Sometimes you need.Sometimes you need to get away.
Friday, October 18, 2002 ~ A note to my readers ~If you do not have Amazone BT font, youwill not be able to view this pageas I have designed it. Also, when I began thisjournal several years ago, there were no "blogger"websites, as they are now called. I have writtenthis as one would read a book. If youwish to read the current entries, you willfind them at the bottom of the page.Links to Journals One & Two can also be foundthere. I have considered changing thismethod for Journal Four, but feel that thoseof you who come here who do not knowme or who are not regular readers will bemore likely to read this in its entiretyif I leave it as is ~ for now ~You will also find information about themusic you hear at the bottom of this page.Thanks, Sage
Thursday, April 5, 2001 9:30 p.m. ~Yesterday ~ bikes and scooters.Today ~ motorcycles and boom boxes.Tomorrow, it will rain. Spring is here.
Friday, April 6, 10:30 a.m. ~Sigh ~ Contemplating this boulder in the path.Frankly, I'm tired of walking around it.
Do we sometimes use an idealto protect us from real?
After 9 ~All in bed, except Connor, but he's going too.Then quiet. Sounds are up.
Tuesday, April 10 ~Exclusivity in a relationship? It requires courage.To not be so allows us to stagnate because weare not forced to examine ourselves and our insecurities.Like the public speaker who learns toovercome his fear by looking above the heads ofhis audience, it gives a self-confidence thatis superficial.
Gabe and I spent the afternoon outsidein the sun. His eyes sparkled as he ran tocatch the elusive bubbles I blew. He rediscoveredthe wonders of the red wagon as I pushed andpulled him, then again as he took his dinosaur,elephant and lion friends for a ride. I showedhim new green pushing up through crackly, old,yet-to-be-raked leaves and he followed me withhis own shovel to throw the last of the ice and snowinto the sun to melt. He drew toddler squiggles onthe sidewalk with pink chalk and jumped upand down from his little table and chairas the freedom of a picnic lunch allowed himto do. All in all, a well-spent afternoon.
3 a.m., Wednesday, April 11 ~As others sleep, Gabe wakes for a bottle, mydaughter's car rolls into the drive andBruce will be up for work in half an hour.Even this time is now gone.
Those of you who read here understandthat I have been on a personal quest for balancein my life. I have always believed thatstress is the leading cause of most disease.As I was visiting Gary Zukav's websitethis afternoon, I ran across this quote bySoul Guest, C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D:"Dealing with some twenty-five thousand chronicallydistressed and ill individuals, I have come to theconclusion that most illness is virtually totallycaused by, or certainly significantly aggravated by,failing to live one's life in harmony with one'sspiritual ideals. The single most common problemis holding a grudge, which one of my studentssays is "like taking poison and expectingit to kill the other person." We now know thatunresolved anger is the leading cause ofatherosclerotic heart disease and that seventy-fiveper cent of patients who die of heart diseasehave long-standing unresolved anger."As always, I encourage you to visit Gary's site.Gary Zukav
4:30 p.m. ~My littlest angel is happy her father is hometo give her a ride to work. He will study fortomorrow's interview at the library tonight.Connor excitedly pointed out tulip sprouts andI found hosta just emerging. Spring. Thank God.
A dark and dreary day spent at my deskworking on gender pages, dealing with atemperamental toddler, dodging family traffic.The interview went well, he guessed. I dohope the job is offered, as this is hislast chance, really. He is working 3rd shifttonight. I should not have had to tell himto call to see if there was work, however.If he is offered this new job, he will have toput his all into it. He will have tolearn to keep his ear to the ground, tosocialize, instead of burying his head inthe sand, to not sit back and simply letothers pass him on the way up the ladderas he did before. He must do this for him ~not for me. As I must do for myself now.Gabe's mom cleaned up shattered glass and tookthe window to be repaired. She is treatingher youngest sister to a night on the town inAlbany. I wish Gabe had not been put downfor such a late nap. I'm looking forward toa quiet evening alone for a change.Heaven for me.
Friday, April 13, Midnight ~A delightful evening with Bun, who is doinga new site for her trainer and whohelped me out by okaying images at Laf's.I never know from one minute to thenext what EOC is up to, of course. Thetime has come, however, to nap and I foreseeputting trash out and doing dishes at 3 a.m.Not unusual, of course.
Friday, April 13 ~Shall it begin all over again? I pray it does not.
11 a.m. ~Three hours spent racing, pacing, andhyperventillating. Boy noise. Nathaniel calls."Can he come over?" No. Why don't yougo to his house for a change?" Phone disconnects.Why can I not call out? Why the constantbeeps after it is placed on the base?Knock at the door. It's Nathaniel.Grab a five-minute shower before Brucegoes to bed after working thirdshift. I open the door to find Gabe climbingthe gate. I come downstairs to findgray boxes all over the puter screen becausehe wasn't being watched while I showered.The bowl of dry cereal he'd given Gabeall over the floor in the living room,then pieces of bologna and a mushed hot dog.Connor runs in and out and I finallytell him I'm locking the door. Make up?What a trick that is! Sit down. Face cream.Stand up & run out to check on Gabe. I see he is standing on top of the couch watchingthe boys outside. He has broken the stringon another blind. Sit down. Face make up.Stand up. Run to check on Gabe. He has puthis boots on. Sit down. Eyebrow pencil.Stand up. Run to check on Gabe. He has unlockedand opened the front door and isattempting to sneak out. I close the door.He has a tantrum. Sit down. Eye make up.Half done. Stand up. Run to check on Gabe.He is standing in the high chair playingwith the flashlight. I take it away. He hasa tantrum. Sit down. Blow dry other eye, which I almost forgot.Stand up. Run to check on Gabe. Can't find him!Where is he? Did he sneak out? I panic.Ok. Found him. Change him and get him dressed.Then I collapse. Connor comes to the door.Nathaniel needs a drink. I get him a drink ofwater. No "thank you." Nathaniel needsto use the phone. "Why?" "So he can call andask his mom if he can have lunch here."It's not lunchtime and I haven't invited Nathanielto lunch. I close the door. Gabe brings me anew pack of bologna. I tell him no. Gabe hasa tantrum. Connor comes to the door. Kelseywants to take the can of pink lemonadefrom our freezer. I envision myself grabbingthat can of lemonade and heaving it acrossthe street. I have issues, I think.
