Too tired. Too much to doand frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn.
1:30 a.m., Saturday, November 11 ~Napped briefly, but have finally reached the lastfew hours on this road.
Why is it that when someone is wrong,he or she need prove it with such verbosity?
Those who fling accusations, then removethemselves from the discussion are no differentthan hit & run drivers. Neither of themwere paying attention and both of them are cowardly.
Monday, November 13 ~Haven't been here simply because there's nothingto say. Saturday's meeting was not good & Ihave much to do away from here now.
Thursday, November 16 ~Sweet Antonio, your words always bring a smile to mylips. Would it were that the beautyyou seem to find here was created by other thansorrow.
I cannot much longer survive this way,existing on meals of exhaustion &loneliness. We reap what we sow ~ and Sage,the enabler, is now faced with the fruits of herlabor. Never a partner, just a continuation of themother, and I am tired of existing asthe savior.
5 a.m., Saturday, November 18 ~Leave for Rochester in a few hours. Janna & Iwill have dinner with Nate, watch hisperformance in the Off-Monroe Players' final night of"The Pirates of Penzance," & return home Sunday.The trip almost fizzled after the usual lastminute call from Gabe's father to say he couldn'ttake him. He finally agreed to be herefor him at 11 this morning and to call Tutu to keepthe baby overnight. No such problemswith Connor's dad, who has been here for him severaltimes this week.
A dogged determination to misinterpret& I am yet again dealt another blow.
Sunday night ~Enjoyable trip. Returning to the same tension I left.To make it worse, what might as wellbe a form letter...an error? or a point to make?Why did you share email intended for a mutualacquaintance?
I leave here now to deal with the matterof trying to keep a roof over our heads because noone else will if I don't. Thank you fordoing all you can to remove what is left of myspirit. Forum, stats and mail are up and down, orjust down period. Gender pages are coming muchtoo slowly. I no longer have the energy or willto care.
Thank you, Ted & Nola, for this.Think of Those Who Love You
And thank you, also, to Dev for this(as well as for the beautiful image created from yourheart for your Diva Sisters). I treasure both.Dev's Memories to Treasure
I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving.
And to the one who visits here moreoften than anyone else, I wish you peace andcontentedness on this day. Sincerely.Happy Thanksgiving, Ann.Perhaps someday we will have the privilegeof knowing each other as we truly are, but fornow, I can only wonder. I do think of you.
Friday, November 24 ~Lest you think there was some obscure, hiddenmeaning to the words above, there was not.When claustrophobia hits me hardest, so does theloneliness. I decided to visit some of theDivas just to take me away from me for awhile. Ofcourse, it doesn't always because everyone hastheir own story. I have never pretended topreach to anyone & have freely admitted that Isearch for me. You find what you findfor yourself. I do not have the answers. There arethings you know in your heart to be true,but the knowledge does not mean your heart can accept.To have reached, after months & months, measurable nowin years even, a new step ~ a new level of peace,acceptance & understanding, and to enjoy the euphoriafor literally an hour and a half before it was gone,has not been easy to recover from...becauseit was something toward which I patiently worked out oflove for so long. Is that so hard tounderstand? And I may not recover. Ever.
A Page from TeenaLuvzbluez Dragons and Wizards
Knowledge comes only if you listen when no oneis speaking.
And I might have been here at Aussie Lady Denise'spage. Denise's Poetry
Or here at Lady J'sMay You Always Feel Loved
Preparations for Thanksgiving left until the lastminute brought arguments Wednesday night, butThanksgiving Day passed fairly pleasantly, withoutsuch incidents. Bruce napped and the kidsplayed a friendly game of Boggle while I cooked.Janna and Chris stayed late. Dad's appetitewas a bit better this year, but still, it is obviousthat he is making final preparations. Kate and Nathanvisited him today to chat and to helpclean out his pantry. Kate tells me he has givenher the handmade quilt she has alwayswrapped herself in when visiting up at the Lake.Nate was not with us on Thanksgiving.Rather, he came on Friday, after spending the holidaywith Mel. The drive to the north hadhim fearful for his life, so he said. With therecord snowfall, I would imagine that it did ~ andhis drive back doesn't look much better,as we are expecting freezing rain to begin at anytime now. Kate came over to spend thenight and chat with Nate's friends from high schoolwho dropped by tonight. The two ofthem are asleep on couches in the living room asI write. Gabe is not well and has beenawake for hours tonight...a repeat of last night.Neither father was heard from this holiday.Gret made an unwise decision to stay the nightin Albany tonight. She will be forced to drive inthe inclement weather, as she must return here,then go back to work at 4 Sunday. Last night broughtthe inevitable and I have still not shed the feelingof being unclean. From that for meto dealing alone with preparations for the appraisal.Unfortunately, it would seem that happinessis something meant for others only.
Tuesday, November 28 ~I've spent the past couple of days looking foranything to take me away from me. Or perhaps,for something to save what is me.
3 a.m., Friday, December 1 ~So hard to restrain fingers from reaching to touch thewarmth of a shadow. G'nite, hon."If You've Never Had Love" is my favorite, of course.Remembering you playing non-stop for hours makes mesmile, even as tears flow.
But what do I do with that which Iam no longer allowed to give?
5 a.m., Sunday, December 3 ~How did that song by Tennessee Ernie Ford go? 16 Tons?Thank you, Bunnykins & Rosie for the surprisesI woke up to at 3 this morning.:) I also received aspecial gift from a new friend. I will be placing iton this page as a permanent reminder that weare all connected. Thank you Tracy, aka Diva Nyla!
Monday morning, December 4 ~Up late this morning. Gabe was awake most of the nightand sleep was elusive. I remember thinking of thisconversation before I finally slept:"Talked with a friend today about expecting ourefforts toward others to be returned.The joy is the giving? Perhaps. It dependson the relationship. When two individualsdo not perceive a relationship the same way,therein will lie the rub ~ for there will never bea truly mutual reciprocation. One will alwaysfeel that something is missing. Because it is."
"Love, like water, will always find a way?"For some, perhaps, but not for all, Z-Dr. Reality canbe very very harsh, indeed.
I've taken on so much in the past few days,I don't know how I will accomplish all of it,but it is what I need.
I fear it has begun. There is nowork available tomorrow. My patience is gone. I needspace and freedom. If there is to be none,I may not make it through breathing the same airthis time around.
Friday, December 8, 3 a.m. ~Quiet with the exception of my daughter just in from work.I can never quite feel at ease until I know she's in,especially at this time of year. Her commute homeis long, dark, and lonely, and very often dangerous inwinter. She is always overworked at the restaurantduring the holidays. If you and yours dine out at thistime of year, enjoy the experience, but remember those whowork so tirelessly to provide you with apleasant dining experience. Restaurant managers work ina fast-paced, very stressful work environment. Theymust handle college students who blithely "call off" work,leaving them short-staffed, temperamental cooks who quitin the middle of a shift, training servers on the job andhandling their tables if they become overwhelmedduring training, listening to customers' complaints. Asdoes my daughter, they very often must stay well intothe wee hours counting down drawers, working onschedules, supervising professionals who come in themiddle of the night to clean ovens, etc.If a cook doesn't show for his shift, the restaurantmanager must put off other work and spend the nightin the kitchen cooking. If a dishwasherdoesn't show, then the manager must take overthat job, as well. It is at minimuma 10-hour day. God forbid, a restaurant manager getsick, as she is now. They cannot call offand it is not a family-friendly job.
I'm sorry I missed you last night, Ron.Whatever my daughter had, I've managed to catch it.Course Moms just don't get sick, ya know?:)
Trying to build up a little Christmas spirit.Difficult to do this year.
I know what I need to do. I need todecorate this page for Christmas. Maybe that will helpperk me up a little.
Bruce, Gret & Gabe brought home a tree today,although with 6 couches now, I'm not sure where we willput a tree this year. Decorations will most likely be sparsewith Gabe into everything.