The girls walked in the door at 2 andI flew out of here. It was windy and quiteglorious! I stopped to chat with an elderlyneighbor and to be introduced to her friend. Ithink I'm depressed though. As women seemwont to do, she had to mention that I needto start taking care of myself, indicatingof course, that the weight I've lost inthe past year was too noticeable. It is. Ihave to look at me every day. Stress isa killer.
4:30 p.m. ~It is so incredibly and wonderfully quiet thisminute. One child naps and one child is gettinghis wish to see Pokemon 3 with his grandfather.
Time flies, I guess. Movie is over.Glad to see "someone" finally got the courageto post.:) Dunno what is expectedof me right now, though. Tired of trying toguess.
Am I only fooling myself thinkingI can actually fight this battle and win?I just don't know and I don't knowif it even matters. I'm not doing very wellhere at all.
My father will be buried two weeks fromtoday. It doesn't seem possible that he has beengone for two months.
It is time for me to be the grandma andno longer the mom.
4:30 a.m. ~Quitting soon to try to close my eyes. I triedearlier, but sleep remained elusive.
To my late night visitor who spentsuch a very long time inthis pageyes, I did remember how.
Monday, April 16 ~Sometimes I feel at complete odds with thosearound me. I was raised in a family whereresponsibility, obligation and common courtesy wereparamount. These things seem to bedisappearing from our society. There are fewerand fewer "givers" and many more "takers."Yes, I'm cranky.
I will spend this day going throughDad's things and making arrangements for storage.I have been informed that these thingsI need do are interfering with the schedules ofothers. God forbid.
Past Naptime, Monday night ~Today was a different sort of day. Ilistened as an aunt shed tears for myfather and told stories of days before mytime. I touched base with a family memberwho had been feeling estranged. I was touchedby the sharing of special items from Dad'shouse ~ my sister-in-law asked for the pencilsketch of Beethoven that I did so manyyears ago. My niece asked for the airbrushartistry of my sister's. My brother and Ivisited the Town Office at the supervisor'srequest to receive a resolution in regardto my father from the NYS Senate and Assembly.Gretchen says I was talking in my sleep lastnight. She said I kept repeating the word "vague."I'm not surprised as Carly Simon's song was onmy mind as I fell asleep and I seemedto want to substitute "vague" for "vain."I'm tired, I think, of trying. I havebeen walking the path alone for too long.And the light at the other end can nolonger be counted upon. Can it, hon?
Bruce was called in for 3rd shiftunexpectedly. Gret works until close at 3 or4 a.m. The boys are both fast asleep.It is quiet, but the day has been long.I need rest and I guess there is no longera reason to stay here. If there is, then Ineed to hear it.
Tuesday, April 17 ~I woke up at 2, as I usually do. But thereseemed to be no reason to get up and Iremained under the blankets and went back tosleep. I apologize to those of you whoknow my "normal" hours and who tried tocontact me then.
Happy Birthday, Honey:)
I listened for my windchimes last night,but there was no sound. I found the clapperthis morning on the ground. Perhapsit was a sign.
Always such a wonderful feeling when youfinally decide to bare your soul and there issilence.
Thursday afternoon, April 19 ~Mixed emotions make writing difficult. Thismusic calms me and reminds me of goals.As this new time of my life approaches, Iam impatient, but also scared, as itseems at one moment to creep too slowlytoward me and then leap toward mein the next. It is the right thing andthere is a sweet and refreshing excitement thatkeeps me moving as I shed all that hasencumbered me for so long.
Dad's house is almost done. The storage unitis filled with things I will have moved hereafter my daughter leaves. My brother and hiswife will return to Virginia until my father'sburial next Saturday. Even with the pain oflosing Dad has come some good. I havebecome reacquainted with my brother. I love himvery much.
My evening nap will be disturbed tonightby that which I do not want.
Friday, April 20th ~This month has sped past. It is finallywarming to bearable and the snow by the barnshould (with a little help) disappear by theend of the week. The morning was busy with the youngestdaughter needing a ride to work and laughing about herevening spent enjoying the company of one of herbrother's old classmates. I had the opportunityto chat with my son, who said he would(of course...ahem) put an end to thatimmediately:)My oldest daughter had to bedriven to her hair appt. because her cardied in the drive last night and had to betowed. $450, but I forget for what.That poor little Honda has been abused.I danced and played fighting fire hydrantswith Gabe (best you not ask). Spot, Ted? I'mstill laughing about that one. I hada slight scare when Bruce called to say hisradiator hose broke, but he is on his wayto Connecticut. Gret is at work. Gabe is asleep.Connor and Kelsey are eating sour gummyworms and playing acceptable house on the frontporch. I am still awaiting my brother's deliveryof more boxes from Dad's and I am frustratedwith portaphone problems.