No longer can I look forward to Monday.
See? I'm trying. The high winds here toppledthe Christmas tree on the deck. Hard to believe I wasoutside on the porch in my robe and barefoot to bootthis morning thinking that the 33 degree temp waspretty balmy. Almost lost another roll-up blind. Thewinds have been gusting between 50 and 75 mph todayand the bitter cold is blowing in quickly.There was work today, thank God. We never know fromone day to the next if there will be.Gabe is still very ill and will have to be taken tothe doctor tomorrow if there is noimprovement. His mom will be late for work. She calledto tell me she went in to pay for gasand left her keys in the car. She's waiting for alocksmith. Sigh ~ Life with this particular daughter hasbeen an experience, for sure. Nola, I promise tovisit the family site soon. I hear Ted has become quitethe movie critic:) Bruce may be quite late tonightwith trees and power lines down. I'm goingto try to put Gabe down for a late nap. He's dozedhere and there today, so I don't know ifhe will sleep. Bun, I hope you and yours are ok outthere in Michigan. You too, Rosie. I wishI was there to watch you shovel:) I know I'll getmy turn soon enough.
Thursday, December 14, 9 a.m. ~Groggy, late start to this morning after a veryout-of-whack day yesterday. A massiveinfusion of coffee should get me back to what passesfor normal here. It's snowing like crazyand schools are closed.
And now, at 11:30 a.m., I'm finally enjoyingthat first cup of java:)
3:30 ~Kaena called. She has a dinner toattend & has decided to bring Gabe back home withinthe hour. There goes my list of things to do.
Took the steam right out of me.The only decoration I managed to get up - a wreath -Gabe pulled down the minute he walked in the door.
Saturday, December 16 ~Things seem to change so quickly. Bruce was askedto work the entire week in Connecticut.I've done no Christmas shopping at all & betterplan to do it in its entirety Wednesdaynight when Gret is off. Z-Dr. had me laughing thismorning and Bunny & daughter kept me smiling thisafternoon. I thank God every day for friendsmade online.
Sunday, December 17 ~Almost 5:30 a.m. Gret got in a short while ago.I wasn't sure if she'd attempt thedrive, but temps have risen enough so it is just rainnow. Gabe has been awake for acouple of hours. He is well past the age when he shouldbe sleeping through the night, but henever does. I wonder if he has an imaginary friendup there with him. He will laugh and play for hoursin his crib in the middle of the night.I crept in to watch one night last week, even going sofar as to stand directly in front of him.He was sitting up with his eyes closed, babbling awayand laughing and I stood there for a full 2 minutesbefore he ever opened his eyes and saw me.Going to bed for a couple of hours I think. Connorhas church school and it is their lastrehearsal before Children's Christmas Mass.Expecting Janna & Chris sometime today. Chriswill help me get the tree up as he did last year.
Although I have yet to even beginChristmas shopping, I have been quite disheartened at thelack of a decent bookstore in town, for it isthere that I am happiest browsing for hours on end.Since my daughter moved back in and the Terroristwas born, the closest I get to the loveof my life is the thesaurus and working around herpressed flowers in my dictionary.
Things change again. Chris & Janna willnot be coming afterall & putting up the tree willbe delayed. It's thundering! In the middleof December:)
Ah! And as I retreat to the basementto again start the furnace, I find the flash floodwarnings must have pertained to me. Ishall ignore the water. It will go away eventually.
Damn you, lion. I loved you so much. always will.
Sorry if I disappoint you.I'm only human. I miss him more than you willever know.
11 p.m. Played with the kids for several hours.Hope things will be quiet for a bit. Rain seems tohave stopped and the wind is picking up. Afraid thatthe Christmas tree will be bolted to theground tomorrow, but it is far too late for me to tryto retrieve it tonight.
After 5 a.m. now.Wish I'd had enough sense to leave my boots on untilI was done dragging the tree through the house.I can hear snow falling in chunks off the branches asthe tree warms and my socks are wet.Gabe is crying and the fire whistle is blowing inthe not-too-far distance. It's a good thingI decided to get the tree now. I didn'trealize he'd left it under the eaves. If I'd waited,it would have been attached to the sideporch steps until January thaw.
Tuesday, December 19, 5 a.m.~Finally hitting the sack after listening to Gretjob-rant for an hour. Quiet now,as it should be. Odd feel to the moment for somereason.
Wednesday morning ~Spent the entire night on the couch. Gret calledvery late to let me know she was stayingin Albany overnight. It is still snowing and the air isfilled with the sound of plows and snowblowers.Connor will have to walk to school this morningand I will need extra time for snowpants and boots.
Almost 9 a.m. ~Momentarily quiet, so I take time to sit and sip hotcoffee. Anger over yesterday's events energizedme briefly this morning, but now I'm just tired andsad.
Thursday night ~Need now to make up for lost time...obviously wastedtime yet again.
Can take no more abuse. So tired.Perhaps you should have looked to your rightinstead of your left. Now youmust truly fly alone. Those you love hurt you onlyas you hurt those who love you.
Friday, December 22 ~Still dark out. Luminaires flickering on sidewalks,giving a feeling of warmth & peaceto our little street.
I should turn on the Christmas tree,I suppose. The tree is truly beautiful ~ tall andfull. Decorated by Connor this year, it is theonly reminder of the season inside these walls. Thedining room table is littered with ornaments brokenby Gabe.
Touching cold fingers to my cheek.The infection is spreading. Vision has been completelygone for over 2 weeks now & the pain isno longer easing with just aspirin. I sit here withan empty vial of antibiotic, wondering if I took achance on the one refill if the pharmacist wouldcheck with the doctor. That is something I cannotafford to have him do.
Saturday morning ~I left a similar message at forum. I justreceived word that my father was takento the hospital. I am leaving for there immediately.He has been very ill.
Tuesday night ~My apologies to everyone. Brought up pages a coupleof times wanting to write, but guess I'vejust been too tired. Been between hospital and tryingto sleep when I can. Just got backfrom hospital. Dad was sitting up and eating supperfor the first time. He said the doctorhe saw today told him he'd go home in a few days,but he won't. He isn't going to make it.
Wednesday night ~Stuck home with kids now, so I'm trying to catchup a little as I can. Those who have beenkind whom I don't know have come first. I hope thoseI do know will understand and forgiveme that. As far as the lion goes, if he needsme, he will have to come to me, for hehas done much damage. It will be up to himto repair it if he so wishes, for I can take no morefrom someone I love so deeply.I spent time with my father today and touched basewith my brother. Dad's sisters have beencalling. They seem to feel they were not wanted atthe hospital and I was quick to reassurethem that they were. He is their little brotherand they want to see him and they should. I cannotsee him tonight as I am alone with thechildren, but will go again tomorrow when Gretchenis off work. Tomorrow afternoon, I willmeet with a real estate agent about our house.Things could be better in my life,I think.
9 p.m. ~Best (only) good news I've had all day. Dadfinally says he is interested in a transplant. That'swhat I've been waiting for...praying for. I told mybrother I was going to bring it uptomorrow come hell or high water. My brother had anopening while he was talking to Dad on the phonetonight and took advantage.
Thursday, December 28, 5 a.m. ~Got up for meds. Quiet & still dark. Disappointed thatI wasn't able to catch up on as muchas I'd hoped last night, but Gabe was difficultand the phone rang constantly with calls fromrelatives concerned about Dad. Looking aroundnow at the kid mess I will have to clean up beforethe real estate agent arrives. Gabeis yelling now. I love him, but he exhausts me.My daughter simply must find a placeof her own, so I can try to pick up the piecesof my life.
She is back, is she not? Well, of course, but as I said, being rightbrings little comfort. No comfort, actually,just a feeling of desolation.