But, I have had incredible energy today!Things are indeed changing. Nate has begrudginglyaccepted the reality of a necessary 9-5. He graduateson May 25th, but will be in New Mexico onthat day. The play he is directing willrun the first 3 weekends in May and we aretrying to figure out which of us can attend.
Why is it that I am suddenly feeling so free?
Tuesday, April 24 ~I'd send energy in a flash, Hope, but seem toneed every bit I can git. I knew I'd be confrontedwith obstacles now. Sometimes I think I'mmaking headway and other times the hurdlesappear to be so danged high. All the thingsI used to do at breakneck speed nowseem to take forever. I become impatient andfrustrated and that rapidly saps the extraenergy. "Little" things ~ like with the job changecomes the wait for the new health insurance, whichin turn means waiting to make neededdoctor appts. Yesterday, I whipped around thecorner into the kitchen and because I'velost depth perception, I slammed my left shoulderinto the wall. This morning, tears welledup in my eyes as I tried to unscrew windowmoldings so I could remove a window andput in a screen. I couldn't see the screwsand had to "feel" my way into theslots with the screwdriver. My daughter askedwhy I was trying to do what Iwas doing. That's when the tears came. I toldher that there are things I want todo and I want to do them NOW and I'm tiredof not being able to SEE to do them.I have all I can do just to read what I'mtyping. I'm not giving up hope though ~not even when reality gets in my way.
Friday, April 27 ~I had to step back and away for a few days.The intoxication which accompanied this new freedomproved overwhelming. I tasted it and touched itand wanted it all NOW. But I realizedthat I had to accept that there are thingsI cannot control. The maple is budding.I cannot force the buds to open. They will doso when it is time. And as thetree is beautiful when full and heavy withgreen, so is it beautiful now.
Monday, April 30 ~Surveying Gabe's weekend damage to the premises.This morning brings none of the delightexperienced early Sunday morning. My father andmother now resting side-by-side.Until my visit to the cemetery on Saturday to sayfarewell to Dad, I always had asense that my mother's spirit was still therebeneath the headstone. But for the first time,I was struck by the emptiness of all that liebeneath the soil. The ritual is necessary,I suppose. But what of the rest of it? Thecare of the body...the selection of thequality of the coffin...why do these thingsmatter?I hold the physical loss of my parentsclose to my heart, but feel no need to shedtears. There is sadness and a few regrets forpain suffered, for their fears, for issues notfully resolved. And I am becoming the matriarch.I can feel that responsibility being slowlyhanded to me now. That is ok, too. It is howit should be. It is not a lonely spot,for there is much love in this family. Thefamily brunch brought memories retold, photosof new grandchildren and much laughter. A latenight call from my sister who could not be withus brought me some amount of amusement as Ilistened to her rehash her old speeches tome about what I should or should not dowith my life. I let her go on because it waswhat she needed to do, but my long-lostsense of humor is finally returning (in fitsand starts) and I was finally able to convinceher that I am beginning anew. I slept well thatnight and awoke to a renewed sense of physicaland mental energy. I found myself smiling andenvisioned a delightful dance. I tried to hangon to those feelings as long as possible. Iknew they would deteriorate during the afternoon asGabe's nonstop physical activity wore me down.And they did disappear for awhile. Frustrationand irritation with those around me reappearedand the evening ended badly. This morningbegan with the same frustrations, but now Iat least can see the light at the end ofthe tunnel, even though I must constantly remindmyself that it has finally appeared.
Monday, May 7 ~Have had little time here. Don't feel muchlike writing anyway, I guess.
Thursday, May 10 ~I've avoided this page all week. For severalreasons, I guess. My patience has worn very thinindeed, as I wait for things to fall into place.I was booted yet again as I sat down to writehere and while reconnecting, walked outside to move thesprinkler. I fear we will see an outside wateringban soon. We've had no rain and Vermontjust announced such a ban a few days ago. Thetulips are up, but they are not healthy.Gabe is also trying my patience and I've beenletting him run free as much as possible.He has almost mastered the treehouse and hethought he was funny dumping pails ofwater on his fully-clothed grandmother this afternoon.But, of course, I cannot be two places at once.My obligations here have me feeling guilt-ridden,because I have not been able to fulfill themrecently. I admit fully to counting the daysuntil my daughters and Gabe are in place at theirnew apartment. Although ~ his mom has not evenbegun the packing up process, which has been anothersource of irritation for me. Sometimes I wish Icould just tell her that someone else needsme and that I need to be free before it is toolate. Because what I thought I lost so longago, I have found again.
Gabe is refusing his nap. I try to maintaincalm, but hear him as he climbs out of hiscrib, and it's tough. His nap is my only timeand even that time is filled with cleaning anddishes and laundry and whatever else I can fit in.I will not have that time today.
Mother's Day ~A very long day and very busy still, as I continueboxing up "things" for my daughter's impendingmove. Even now, at almost 9 p.m., I am crowdedby noise and chatter and people, but I havefound those little spaces again and I can smile.
10:30 p.m. ~How quickly things change. Words between mydaughter and me, as she protested my thought that shewould be moving June 1st. Bruce sat by and saidnothing, which did not surprise me either.The argument and the thought of yet again moredelays took the steam out of me andI simply stopped working. Again I am forced torethink time frames and I am resentful and angry.She left to spend the night in Albany. Bruceand Connor are asleep and Gabe is shrieking andlaughing at his imaginary friend. God, I'm sotired of this.
There are those special to me who havegiven me the courage to get through this time.And I thank God for the one who waits for me.If, in fact, he does wait.
Tuesday, May 15 ~Still thinking. It seems my heart will not allowme any other choice. I need to do this. Otherwise,there will always be questions and no answers.If I do not find what I seek there,I can always walk away. But I have invested toomuch of myself to walk away now without answers.
Thursday, May 17 ~Awaiting my turn to testify, I paced the hallof the courthouse with only one thing on my mind.Tongue-tied even in my imagination. Nottalking, not responding, has been the only way Ican hide and it has become a habit.
Saturday, May 19 ~Funny. Free tonight after the kids are in bed,but feeling too crowded and at odds online.Need to get away for a bit.
Sunday, May 20 ~3 a.m.I managed to get through only 3 pieces of mail beforegetting booted again this afternoon. I hopethe new puter gets built soon before I lose thisone entirely. Perhaps I should have knownbetter than to try to set aside time for me lastnight. After kid company finally left, I splurgedand ordered out. Connor took an hour to eatone of the 2 burgers he'd begged me for ~ and thatonly after scraping "icky" lettuce and tomatooff the sandwich. Gabe, who normally has a goodappetite, ate next to nothing. I ended up pickinga little at the food they didn't finish andput my calzone in the fridge, untouched. I almostdozed off waiting for their bedtimeto roll around. After getting Gabe to sleep,Connor asked me to sit with him. I've beenfeeling guilty lately because I really haven'tspent much time with him, so we cuddledup and watched "Home Alone" in my bed. Both ofus fell asleep.
I assume my daughter's car will roll intothe drive shortly. I go back and forth withher, resenting her impositions on my time with herlack of responsibility, but wishing at the same timethat she would stay in Albany. I was notsurprised to hear her perceptions of me througha mutual friend. Those will remain unchanged untilshe is on her own and discovers the full extentof her responsibilities.
It was wonderful to finally meet Nola,even though her visit was much too short.Gabe was terrific and behaved himself, whichwill allow her to take good memories back toCalifornia. There has been no call from Gabe'sdad, so I'm left to assume he will only takehis other children to see her tomorrow night. Sad.Although I want Gabe to know his father,I wonder if it is best left as it is. I seelittle in him right now that would be ofbenefit to Gabe. But I must thank Nola for thebeautiful flowers she brought me. Gabe's newshirt fits to perfection and he wore it today.The precious bear is next to him in his cribas he sleeps.
4:30 a.m. ~My daughter is now fast asleep on the couch.Gabe, of course, is awake and playing in his room.Sigh ~ My days are truly 24 hours long.
And what of me? I was disappointed when Irealized I was mistaken about the identity of asilent reader at forum yesterday. Someoneneeds to be there and he needs to act soon.One who is not silent may drive me todistraction very soon, but I have be-haved andhave been a good girl. Enjoy it while it lastsbecause it is wearing quite thin.
And as the sun comes up, I will go to sleep.But not before I get the kid back in his crib.Would it be considered child abuseif I tied him to it?
Still Sunday ~All are finally in bed, although not yet asleep.I did not intend to go where I went today,but found myself held there. I am gladfor even more honesty ~ for the possibilityof new understanding. Sometimes I want tokick myself upside the head for my owninsecurities. Sometimes, however, I am given goodreason to feel them. Must be a guy thing:)
There is a strong south wind tonight.It feels wonderful and is music to my ears.
Saturday afternoon, May 26 ~Feeling some amount of sun deprivation after whatseems like an endless period of rain.The sweet, lazy ambience of the first rainy morningis naught but a memory now, as I growincreasingly impatient with anything that detersme. I will enjoy a brief reprieve tonight whenthe "boys" leave for the drive-in, but itseems like all of my breaks lately have been atnight after my energy has been depleted.I no longer know for sure what my own bodyrhythm is. A former night owl who hasbeen called upon to be available at all hoursof the day and night for the pastfew years.
11:30 p.m. ~The so-called "reprieve" was shorter than thatwhich I hoped for. Four hours were abbreviatedand turned into only 2. I wanted to slow dance.
While waiting for major steps, I'vefilled my days with little ones as I can.Girl things, I guess. Things like shavingboth legs in the same day. Deciding what newclothes I have to buy. Doing my nails.Realizing I have no luggage of my own. It's beena long time ~ a very, verylong time since I've done things for me.I'm very much out of practice.
Strong women we may be, Draggie, but wealso know we don't want to be all the time.
I knew someone once ~ someone I couldtalk to about anything. But yet, no words werenecessary. Presence in the same room ~ a look~ a touch ~ said everything that needed to besaid. That is what I need now. At this verymoment. Because sometimes I do just need that.
Sharing is not where I want to be tonight.
btw, Closet liberals are worse than those whoadmit to it. I have no tolerance for thosewho bad-mouth undeserving people, whopresent themselves as feel-good liberals inevery thing they say, then change theirtune the minute someone with whom they are enamoredwalks into the room and pretend to be somethingthey are not. Whether I agree with someoneor not, they'd better have the strength of theirconvictions behind them. I have been pleasantthus far, but find myself gritting my teethat hypocrisy shown by the lovelorn.
Tuesday, May 29 ~The sun has finally returned after two straightweeks of rain. The resumption of the workweek allows me some breathing space.
Lanya had me laughing last night asI delivered a message, then even more so afterthe obscene phone call I received. Shesends her love, hon, as well as a very importantmessage, which I cannot put in print here:)
Sigh, moan, whine. Gabe is banging onthe door. I have no choice but to bring himdownstairs, which means I'll still be tryingto finish the morning paper two hours from now.
btw, eleven o'clock is still down asof this morning. The voy forum is available,although neither of us had time for ityesterday. Laf's at Voy
Wednesday, May 30 ~Interesting, Butterfly. What's this? Your annual,"I think I'll mess with someone's headego trip?"