Friday night ~It's late ~ past 10 now and the end of a very longday. I did not see my father today, butspoke with him by phone. He sounded as good ascan be expected and thinks he will waituntil after the Nor'easter passes and his drivehas been plowed to go home, althoughhe says they were willing to send him home tomorrow.I was finally able to finish my secretsanta gift. (Thank you, Peg, for being so patient).My thanks to "Squeaky Elf" Cheri, who also waspatient as she waited for me to seewhat she made for me:) I will put this linkelsewhere later, but for now would liketo share it with you here.My Gift from "Squeaky Elf."
It seems Bruce will be home longenough to shovel us out as he has been askedto return to Connecticut Monday morning.New Year's Eve will be quiet here. If Connor canmake it, we will let him stay up,but his mom has to work and as Bruce has toleave early, he will probably be inbed well before midnight. Ah, well ~ a lonelyNew Year's Eve is nothing new.
Wednesday, January 10th ~Can only write for a sec. Just too tiredon my first day back. Much to say andmuch which has transpired, but I just can't writetonight. When one truly loves another, onecannot help but want the best for him, but for me,lion, for me ~ I wish to God June 12th hadnever happened. For me.And now, on this 12th day of March, I wish it hadnever happened for you either.
As far as what occurred here thisweek, I'm not sure that anyone learned muchor benefitted in any way. Sometimes,blow ups can clear the air, but this onestill has people steaming in front oftheir monitors. Just another phase for this"family" to go through? Maybe. I willsay this ~ One of you is in here so much thatI can tell how long it takes you toget from home to work. I can pretty much alsotell when you eat lunch and can almostsmell the food from here. I know when youget home from work. I am not one whobecomes paranoid easily, but I am truly becomingdistracted by your constant watchfulness whichhas really gone too far. If you and I werefriends and we were communicating backand forth, it would be different. But youhave seemingly chosen to treat me otherwise.Your decision - not mine. Don't use me as themiddleman. Obviously, with things as they are now,I no longer have much to say that shouldinterest you anyway. I have very little actualknowledge about what transpired between thetwo of you. It just simply was not something wespoke of often. But somehow, for some reason,I got dragged into it. Why?
Keep trying to get away for awhile,but it's hard when someone is inside you.Really hard.
Monday, January 15 ~When I woke up on the couch, Gret had finallygone upstairs to bed. Connor had fallen asleepin my bed and the cartoon channel was on. Nobottle had been made, so I wentdownstairs to do that. "Drip, drip, drip..."5 a.m. and I'm on my hands and knees underthe kitchen sink with a flashlight. It wouldappear that we have a leak. Sigh~ Shouldhave turned water off in basement, but insteadstuck a popcorn cup under to catchthe water. This will have to wait for a fewhours. Going to bed. Please God, do notlet me need to call a plumber.
Almost noon, Tuesday, January 16 ~Sitting here yawning and watching Gabe as hediscovers the wonder of a slinky.Last night was zooey and I picked a poortime to read at forum. I think I eventuallyfell asleep there. Haven't done that in a verylong time. Kinda miss it. Connor hadscouts last night and I gave him and his dad anold worn out flag to use for flag-foldinglessons. I followed Gabe around with the vacuumcleaning up Connor's bowl of dry Lucky Charmsthat he'd managed to dump in the livingroom, then to the kitchen where he found anornament made by Connor which for somereason hadn't made it into the Christmas box.It took forever to clean up thetiny shards of glass. Spoke with Connor'sdad briefly about Gret's plan to moveto Albany with Kate in June. Gret has not discussedthis with me ~ only with her father.I received some information yesterday about ADDand other disorders. I have a problemwith those "illnesses" because I think it may besimply a matter of society trying to fita square peg into a round hole. Certainly, theremust be some conformity to civilized behavior,but I don't think medication is the answer.Anyway, I sat down and wrote Gretchen because I'mtired of her accusations that I don't doenough. I sent her the url to that site eventhough I did not visit it myself.I did not refer her to it because I thinksomething is wrong with Gabe. I dothink he will need some attention above andbeyond the norm if he doesn't beginto calm down and stop the constant crying anddestructive behaviors. I thought it mighthelp her to interact with others who have similarproblems with their children. But I also toldher that I think she is being unfair to me.I raised 4 of my own, then Connor for theyears she was gone. Connor was an easychild and the fact that he is incredibly brightmade interacting with him a joy.We did so many things together before Gabewas born. Now Gabe takes up most of mywaking hours and I have little time leftfor Connor. He is resentful and it isshowing in his behavior. I love Gabe and watchhis antics in total awe at times, butI'm tired and I simply can't take the noise andconfusion any longer. If my daughtermoves an hour south of here with Connor,his dad, who lives 10 miles north, willlose the interaction which is needed by both ofthem. Gabe's father makes no time for himat all. I'm not sure what will happen.
I will have to touch base with Dad'shome health aide sometime today. She needstime off Wednesday night for a familymatter, so I will probably take her place.This will be a learning experience forme as my father now needs true nursing care.I "yelled" at him a bit this pastSunday for not following orders and taking hiswalks from one end of the houseto the other. He just looked at me and said,"I'm not going to make it anyway."I told him I didn't want to hear him talklike that and nothing more was said.I just sat and held his hand.
Wednesday, January 17, 9:15 a.m.~Members of my extended family kept me up late lastnight and I woke up on the couchat 7 this morning as my alarm was going offupstairs. Just teasing, Bunny and Ryan:)
I must admit that although I have aproblem with Connor leaving here with his mom,as I think about the possibilityof her moving out, my eyes travel around eachroom, gleefully noting all of the messeswhich she will take with her as well. That'sa definite plus. She expressed concern toher father that we would be without some thingswhen she leaves. If her departure givesme back 4 rooms in this house, I think I candeal with having to buy my own vcr.
There is one negative side to herimminent departure. I will not be alone ~ Iwill have to deal with that.
5 p.m. Just received a call from the hospital.Libby took Dad back to be admitted. His rightlung is filled up again and there will be notrip to Boston any time soon. Called mybrother, but he already knew as he'd spokenwith Dad's doctor this afternoon. He's waitingfor calls back from 2 doctors and will call metonight. I hate this. Gret is back at workand there is no one to watch these kids so Ican go to the hospital.
Friday morning~Was hoping to go back to sleep after gettingConnor off to school, but Gabe is notgoing to cooperate. I am so exhausted - just don't know how many things Iam suppose to deal with at the same time.The deep end is beckoning. Like my brothersaid, if the room is spinning and your head isreeling, you need to know that when yousit up and put your foot on the floor, thefloor will be there. Right now, thereis no floor.
Funny ~ this website took more hitsyesterday than any day in its brief history,including New Year's Eve, 2000. Maybepeople are watching with amusement and placingbets on how long it takes Sageto lose her sanity?
Saturday, January 20, 5:45 p.m. ~Watching the clock. I only have a minutehere for now. Mass will end and hewill be home. I ended up being at the hospitalfor only a few short minutes. My brotherdid fly up from Virginia afterall. Dad wassleepy, so we left him and wentto the grocery store to look for food hecan eat. Dad will be in the hospitalindefinitely. He needs to lose 10 pounds of fluidbefore they will send him to Boston,which is his only chance.
Touching, touching, touching. I am woodenand scream inside.
I did read, lion. Thank you, atleast, for no platitudes, for I could truly bearno more of them. I did find. I do love.There is nothing I can do about that.
As soon as I fulfill my obligationto eat what was prepared, I will leave againfor the hospital, this time to discussfuneral arrangements, etc., with my brother.And the other watches TV in thekitchen, laughing. I feel like a characterin a bad sci fi movie.
Sunday, January 21, 1:30 a.m. ~Here only for a minute. Have been so verygrateful that my brother has been able tojoin me here. He is a pharmacist with muchmedical knowledge, which helps a lot duringdiscussions with dad's doctors. He has also helpedby being my eyes as I have so muchdifficulty right now trying to read small print.Besides, I finally got the real story behindhow he and a cousin started the fire whenwe were small.
After silent rage, there will be tears~ and breakfast.
And I can do nothing but chastisemyself for ancient idiocy which caused me to bein this place.
I will sleep for a bit. I hopeto wake with more clarity, but cannot counton it anymore. I go to bed thinkingthe same things, crying the same tears,wake thinking the same things. Nothing changes.There is no respite, no peace, no path, no floor.
Monday, January 22, almost noon ~Back later tonight maybe. It is impossible tothink with the pacing back and forthbehind me, with the yelling about the yelling.At least there are some available workhours tonight, so I will have a break fromthat. And the hospital is quiet.
Tuesday, 5 a.m. ~No time for this lately. Today's memorable moment:Getting stuck in a hospital elevator.
Wednesday, January 24"Emotion has taught mankind to reason."--Marquis de VauvenarguesTrue, of course ~ but you gotta wanna.
Wednesday night, January 24 ~I pray that one will understand somedaythat words spoken without thought can belike pins prodding a balloon. It comes to mindthat when the student is ready, the teacherwill come, but which is really the teacher?Only the one who listens.
My father was given hospice today. Hehas a few weeks left only. Bunny, thank youfor being here when I needed you.
Lisa Maria, thank you. How beautiful!
I am so angry with myself now,for succumbing to wishes so manymonths ago when I was asked not to speak tomy father about his health. Those requests wereagainst my wish to do otherwise. Now, thereis nothing to be done. My father just turned 71.There is no reason he should not havehad 20 more years. Need to sleep for a bit,then will wake my daughter at 4:30 a.m.for work.
Friday, January 26 ~ morning ~I didn't go see Dad Wednesday night after mybrother's call. I'd planned to gobefore he called. While I was speaking withhim, Janna beeped in. I returned hercall a short while later. I was fine until Igave her the news and heard her tears.I lost it then and there was no way I couldgo see him while I was that upset.
It has been difficult to deal with hisand her work schedules this past week.Establishing any kind of routine is next toimpossible. Gabe has been sick all week andConnor was sent home sick from school.Nate responded to the message I left him yesterday.He is coming home. We spoke for awhileabout the various job offers he has in frontof him now. Ironic that his starting salaryshould be what his father's was just priorto the downsizing. Janna's husband thoughtfullycalled me yesterday to ask how I was doingand to offer his services for any reason Imight need him. I visited my fathermid-afternoon yesterday. It is not a good timefor him, but it was the only time Icould go as Bruce was here briefly to staywith Gabe before he left for night shift.Dad moved his feet so I could sit on theend of the bed and asked me what wasnew. We talked for a few minutes. I looked upand noticed a man sitting on the windowside of the room. An old friend, a teacherwhose son played hockey with mine. Abig gentle bear of a man who always mademe smile in years past, it was good tosee him. We exchanged news of our respectivesons. His will be graduating from collegethis year as well, and will intern withSenator Jeffords of Vermont. Evidently, he hada good seat for the Inauguration. Two Hospicenurses came in at separate times. Neithermy brother nor I know exactly what Dad isthinking right now, so I listened carefully tothe exchange between Dad and the nurse. Sheasked if he was comfortable with the idea ofher being there. He said he thought itwas a good idea. Someone had left a Hospiceinfo pack on his table. The Living Willwas outside the folder as though he'd beenreading it. I asked if he wanted meto take it and read it to my brother. Heanswered sharply that Tom knew about it.Although I knew that, Tom had expressed somereservation because although we understand Dad doesnot want "heroic" measures, some things have tobe stated very specifically. I said nothingfurther about it and will discuss it with mybrother today. One of the doctors arrived. Hechecked Dad's lungs and said they sounded alittle better and that he had lost some ofthe fluid. My father asked him very pointed questions,but I had a sense that the doctor was hedgingsomewhat.
No work available tonight and I willspend the evening in a futile attempt to finda place to hide.
Saturday afternoon ~Brief break ~ Gret took Gabe to the doctor'sfinally. Bruce & Connor playing a gameof Pokemon Monopoly. Called the hospitaland was surprised to hear my sister isthere. She flew in from Florida last night andwill stay until Tuesday. Dad says theyare thinking of sending him home Tuesday. Ithink he is still hopeful, but Hospicewill take charge thereafter. Bruce and Gretboth work tonight, but Janna and Chriswill be here for dinner and to see my father.Unsure about Nate - he may not gethere until tomorrow. Added a new link toTeen Pledge page for The High SchoolInternet Network. I've noticed recent visitsfrom the Kern County, California Superintendentof Schools, as well as California State Governmentand US Government. I'm glad the pledge is stillbeing used as an educational resource.
Very, very, very long day. Quarter to 11and Gabe is still up - hours messed up bymedication. Connor waited upstairs for mewhile I tried unsuccessfully to get Gabe to eatsomething. I dozed off with Connor when I tuckedhim in, but didn't really sleep. After midnightnow and eating late supper, then need to sleep.Forum will have to wait. No word frommy son. I don't know if he's coming or not.Late conversation with my sis...always asever back to the same discussion. Janna called.She, Chris and Gret have all been called asextras for skating scene in Saratoga forThe Time Machine. Cool.
Sunday night - late ~Sorry. Gabe on a good day is tough. Sick?Forget it. Warm fuzzies from Carlos anda bit of a heart-twinge as I touched basewith Bill (you peeked ~ was kinda hopingyou might:) after so long. Was hoping forGiants for Dad, but....
Monday afternoon ~My daughter just got up, so my time here isover until later. I spent the morningdoing something I don't do often ~ visitingmy own pages. Poems, first journal. Hardto believe that I ever had even a few moments ofhappiness.
As I did last night, I will goto bed early. No point in staying up if I amnot to be alone.
What can I say? Accomplished nothingtoday. He says, "I can't wait until June."I reply, "I cannot wait until 5:30."And so it flows.
My sis goes back to Florida tonight.Dad is being taken home. My brother and hiswife will be here Saturday. His wifewas an RN. She will stay for 2 weeks. Frankly,I don't think my father will stillbe with us at the end of that time. His whitecount is up. He refuses to eat.
"If you press me to say why I loved him,I can say no more than it was because he was heand I was I."- Unknown
How many mistakes can one make inone lifetime? This one will not be made again.
Friday, February 2, 2:30 a.m. ~This page up for a bit while I do laundry andpaperwork. It was not a good day. Haven'tdecided whether to write now or not.
~ and indulging himself in a tantrum~ refused the bottle I made him and threw iton the floor. He woke Bruce up.I sent him back to bed, but as I just heardhim tightly close the bedroom door,it is obvious he will not easily get backto sleep. Every night this week has beenlike this.
Friday, close to 7 p.m. ~Tired. Will sleep early as I will be upmost of the night. Flowers? Mean nothing.
And soon, Saturday and a differentkind of alone?
3:40 a.m., Sat...hmmm... you are up.
Wall or no, someday I will touch.That much I must. ~Goodnight, lion.
Up all night, but did what I could.Praying Gabe will sleep a bit longer so Ican close my eyes.
Sunday, February 4 ~Sometimes I feel like Elizabeth Perkins did whenshe threw the coffee mug at Kevin Bacon'shead in "He Said, She said..." ya know?
Monday, February 5, after midnight ~Trying to warm up...took forever to restart thefurnace and the cold had me disoriented and irritated.Dad was thinner today, but up on an elbowwatching the basketball game. He still won'ttalk to me, so I chatter, then stopand leave the room. I took my Zen Garden back.He never used it anyway. I also borroweda couple of local history books because I'vebeen trying to again take over as familyhistorian as I was expected to do. I still can'tfigure out which grandmother had Indian blood.That one was thrown at me amidst the stuffyEnglish and hell-raising Irish that predominates.Good to talk to my sister-in-law aboutGabe. She works with children of a similar natureand the feedback lessened my guilt. Thereis no work for Bruce, so he is here.