Sunday, June 10 ~Of necessity, I have been elsewhere lately. I amcounting days, although the imminent move,which is half completed, will tighten the othernoose around my neck. I have not yetdecided what to do about that. But I am leavingthe nest, even as it must be a briefflight. For now.
Saturday, June 16 ~ Smiling ~I seem to be doing a lot of that lately.I have given up trying to catch up hereuntil this move is complete. Connor has one weekleft of school. He and his mom will visitSix Flags in New Jersey next weekend, thenthe move will be completed during the last weekin June. Then I will be free ~ truly free to makepreparations. Free to catch up here. Free.So much has changed. I have changed.And I'm lovin' it. Maybe I will be back later.It is now midnight, hotter than Hadesand right now, it IS the humidity :)
Tuesday, June 26 7:15 a.m. ~One week of confusion remaining. One week.
I succumbed to an overwhelming urge to fixmyself a big breakfast. Now I feel pleasantly sleepyand wish I could crawl back under the covers todream in peace. That is impossible, of course,as Gabe is awake and playing in his room now.It is becoming more and more difficult to goback to sleep after our 3 a.m. talks. I wantto lay there enjoying the visions and sensationswhich cause me to smile as I drift off.Instead, I roll over and pretend to sleep asanother is up and about early preparing forhis work day.
I stumble around boxes in every room now.My daughter is at her new apartment clearing theyard of poison ivy and preparing it for theboys. Connor is with her and it is difficultfor me to think of him being home. This hasbeen his home for 8 years and the bondbetween us has been more mother and son thangrandmother and grandson. I miss him already.Oddly, my neighbors have decided to sell theirhouse. It will seem strange to have themgone. So many changes now.
Thursday, July 12 4 a.m. ~Smiling. It is time to begin a new journal.I hesitate to end this one without explainingwhat is it that brings a smile to my lips as Idrift off to sleep each night now ~why I awaken each morning with the same smile ~why I am filled with incredible energy ~why this moment is so deliciously sweet.Perhaps, over the next few days, Iwill try to put some of it into words. It istoo late right now as I must spirit myselfaway from here, but life is wonderful! The waitingis almost over now. And why, as I just wasdisconnected and had to reconnect, I cringed &felt a need to put my hands over my ears to blocksounds which I cannot hear myself.lmao! Sleep well, cowboy.
Wednesday, July 25 10 a.m. ~My return to these pages has been slow in coming.At the same time that I begin to enjoythe great sense of freedom allowed by intimatesharing, the need to suppress and hide joy growsand becomes more difficult daily.
I now know what it is that was waitingfor me at the center of the labyrinth. I kneelin gratitude to the one who handed methe key to that door and I press it gentlyback into his hand for safe-keeping.
And what is at the center of thatlabyrinth? Why, me, of course! In all my glory!Me as I was always meant to be~ one who is alive and vibrant and beautiful!
Saturday, August 4, 5 p.m. ~Smiling
Re-reading some of what I have writtenhere brings a certain amount of laughter.To see me as I was when I was stilllooking for me ~and now, having found me. To feelsuch joy at who and what I am!
Thursday, August 9 ~Still, this girl is tired. Over 20medical appts in just over 30 days has me whooped.It is far from over. The eye specialisthas decided to send me to yet another specialistafter the emergency this past week and surgery isscheduled for the 22nd. Trying to fit Dad'sfurniture wherever I can and box more of mydaughter's things up to send down to her.Nothing physical will be allowed for several weeksafter surgery and I feel like I am rushing withlittle time left. Frustrated also, with the statusof the new computer. My son has been vague andthis one is giving me new problemsevery day. Disconnections, errors and fatalsare irritating and it is becoming moredifficult to work with more than one window orprogram open. Time-consuming & yes,I am whining. I was at least able to getinto email briefly and accomplish one thing,at least, before puter shut down on me. The skyis black and the county just west is under atornado warning. Headed this way.
After 9 now.The worst of the storm passed just to the southand when that danger passed, I could come backhere. Bruce came home midday and would not allowme five minutes of peace. He is in bedfinally, so perhaps I will be able to workunencumbered for a short while.
I was very disturbed earlier by emailwhich indicated a deliberate attempt to berate.It has given me cause to reconsider.The Internet has given women a sense of power.It has allowed stay-at-home moms and seniors,as well, an opportunity to have a stronger voiceand to accomplish things they never thoughtpossible. This is good. But there are thosewho begin to abuse this new power. Theybecome filled with such an overwhelming senseof their own importance that they disregardall that originally brought them to this place.I am reminded of the office of my optometrist.I have used the same office since I was 8years old. The doctor I saw for so many yearswas tall and stoop-shouldered from decades ofbending over his patients. He had a twinkle inhis eye and a wonderful chuckle and I enjoyedseeing him from time to time. He hada terrific receptionist who chatted non-stopand the patients loved her because she wastruly interested in their lives. When thedoctor became older and began his retirementprocess, he brought in a partner and added a newoptician. The optician's wife began coming in tothe office to "help out." She was efficient andofficious and was going to make sure everyoneknew she ruled that office with an iron hand.There was nothing she didn't know, of course.Within a very short time, the beloved receptionistquit after working in that office for over 20years. Patients who had visited this officefor several decades began to leave to find otherdoctors. If someone had bothered to tell the newoffice manager that it was she who was responsible,I'm sure she would have been surprised. I amnot positive that it would have bothered hermuch or that she would have even understood whatit was about her that was drivingpeople away. She is too consumed with herposition and with herself to have any realunderstanding or compassion for others. I continueto go there simply because I always have, butit is no longer the delightful place it once was.Still, she is running a business. Much differentthan being involved in a networkdesigned to celebrate, to share, and to have fun.By their very nature, most women havean innate sense of obligation. When situationsoccur that throw them off track or that keepthem from getting things on their to do lists accomplished,the sense of obligation can grow into guilt,and can make accomplishing those things evenmore difficult. The wise friend does not addto the guilt, but instead keeps the porch light on.