I was thinking the other day aboutthe difference between this journal and the last. I have little appreciation for the drynesswhich has shown up in my writing. It's been arough year. I wonder at what point I will decideto end this one. My father's impending death?I just don't know. Normally, I would deletehere and there to make room for thenew, but this time around I hesitate because ina sense, it has been a log of thedeath of so many things. I cannot do dishonorto my dad by throwing out even the mostboring of entries. Perhaps you can understandthat much.
Monday, Feb. 5th ~What is it that makes us want to hold on towhat we have become accustomed? The lawyerasked how attached I was to this house. He wassimply curious and tossed the question atme to gauge my reaction. It is certainly notuncommon for those my age to downsizetheir surroundings.
In one sense, this house represents aproject begun with a vision. Circumstances havechanged and I have become unsure asto whether or not the vision should change aswell, or if it should be discarded.
In another sense, it represents the bleakreality that dreams are gone ~ that I will remainincomplete.
The roses are limp and dying, butthey never really had a chance.
Ironic ~ Gabe's dad asked to take him tomorrow,Bruce will be leaving in the morning forConnecticut, and Gret will most likely stay thenight in Albany as we are expecting over afoot of snow from this storm. But because ofthe storm, I'm sure schools will beclosed and Connor will be home. I almost hada few hours to myself. Almost.
Blew it I guess for Diva candy.Found 9 pieces the first day, but there werea few sites with what seemed like amillion pages where I couldn't find anything.Gave up cause I had too many responsibilitiesat home. Hate doing that cause I love games,but had no choice.
Tuesday, 1 a.m. ~Things could go my way (shhhh!).Storm is moving away early.
I will be reworking Links page overthe next week or so. Occurred to me that I don'teven have to eat dinner tonight if Ichoose not to. Been down so long it looks likeup to me.
No other way to describe this day otherthan to say it has been a day from h***.I don't know if it's Internet in general,my servers specifically, or my puter (therein laymost of my suspicions). If I hit anyone'ssite in a somewhat obscure manner, I apologize...was just trying to see what would come up and whatwouldn't as nada came up for me.10 p.m. Kids in bed. Taking a break, eating andsleeping for a bit hopefully. Nola, I willnot respond tonight to give you a chance to cool down.I know much that you do not and will not respondhotheadedly with things that could unnecessarily hurt.I have already stated my case as far as myfamily goes. You can only surmise. Distanceand consequences make things different for youand I have always respected that.But as I respect it, you must remember it. Thingscould have been different. Is that not so?
"If you have to be in a soap opera trynot to get the worst role."--Boy George
5 a.m., Thursday, February 8 ~Wishing will not cause the furnace to start,but I also wish to retain what body heatI have. I will go to the basement in themorning. I began the first chapter ofmy own Great American novel today during thehour of quiet provided to me by aCub Scout meeting for one and nap for theother. My father sleeps much of thetime now. The doctor came today and mysister-in-law said she was heartened bybis statement that he would be back in twoweeks. But there is no change and Ithink he will simply go to sleep and notwake up. I asked her to move the CDplayer to the den so he could listen tomusic. Hot cocoa is gone and the furnaceis miraculously humming. Gabe is crying.
It is still only Friday?How can that be?
Midnight ~Tired. Tears. Tired tears. Tired of tears.
Gray behind ~ gray in front ~ nothing but gray.
Smiles are accomplishments of some past life.The sound of laughter is foreign and but a memory.
Sunday night, February 11 ~My father has deteriorated greatly inthe past few days. Bruce has no work. I'm sorry.I've had a hard time being here lately.
10 p.m. Gabe is still chattering in his crib,but at least all are in bed. I tried tosleep earlier, but could not.These walls seem to be drawing closer witheach breath and I cannot think.Tomorrow I will need to try to pull myselftogether and do the mundane, but necessary~ get my hair cut and shop for something appropriateto wear to the funeral. The obituary mustbe completed. My cousin has arrived fromFlorida. I will see her tomorrow. Myfather was the only father figure in her lifeand she loved him very much.
I apologize if I haven't replied to emails.I went over quota several times this week ~just couldn't keep up. Had itin my head to work on links page, but Tripodsaw fit to not let me access thatparticular file.
Gretchen, Janna and Chris have spent the past2 nights filming for "The Time Machine." Thebitter cold and high winds made it lessenjoyable, but it will still be an experiencethey will always remember. I'm not sure whenthe movie is due out. As for me, I'm not sureif I'm in a tragedy or a comedy. The furnace hasstopped running again.
Monday, February 12 ~I passed up the shopping trip to entertain myfurnace guy. It was worth it.Why are there no furnace gals? And 2 short hourslater...the furnace kicked off again.Earl? What sayeth thou?8 p.m. ~ What Earl is saying now is "I'm soooooglad I had her initial the part where I wroteshe may need to replace the Big Board."Because that is what I just did. A veryexpensive day indeed.
Bruce was called to CT tonight. He left immediately.
The End ~Furnace problemsThe End ~The petitionThe End ~
Wonder what it would be like to haveValentine's Day mean something. I trulydon't know and I never will. The chainholding this heart of gold and diamonds isbut a noose.
Tuesday, February 12, 5 a.m. ~I woke up earlier to find a note from mydaughter on my desk. She's gone again.Unmindful still of her responsibilities.Connor is fast asleep in my bed andGabe is awake in his crib.
There's an odd feel to this moment.The sky is beginning to lighten. I want tojump up and shower and start this dayand accomplish ~ yet, I am frozen in this spot.
Gabe cries out, then he is quiet, thenhe cries out again. My stomach tenses withevery sound he makes. Thoughts cannot flowto completion and are instead spasmodic. As aresult, whereas it was my intention tomerely soften the butter for my toast, Iunthinkingly set the microwave for 3 minutes. Ineeded to use a pastry brush to butter mytoast. So you see, my early-rising friendin Atlanta, it seems I still have issueswith butter.
Wednesday, February 14 ~I find myself wishing it would end for him.Dad is so scared now.
My deepest apologies to my Diva SisterAngel Spirit. I meant to put this thoughtfulgift up much sooner than this.She has a beautiful site and I would behonored if you would take time to visither while you are here.
It was wonderful to see my Tallahasseecousin yesterday. The ten years we haven'tseen each other melted away quicklyas we shared photographs and memories. Nateand Melissa are arriving at dinnertime.Janna may be coming and my brother is flying backhere. He thinks my father is waiting to seehim one more time and he may well be right.I cannot give my father the same amount of peace.I think he just worries because heknows how things have been for me and he'stired of worrying.
OK...so I fed the cat at my window. Sue me.
Saturday, February 17, afternoon ~Just sitting here waiting. My brother calledjust before ten. He was waiting forthe ambulance. Nate and I went to the hospitaland waited for over an hour. The ambulance didn't comein. Phone is not being picked up at Dad'shouse. I'm assuming it'sover, but I don't know that for sure. I don'tknow if this file will work. Ican get into the file, but am getting theerror message if I try to preview. As usual,there is never any response from Tripod.Hope Bun is enjoying her birthday. Imay not be around for the next few days.If not, much love and birthday wishes tothe lion and Hobbsie.
Still Saturday, after 11 p.m. now.~My father died this afternoon at 3:40. I wasalone with him. His breathing changed andI got up from the chair and sat next tohim on his bed and held his hand.As I cradled his head, he stopped breathing.I love you, Dad.
Sunday evening, February 18 ~Happy Birthday to my little sis and to Ivy.My thanks to Barbara, Gen, Ivy and Nolafor your thoughts and for being here whenI needed someone to talk to.
Hope, thank you too, for thinking of me.
Almost midnight ~Rough day. My dearest thanks to all who werehere for me today. Something, someonewas missing, but perhaps I should not careany longer. Need to sleep if I can now. Novisible tears.
Monday, February 19 ~Happy Birthday, lion.
Was that for me, lion? If so, thank you.
Unbelievable. We have been trying to get holdof Gabe's dad to watch his son so we wouldn'thave to take him to visiting hoursor to the funeral. He just told my daughterthat no, he wouldn't take him...that heis not Gabe's babysitter. As God is my witness,this man will never be allowed to see hisson again if this remains his attitude andbehavior. I called my sister-in-law several townssouth. She will take him Wednesday morning.
I love you, lion. Even so.You see, I can see past the growling.I always could. Please be here whenI wake.
You promised.
Tuesday, February 20 ~I only have a few minutes here before Ileave for Dad's. My brother wants to gothrough things. I don't want to do thatnow, but I guess it has to be done.
I was back at 10 as I saidI would be. But I need to sleep. Visiting hourswere not difficult ~ just very long.So many people. Funeral in the morning andreception after.
Wednesday, February 21, 4:30 a.m. ~Awakened by dreams, I am with you.Close your eyes, hon, and sleep.
4:30 p.m.~Back a little while ago. Sleepy, but stillmuch activity. My daughter is driving myson back and still unsure if Bruce has workhere or in CT.
Thank you, Lord. I have the little ones,but everyone else is finally gone. ~ Breathingspace.
Don't. Please??????????????????????????????
Thursday morning, February 22 ~Dad's day to visit. But of course he won'tbe here. The next time the black Jeeppulls up across the street, my brother will bedriving it. I will not pause before openingthe door to answer Dad's usual coded knock.Dad's voice is no longer on his answeringmachine. Tom will bring me the contents of Dad'sfridge and his plants before he drives back toVirginia today.
And while I must contemplate this,I also wait for another to choose. Because itis a choice. And when it is a choice~ when one chooses death as a solution,there is no honor in that. To choose deathwhen one can choose life diminishes thesignificance of one's existence. It diminishes othersas they see themselves through your eyes.It dishonors God and his plan for you.Nor can the choice be used as leverage,because it will corrupt. So too,payback is a concept for which one must be aliveto enjoy. Harsh words, but if Idid not love, I would not have the courageto speak them.
Friday morning, February 23 ~Recuperating slowly from the past week. Iknew I was coming down with this nastycold the night before the funeral. Needed toreboot this puter last night and fellasleep on the couch running a scan. Gabewoke up screaming in the middle of thenight and Gret joined me in the living room tosleep on the other couch. Sitting herenow looking at houseplants and bags and boxesof food from Dad's house. Thereis so much food that I had to put 2 bags offreezer items on the back porch.Food platters and homemade soups, Mass cards andfloral arrangements to dry, thank yous tobe written. Another ending. Dad's photo sitsin front of me now ~ a cropped picfrom my daughter's wedding. He wears hisclassic smirk and I wonder what he wouldhave thought about his own "wake," whichreally wasn't a wake, but simple visitinghours. He was always adamant that he never bereferred to as a politician. He wantedonly to serve and detested the games of politicians.We even had to consider the politicalslant when asking for honorary pall bearers.But his wake was the political socialevent of the season and, of course, any Republicanrunning or considering a run was there. Icracked up at the local headlines in thepaper yesterday morning as I read that oneindividual who spent close to 2 hours atthe wake is contemplating a run for D.A. Hisopponent was there as well, although tohis credit, I graduated with him. He could actuallypretend he had a real reason to bethere. And Dad sits in front of me smirking.I can smirk back.
Not once during all of this have youleft my thoughts. I am here if you need meand here even if you think you do not.
Tried one other, but will probably end up here.New Forum
Anger and hurt I can understand, eventhough that was not my intention. But as Ido not want more physical pain,I also understand that tolerance of that isin part controlled by emotional pain.It logically follows then that if I do notwant to see physical pain, I do notwant to see the emotional anguish.Twice now. How many more times?Where can there be the trust necessary to sustain?
I detest the silence, but as youknow I am here, so do I know you are here.I will wait. I always have. You know ~just one of my many flaws.
Almost 10 and finally all are in bed.So quiet.
Saturday, February 24, 4 a.m. ~And quieter still.
One comes in early as one leaves earlyand I am immobilized. More so than beforeeven, if that is possible.
Sunday morning, February 25, 4 a.m.~The snows of February are upon us. Februaryalways brings a measure of impatienthesitancy. One wants to believe, but isafraid to do so. One opens the doorto retrieve the morning paper and is greetedwith the delightful chirping of birdsback from vacation. By dusk, heavy snowsintensify the feeling of panic ~ of beingtrapped with no way out. I need June andfreedom. A bird finding itself inside fourwalls will swoop back and forth wildly, evenbeating itself against windows in searchof its freedom. More often than not, itwill die in the attempt.
Sunday afternoon ~Sitting here with a bowl of strawberry ice cream.Ice cream we bought for Dad before he died.His picture sits in front of me and I canhear his voice..."Did you get thatfurnace fixed yet?"
Spent the morning at EOC fixing up.Had to download ITW to hard drive and willneed to begin changing links. The kidsgave me a four-tab headache and I will not besaddened by the end of Connor's winter vacation.Still waiting to hear whether or not Bruce willbe heading to Connecticut tonight. If not, I willneed to refresh my supply of aspirin. It'sgetting too close in here.
No Connecticut. No nothing. No space.Can't breathe. I need to get out of here,but there's no place to go.
2:00 a.m., Monday, February 26 ~Message received.
Quiet this moment. No words of wisdomcome to mind.
As I said good-bye to my brotherat the end of this very long week, hesmiled and spoke to me of new beginningsfor me. How much of the slate can Iforce myself to wipe clean?
It does me no good at all to haveone return to school if the other is home fromwork.
The child within is needy andwe are back at the beginning.
9:30 ~Finally. Everyone is in bed...Gabe stillchattering, but at least I don't have anyonepacing behind me anymore and I don't haveto listen to griping and look at a furrowedbrow. Still no work and if this house was 20rooms instead of 10, it wouldn't be bigenough. And he does not understand why Ijust withdraw. Maybe I should be gratefulthe TV plays at dinnertime. At least I don'thave to talk about nothing.
Tuesday, February 27 ~Still waiting.
"One should count each day a separate life."--Seneca
Wednesday morning, February 28 ~Seems I will get a slight reprieve today, althoughI needed to throw a tantrum to get it.Bruce, still home, is taking Gabe to Spanky's.Hallelujah! * Spanky's was closed. My life.
And so now, it is quiet. Harsh words, hon.Would you really be so cruel as to placeblame and leave me to live withthat? Do I mean so little to you?
"Spiritual growth is not an easy escapefrom the painful circumstances of your life. Itbegins with an eyes-open exploration ofthem and their cause. You are the cause.Every insight that brings you to thisrealization is a Springtime - a new beginning.Every impulse to follow your heart is a Springtime,too. As you move away from the familiarorientation of being a victim to the new, accurateunderstanding of yourself as a powerful creator,you leave behind the familiar props uponwhich you once depended. These are your righteousjudgements, unchallenged beliefs, and feelings ofsuperiority or inferiority. You are in newterritory. The old is gone, and everything thatis emerging is new."Gary Zukav
Wednesday night ~Downhill fast ~not that there was much of any up to headdown. I don't know what I'm supposed todo right now. I tried. But there is onlyone who ever makes a difference andit jest ain't me. Instead, I just absorbthe blows, I guess. Sage, the scapegoat~ that's me. So be it.
No work today either, so time here hasbeen at a premium. Just tired. Will thisnever end?
Thank you for assigning me my worth.
5 a.m., Friday, March 2 ~Apologies to Bun for last night's lackof enthusiasm. This headache just hasn't wantedto quit and I did go to sleep and leteveryone else deal. It has been a fullweek of no work and tempers which becomeshorter by the hour. A week when I needed somequiet time to do little more than putterafter my father's death. Instead, it hasgiven me anything but that. Even here,there has been no peace as I wait. The house isnow awake. I used to have this time,but no longer.