I finished the above, got an illegal op andcouldn't get back into Tripod for an hour.At 11:30, he is still up and I am not ina real great mood. Well, at least I wasn't...until someone wouldn't let me do anythingbut laugh. Rolling eyes here. It won't be longbefore Bunny has that picture she wants, ya know?
Friday morning, August 10 ~I only have a few minutes here. One look atthe radar tells me I'd better I'd bettermove quickly. Rough night last night. My gigglingquickly turned to concern as anger transformedone who cannot afford that emotion now.My attempt to follow him to help gave metwo more blue screens, but I was able to doenough in between to be somewhat successful.Lanya was there with support, as well, and bothof us appreciate that more than she can know.Then there were a few moments of laughter withthe nurse who finally handed the reins over.Still, I cannot always prevent the fall intoself-beratement which occurs. You may have failedin some ways, hon, but that does not meanthat YOU are a failure. It simply means youare human. I hate to leave you in the wee hoursfeeling as you did and I just want evenmore to BE there with you.
Tuesday, August 21 ~Brief note. Tomorrow is surgery. I will be outof commission for at least several days, butwill try to get on to start checking mail. Yahoofinally came through during the wee hourslast night, but as the pager has stopped makingnoises, I assume the box is over-flowingnow, or stuck again. Leaving this same message at forum.
Thursday, August 30 ~I didn't listen to them, of course, thinking "Hey! I've had four children. This surgerycan't be any worse." It was.
Now, one week and two post-op visitslater, I crawl out from under the blankets. The painis too fresh to be a memory yet, but mentalacuity and physical energy are beginning to return.I am impatient to be allowed to return to this place.For now, my body pays for even the slightestphysical activity, but with but one page of daysleft, I must pay attention to its healing.
Sunday, September 9 ~16 days
Monday, September 10 ~Laughing, but my belly is flip-flopping and my heartis definitely not beating normally. At 12:38tonight, we will have only 300 more hours to wait!
A Tragedy
A special thanks to Hope for sharing the above page.
Thursday, October 25 ~Why do those who profess to love me wish todeny me the joy that is rightfully mine?I've spent my life denying it to myself because Idid not wish to cause others pain or tomake them uncomfortable. I still wish there wasa way to avoid the grief I maycause others, but I can no longer place their needsor wishes before my own.
Lonely tonight ~ really lonely.
Tuesday, October 30 ~I am exercising my perogative as a female.I gave someone a chance today, but his actionsthis afternoon again proved me right again. And someoneI know just might yell, "Get your handsoutta my cookie jar!" It is now my choice and Ihave made it. As an aside, my heart goes out toJohn Gray, who I believe has now been divorced twoor three times. Some track record for a relationshipexpert, huh?
Speaking of cookies, please bear with me asI figure out how to restore my main email account.ZDr, sweetie?
Which reminds me ~ I owe someone a visit, don't I?Dreamers
November 2 ~And to my children ~Yes, I need you too, but I will wait. He needs youmore right now. Perhaps someday you willunderstand and forgive me. Maybe you won't. But thereis nothing I can do about that.
As for my problems with Yahoo ~ I receiveda tutorial from them today on how to delete email.Thanks, if I didn't know. As this willprobably be the only attempt from these moronsto correct my problem, I have begun the processof forwarding all mail to another account andwill answer mail as soon as I complete the process.
To the one who owns ~ ty
November 6 ~Happy Birthday, Nola!
Remembering ~ too ~
To one who has been frequenting here as of late,demands destroy the spirit. The spirit determinesthe soul of the man and of the woman. Work onyour own and never do anything that diminishesthat of another. If you disregard this, then the resultis to push the other away ~ the other runsto get away.
The truth is out and the silence is deafening.
BTW, 4 letters to yahoo have not solved my problem,therefore I have begun the fun task of transferringeverything to hotmail. To those of you whohave been patient, thank you. To those of you whohave not been ~ oh well. Sorry. Talk to Yahoo.
I wish to God that just one child wouldtell me he or she understands.
Monday, November 12, 2 a.m. ~I've just been sitting here thinking. I wrote herethis morning, but this puter will no longerallow me to multitask and a fatal took me down beforeI had a chance to save. I will make one more attemptto contact my elusive offspring in re: theputer he is supposed to be building for me. Oh ~ andabout his father's belated birthday gift. Somehow,I cannot picture him following through with hisold yen to learn to play the guitar, but soon hewill have one ~ and no excuses. Perhaps takinglessons will help him get through the rough timeahead, but probably not.
The Yahoo mail situation has gotten worse,if that is possible. I've had only one automatedresponse from them and I've written to them fivetimes now. It is obvious that someone has been inthere fiddling with it, but it remains in a state ofdisrepair and I simply do not have the time ordesire to deal with the additional aggravationright now.
It has been good to chat with my old friend,Chris, again. I hope that what I have done will starther on her own path to self-realization. She isready to walk it, but everyone needs apush from time to time.
Sweet Rosie, thank you. Your words liftedmy spirit. Maybe I will give you the addresses ofmy children:) Thank you also for coming back.That meant everything in the world to me.That imaginary path I've spoken of here will, in a fewshort weeks, be very real. Smiling now ~remembering ~ wishing to speak of the joy. I cannotshare with words here yet, but if you couldsee me, you'd know.