10 a.m. ~Thankful for a couple of hours of quiet now.Even Gabe is quiet as I work.
Saturday afternoon, March 3 ~Thanks to those of you who helped move meto EOC. Bar, I'm sorry I missedyou last night. I needed to get away from theputer for a bit. I've been sitting heretrying to come up with words to express thistremendous sadness and sense of loss and Isimply cannot.
No time for me tonight. But it matters not.
Forgiveness is not the same as forgetting, forif we forget, we do not learn and we do not grow.But to not forgive chains us to the placewhere we are. The inability to stop blaming othersfor our own misfortunes has the same effect.It means we are unable or that we refuseto accept accountability for what happens to us.And that we are destined to repeat our mistakes.
And whereas I believe that to be true,if anything happens, there is one for whom myforgiveness will be the hardest thing Iwill ever have attempted to accomplish.
This did not have to happen. Why did thingschange so suddenly?
PC dictated that I allow the littlepower trip. But the "voices" that spoke toldthe truth. The first carried the lilt of hope.The second, in its deathly silence, was even moreeloquent. And my prayers are much differentthan yours.
You see, the healing process was disruptedby temporary euphoria that could not last becausethe process was incomplete. And now it maynever be. The healing was for a lifetimeand that can only come from within.That was always my prayer.
And now I leave to sign papers. Another ending.
Tuesday afternoon, March 6 ~As you seem to be so interested in what I will say next,I will tell you what is going throughmy mind right now. It would seem that my daddied at a very inopportune time. Yesterday, I sawthe estate lawyer. Tomorrow I will go toFederal Court. The new beginning my brotherspoke of will not happen. The creditors willbe happy, of course. Loss upon loss uponloss. And poor Janna, who knows my heart.Even with the pain it causes her, she tells meI need to decide on other endings before Ilose me too. I am so tired.
I asked everyone to leave. I asked Gretchen,who was half-way home, to turn around and goback to Albany. Everyone complied. Andnow I am simply trying to breathe before Ido what it is I need to do.
Wednesday afternoon ~Back for a bit before part two. I see mydaughter was here. Easy enough to tell whenI see my local ISP listed shortly after noon& I was out-of-town then. I won't mentionit unless she does. She's a big girl. Lastnight was the storm before the calm.It will not be the last storm. It won't bethat easy.
One decision was reached as I listened tothe voice of my father. Not a pleasant decision,but a necessary one. I felt calmer then.When someone gives you a glimmer of new hope,you tend to grab on and you don't want tolet go. But then there was the reality.I so wanted to believe my brother's last wordsto me before he left. That security would havegiven me breathing room as I search for solutionsto other problems ~ as I try to decide whereto go from here. But the simple fact is that itwas not meant to be. The new path is alsostrewn with obstacles and I will have to removethem myself. Boulder by boulder. Limb by limb.
Galadriel was right, of course and as always.Perhaps I stand on the tracks too. Knowing Iwill be hit and I am ~ always. It isnot appropriate that I should be hit, but itis his way and until he reaches whereI am, he will continue. When my littlest angelwas small, she used to dawdle horribly.I would turn and yell, "Ketchup, Kate!" That'swhat I want to yell at him now, but Iwill not.
Interesting that I should run across this today...Who do you suppose said this to me? ~~"Jesus did not say, "You are forgiven. Go onand do it again so I can continueto forgive you and we will just forget ithappened." He said, "You are forgiven.Go and sin no more." It was implied thatHe would remember, but that he would not shutthe sinner out so long as the sinner did notcontinue the sins and felt true remorse, pain and grief for their transgression(s), remembering what theyhad done and holding onto that shame untiltheir deaths. It is in the same Bible allthe others read. It is in the teachings ofBuddha and Zen, of Islam and Orthodoxy.It is held in Wicca and all systems ofmoral codes inthe world. It is paid lip serviceby the adherents of those "faiths" andeven atheists. But, what the Hell do I know?"Whatever works for however so many times?But then, what the heck do I know?"Vengeance is mine, "sayeth the Lord.
Just got off the phone with my brother.Jackie, my father's companion since my mom died,died last night. Her daughter was thefirst one to enter Dad's room after he died.She looked at him and I thought sheknew. It took me a minute to realize she didn't.Her mom was sick for much longer than Dad.She was a wonderful lady. Dad loved her.
My God, I am tired. Really tired.I was going to try to work tonight, butI just can't. Will there never be a daythat dawns with light and love and laughter again?
Woman of Grace and Splendor
The end of two very long days and Ishould be now be able to relax, but I amtense. Something is very wrong. Can't shakethis feeling that has been with me sinceearly morning.
Friday morning, March 9 ~Eerily quiet in this house this morning.Notmy Cat perches on the back of the porchcouch pretending not to watch me throughthe window. The angels laugh at those of uswho hoped for Spring and engage in a heavenlypillow fight. Snowflakes dance like goose downand Notmy tells me she is as tired of winteras I am.
I dozed off and on through the nightin my usual spot. Gretchen avoided my eyeslast night. She decided to drive toAlbany to play, giving the excuse that she neededto put in a few hours in at workto make up for time lost during the shootingof "The Time Machine." She will make thedrive back in this new storm and I amcurious as to whether or not she will continuethereafter with her plan to spend the nightwith an old girlfriend up in Saranac. Bruceis on call for the weekend and may need toleave for a two-week stretch in Ticonderoga.Janna awaits my call to tell her whether or notI need her. I have another funeral to attendtomorrow morning. And now, I am greeted withConnor's usual morning squishy hug. On goesthe Cartoon Channel and the day begins.The ominous feeling remains and I do not yetknow its cause.
Almost midnight.Close your eyes and you will hear truth.And someday, you will understand, but onlyif you listen.
Saturday, March 10, 9 p.m.~I am here, hon. This time, know I willhold you to a promise made. Need to sleepfor a bit.
Sunday, March 11, 6:30 p.m. ~I've been holding my breath for almost fourhours. I was scared for you, lion.Yes, and for me too.
Spring is almost here and it is timefor me to think about what I will do andwhere I will go from here. I truly do notknow what is ahead of me ~ only that theremust be change.
I remember Erma Bombeck once said thecleanest house will belong to the woman goingon vacation. It made me laugh because it's true.But this Spring Cleaning I need to do is muchmore than that. It will take courageI'm not sure yet that I have.
The end of the day as freshly scrubbedchildren are tucked in beds. Gret and Bruceboth work third shift tonight, so quietshould prevail. I slept little last night,jumping at every sound. No one bothersme anymore about sleeping on the couch.That's good and as I want it to be.
Notmy Cat watches me from the porchand seems to know things I do not yet know.
Monday afternoon, March 12 ~This puter seems to forget who is the boss here.It can't handle more than one commandin a ten-minute period and I think I'vecaught Bunny's midi disease. Yes, I'm whining.
Sigh ~ no work today and tension builds.
7 o'clock ~One hour I have. I turned the lights down,turned the TVs off. I can hear the housebreathing.
What are you thinking now?I wish I knew.
Thanks to Ayo for letting me know someonewas alive and kicking...well, maybe not kicking,but ~ it's been a very long day.It's not easy being a thousand miles away,you know?
Tuesday, March 13 ~Bleary-eyed after that scare. Sleet andfreezing rain have delayed school openingand I'm glad not to have to rush.Reality dances and swirls around me in agray mist in the same manner that one wakesstill shrouded in dream impressions.
This time, I am guilty of hurtingmy dearest friend.
I'm not and never have been a player.I guess I'm learning the hard way about thosewho are.
Bunny, thank you. I didn't deserve yourforgiveness, but you gave it to me anyway.Maybe that's why I love you so much.
Thursday, March 15, noon ~If you read this, Butterfly, you do atleast owe him an answer. One way or theother. And now you owe me that, too.For because of you, I have become theredheaded and pigtailed girl next door.