Tuesday, November 13 ~Watching yellow leaves fall. Memories settling at thebase of the tree to fade slowly and dissolveinto life-dust. Trunk with bare branches reaching talland proud into the sky. Not dormant at all, butentering a new lifecycle.
Wednesday, November 14 ~I woke up organized, I swear:) Wake up calls andthe path disappears for awhile and there isalmost skin.
I see the beginning of another path.This one created by a friend whose brief treks maywear a speed bump through the middleof Thrill Hill.
P.S. in the P.M. ~Don't forget that I do know who reads here.There is one for whom I feel slightly sorry.Another whose lunch I still smell. Christmas willbe good this year ~ to both of us. For once.It's possible that may be all that will be allowed.Right now, that is all that matters.To both of us.
Yes, we wish for a future, but that is unknown.I enter into this knowing that. I'm not going tosay that it doesn't scare me. But you have totake what you can get from life.It is, after all, the only one you have.
Who can sayWhere the road goesWhere the day flows~ only time And who can sayIf your love growsas your heart chose~ only time.Who can sayWhy your heart sighsas your love flies~ only timeAnd who can sayWhy your heart criesWhen your love lies~only timeWho can saywhen the roads meetthat love might bein your heartAnd who can saywhen the day sleepsif the night keepsall your heartNight keeps all your heartWho can sayif your love growsas your heart chose~ only timeAnd who can saywhere the road goeswhere the day flows~only timeWho knows ~only timeWho knows ~ only timeEnya...of course
November 16 ~Sigh ~A back to reality as it is for now day,I guess. With a cumbersome weekend in front of us.
Sunday, November 18 ~Closing my eyes to shut out the shrillnessof his April plans.
Held motionless by harsh words. Studying the grainof the oak floor boards with sightless eyes.If I see through her eyes, I do not feelshame, but smug self-satisfaction. I see herwith a power she should no longer enjoy. Thatpower is not something she takes. It is somethingshe receives from your anger. If she holds youin her hand, then she holds me too. I simplywant us to be free.
The simplest things whispered to me ~ a towel,a hairblower, a fork, a glass, a bed, a chair,a robe ~ And I refused to listen. Everydaythings used by ghosts. Knick knacks caught my eyeand I kept silent and absorbed them because theyare a part of all of it. I have my own,after all. And they are part of it, too. Private thoughtsin private places and we are responsible forour own choice to attach meaning or importance.Acceptance of a life before and all that hasmade us what we are.
And we will be ok.
Monday, November 19 ~Smiling ~ glad I forgot to pack my toothbrush.
Wednesday, November 21 ~Tomorrow will be this family's "Last Supper."I will leave here soon. For my true home.The one that has been awaiting me all my life.
I will give private thanks tomorrow. Privatebecause it still must remain so, but someday soon,it will no longer be necessary.
2 a.m., Monday, November 26 ~Another unbearably long weekend, but in 18 daysmy journey home will begin. While others shopfor Christmas, I pack boxes for the UHaul. AndI will say good-bye to this place andto my life here.
I will snatch Oreos from the mouth of thecookie jar, make glow-in-the-dark barefoot printson the path, dance madly again in everyroom and sleep under stars!
That reminds me ~ I will have to chop downa tree for this page, won't I?
Tuesday, November 27 ~Finally, an acknowledgement of reality from my formerpartner and I can breathe. Now if I could findmy stuff under the ton of garbage in the basement.So many things! What do I take? What do I leave?What is fair? How fair do I need to be?I always thought the Little Red Hen was a prettywise bird.17 days ~
Bunny! Get back here! I miss you! I apologizefor missing messages from Chris and Draggie and Nolafor the past few days. But I can't get done all Ineed to do if I am sitting here. Draggie, myspecial thanks for sending me the following url:
Imagine a Woman
Wednesday, November 28 ~Stomach churning this morning. I don't want abirthday cake. Just want to get out of here.
Afternoon, November 28 ~For those of you who were wondering if it is yourputer: "VoyForums is down for temporary maintainence.We apologize for any inconvenience. Once the systemis back up, feel free to read through our News pagefor recent announcements." At the same time, my msnis down and my yahoo mail is still inaccessible.Back to packing.
However, I was just informed that I have 34new pieces of junk mail at msn...just one day and noteven. These spammers should be sued!
Monday, December 3 ~Taking a few brief moments to recapture memoriesfrom a half-century of life. I sort throughbelongings and decide what to take and what to leavebehind. But I cannot do the same with memories. Theyare inside me and are a part of who andwhat I am. They represent the reason for my needto do what I do now. Immediately shunned andcut off by inlaws who not only will never understand,but who will never allow themselves to understand.I expected that, as I have watched them dothe same to others. Rallying around their own,treating others with derision, never acknowledgingthat one of their own could possibly be responsible.That saddens me, but I cannot allow it to deter me.I am not wrong in what I do. It is, perhaps,the first time I have ever done something right forme. I am angry that my husband spoke to Connorabout my departure. That was a typically selfish actand something I should have been allowed to domyself. So dear to my heart, this child.Because he is a child still, my need to protect himis strong. I wish I could hold him one more timebefore I leave. Little Gabriel will be okay.He is not yet old enough to be effected much. But I will miss his sunshine very much!
Monday, Dec 10 ~I see Tripod has done away with the pop ups & putadvertising on the page. Somehow I'm not surprised.Sweetheart, get well soon. I will be there in just over60 hours now, according to your calculations. You needto take me feelthy and exhausted, ya know?
ok..ty, Tripod...I refresh and there's the pop up.
The truck will be loaded on Wednesdayand I fly out on Thursday at 6 a.m.