After 10 p.m. ~The purposefulness of the morning dissolvesyet again into the purposelessness of theevening.
Found ~Yaohushua ` Spiritual Convictions
"Whatever" comes to mind.
Friday morning, March 16 ~Dearest Cathy, Thank you. How beautiful!You Are a Beautiful Person
Saturday, March 17 ~10:30 a.m.Connor's Reconciliation Day (he is not a happy camper,but I remember being nervous too). I will staybehind with Gabe as his mom and grandfatheraccompany him to this.
The sun has finally appeared. Last weekend'sflirt with 40 degrees seemed heavenly,but now, as the thermometer creeps up tomatch that, it doesn't seem as warm asit did. At this time of year, every degreewarmer makes it doubly hard to take eachdegree colder. Spring! Warmth! Come!
Shortcomings, lion? What shortcomings?
So far, there is no word of work ~ notfor tomorrow or even for the week. Big sigh ~
Melancholy? Me, Hope?Are you sure you have the right person? :)
Monday, March 19 ~Seems like two days have passed since thismorning. My sweet terrorist is trying to ditchhis afternoon nap. He ripped a two-foot holein the side of the crib tent and I canno longer keep him in the crib. Thank Godthere is a lock on the outside of thedoor. But his sleeptime, or lack thereof,has me sleepless in upstate. There was worktoday and will be tomorrow. After that isanyone's guess. It's been a long time since Ilast hung out at chat. Good to seea few of the old crowd still there.You dun good, hon. 10:30 ~ time for my nap.
Tuesday afternoon, March 20 ~A day of reflection and of thinking of thefuture. Weighing probabilities against possibilities.A day of thoughts and ideas discussed ~ with myson ~ with the lion. But keeping my fearsand feelings of inadequacy quiet. Scared to death.
Not sure what is right and what is wrong.Can I accept less? I don't know.You rest now, hon.
This appealed to me~"There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning and yearning."--Christopher Morely
9:30 ~Sleepy. Everyone finally in bed. Too manystrange thoughts today ~ thoughts I cannot trust yet.
No work Wednesday, evidently.
A tough coping day, I guess.Puter problems. No work, then work, then no work
Thursday again already, March 22 ~It will always be "Dad's Day" to me.I forgot about the coding mistake yesterday.I was into heavy graphics pages and gotbooted more times than I can remember.
Almost noon and I try to stifle yawns.Gabe sleeping in my bed ~ after I spent a latenight with a certain grrrrmudgeon. I guessI'm a glutton for punishment, huh?
4 p.m., Friday, March 23 ~Because I love, I cannot sanction that whichis harmful to you. Because I love, youwill have to do this without me. Because Ilove, maybe you should go on without me.That will be your choice. Is it your wishthat you lose me too?
Sunday night, March 25 ~Tension continues to grow here. It has beentoo long a weekend.
Almost 4:30 p.m., Monday, March 26 ~Finally able to access Tripod. Who knows forhow long? If this goes through, Iwill try to write a bit later. I am actuallyable to watch most of Zukav for a change.This show on what to do when life seems unfairis especially pertinent right now for manyreasons.
Almost 4 a.m., Tuesday, March 27 ~More snow dampens the spirit. But thereis a new sense of urgency to wrap upthe old and begin the new.
Sitting here staring at the monitor.I had it in my head to write more, but I'mtired and need to sleep for a bit.There is an odd feeling that I am suddenly becoming "real."
Thursday afternoon, March 29 ~And God said, "Put the Evangelist downand go fix the leaky pipe!"
I did something for me yesterday.Very strange feeling. My own new beginning,perhaps? One step at a time.
Friday, March 30 ~I sigh as I look out at more of the heavy,wet white. There is no work again todayand I am becoming the wicked witch. Gabeclimbed out of his crib and took Gretchen'slamp apart. She did not come home yet again.Enjoyed an early morning chat with Hobbsie,who always manages to put a smile on myface. Love ya, hon:)
How odd ~ I have a full house. Gabewon't take his nap. Connor brought a noisycompanion home from school. Yet I feelas though I am enveloped in some protectivewarmth that keeps me apart from theconfusion. Things change and so they are.
Another step taken today. Many more to go.But beginning is always hardest, is it not?And I have begun.
Uh oh! Bruce's windshield was smashed to bitsby snow falling off the neighbor's roof.
For starters, threw away a water-stained copyof "Thank You, Dr. Lamaze." I don't think Iwill have any use for that again:)
Tried to nap earlier after a morningof taxes, but it was not to be. Pushed myselfto do more that needs to be done.Gabe is cranky and crying. Bruce is yelling.Same as usual, I guess. A couplemore hours until there is quiet. Needingthat now.
Tomorrow is Connor's school fair. Hisgrandfather will take him. It would beunexpected heaven if he would also takeGabe. It has been well over two months nowsince we last heard from Gabe's father.Maybe that is for the best?
Stay with me as you can, hon. I need you here.
Losing momentum with the hour and withthe complaints and problems. I'm trying to holdon to faith in that which I needand in what I need to do. Hard at this timeof night.
After 9 now. Only one down and twoto go. Maybe if I head to the couch, theothers will take note of the time?No work since Wednesday and on call forthe weekend means nothing unless he is called.
Just past midnight, Saturday, March 31 ~Awakened by a phone call which servedto irritate, I readjusted blankets andprepared to go back to sleep. I wassurprised to discover this new resolve comeflooding back to give me energy. I letthe feeling wash over me filling me witha renewed sense of delight.
I don't quite trust it to stay withme & I know there will be days aheadwhen I will believe it has disappearedaltogether. Unsure if I am Sleeping Beautyor only poor Rip Van Winkle, but I willnot dwell on trying to figure that oneout now.
It cannot be referred to as "cheer" ~ just simple determination.
Sleep now, perchance to have my own dream?I will ask you to tell me of yours.
6 p.m., Saturday, March 31 ~No elaboration on this angry day. I stoodoutside and let snowmelt splash on my face& prayed for cleansing.
What I sent was not my original intention,but the music held me. Maybe I will play ithere someday. Maybe even later today.
I could escape from others brieflyin "White Oleander," but not from me.
Sunday, April 1 ~If anything, yesterday only served tostrengthen my resolve. More steps takentoday. There is frustration only that Icannot move as quickly as I want ~ andneed. But somehow, I will do and I will havewhat I want.
6 p.m. ~Again no work, but sometimes things fall into place.I so wish that I could twitch my noseand have all that is in front me to dosomehow mysteriously disappear so the pathwas clear. But that will not happen and soI must use every minute I have nowwisely.
Nola, thank you for thinking of me.
11 P.m. ~Amazing...or perhaps not ~ How so few wordscan alter one's momentum.
5 a.m., Monday, April 2 ~Gabe has been throwing tantrums for thepast hour and a half. I can hear him walkingaround his room. I had to lock his door tokeep him in so we (or at least they)could sleep. Every night is like this.I threw his crib tent in the trash today.He ripped it to shreds and it takes himhalf a second to hop over the side ofthe crib, so there's no point in keepingit there. His crying detracts from this momentand I may as well try to sleep for anhour. This has to end. Somehow. Soon.
I whisper a prayer that God willgrant me the time I need.
6:30 p.m. ~But for Bunny, whose mood has been contagious,I'd be farther down in the dumps todaythan I am. I accomplished absolutely nada.At least there is work tomorrow.
Just feeling lonely tonight. Especiallywith all of these people here.
3:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 3 ~Thank you, hon. Now I can sleep.
Wednesday afternoon, April 4 ~Accomplished much yesterday morning, but eveningbrought an unwanted attitude shift. I'mtired of having unnecessary obstacles thrown atme ~ of constantly being asked to explain motive.
Here is where I found my Christmas Tree.
Tuesday, June 6, 2000 #1206/12/00 7:26 PM...6/12/00 8:48 PMHere ~ then gone.
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