ZDr will meet me me in Baltimore.I love you, sweetie. Thank you! And, ty Kandi forletting me borrow him for an hour or so :)
Tuesday, December 11 ~My life story in boxes.
Wednesday, January 2 ~For my family & friends who have been wondering,I am alive and well & grinning smugly at newneighbors who laughed at this snowbird with a snowblower.To y'all, I say, "HAH!"
Although I have several puters available here,I am suffering from a certain amount of withdrawal.I miss my own hard drive! (Such as it is). I hopeto be up and functioning soon.
btw, theft and threats of blackmail are criminal acts.
Friday morning, January 11 ~Crickets in January. Listening to old tape mixesas I unpack slowly. Mailbox keys. Lady bugsbasking in the sun. Afternoon sunlight caressinga forehead. Dancing and laughing in theaisles of Wally World, still searching for theelusive microwave center. Struggling a bit to finda happy medium between my normal fast pace andthe lazy, pleasant ambience of the South.
My children not only have accepted mydecision, but have indicated that they are notreally surprised at anything but that Ididn't leave sooner. I do miss them, but have greatfaith that I will see them from time to time.I only pray that the same will hold truefor the lion. Before it is too late.
Good news. Yahoo repaired my yahoo account today.
Rainy Saturday, January 12 ~A trip to Huddle House for burgers at 5 a.m.;cooks relaxing before the morning rush and theserver whose lower lip always seem to hang openfinishing side work so she can go hometo her family. Oversleeping and waking pastnoon. Stuck at a snail's pace behind a potatofarmer. An introduction and faces to put to namesI've known for years. The little one with thesparkle of the devil in her eyes as shedanced to the music in her head. I joined herin that dance in my own fashion a shortwhile later ~ tasting joy. Plans for next weekendto meet more members of my adopted family.Again listening to the truth being hedged inorder to maintain another's comfort leveland wanting that to end.
Sunday, January 13 ~Tired of puter probs always one after another.I've had little time here as my computerwill not allow me to access my own pagesand files.
1 a.m., Thursday, January 17 ~Too tired to write tonight, but I am ecstatic!After a month, Tripod has finallysolved the problem and I am back on my ownputer. It's been a long day & I'mheaded to bed, but want to thank you all forhanging in there with me. Most everyone whoreads here knows how upside my life has beenfor over a year now. But I'm back,almost settled into my new home and withTripod and Yahoo both finally solving their(my) problems within almost the same timeframe, I may soon be able to get backto what passes for normal here. Hope, considera bike:) Ron, get your behind backhome soon. Rosie, thanks, hon, for your support.I miss my Bunny! Ted, the Lion wantsto know how Nola's are doing :). Penni,my friend, that boy toy will soon appear,I'm sure.And to my Lion, you know what thisgirl wants to say.
Friday, January 18 ~If you have dreams, try turning around andlooking ahead instead. Then do!
Saturday, January 19 ~Amazing how some things never change. Likewaiting for others. Like spam. Both a tremendouswaste of my time. Trying to wade through 3 monthsof the email Yahoo froze and the junk keepsrolling right in. Growly.
For those of you who are wondering howthose with Conjestive Heart Failure live their lives,I encourage you to visit Jon's PlaceIt is a very rough way to spend the restof one's life. In the "Loved Ones" section, thereis a question from a young ladywho asks if her mother's fear that she mightdrop dead in the supermarket is a valid one.Jon pulls no punches. The answer is a resoundingYes!" Go read.
Friday, January 25, 12:30 p.m. ~lol! Do I detect a little boredom, Hope?Believe me, I'm trying! I cooked in my ownkitchen last night for the first time. I dohave a pic that the Lion cropped & scannedfor me, but I need to size it down before Ican upload it here. As you can imagine,I've had to take great care about what I writehere. It ain't over until it's over, ya know?
Thursday was warm and gray ~ a perfect dayfor an afternoon drive through the countryside.Pastures dotted with white cattle, horses, goats ~a circular bale of hay sitting near the road,painted with a heart and cupid's arrow forValentine's Day. "This is where I taught my sonto drive." "This is where I hit the deer." "So &so lives here." The farm. Allowing dreams to filterin, even if only briefly.
Today, cooler with a ray of sun popping throughhere & there. Pushing Michael high on the swing,playing football on the slide, picking flowersoff Creeping Charlie, chasing crickets and Michael'snew ladybug friend looking for his daddy.Sugarplum promises teasing Michael's eyes closedfor a nap and another "first" while he sleeps...
Rough night. Pain. Hot. Cold. Can't breathe.Reliving the horror of a past life. Reassurances.
Saturday, January 26, 9:30 a.m. ~I seem to be losing any sense of time. If itis there at all, it is flying past me.I find myself watching the clock more than ever.A paranoia, of sorts, that I still amunable to find time for me. No sense of accomplishmentaccompanies me to bed at night. I need that. Ifthere is discord at all, it is because ofthis. I wrestle to balance my needs with his.Whimsey needs to be enjoyed as a breakfrom routine. It cannot be the routine.
But we will work it out :)
Monday, January 28, 2 a.m. ~What shall I write about? Perhaps the imminentdeath of an artist? Yes, I know youknow what is missing from the cupboard.I knew you would. Sometimes, it is wiserto pretend you don't.
Tuesday, January 29, 1 a.m.~Glorious weather made up for the Dean of Computer'searly intrusion. The day was one of thosethat is so long that morning memories appear vague.In this case, it is a good thing. I have stillto accomplish anything at all, but business discussions,clean sheets, and a now-hanging Cherokee emblemhelped more than he will know to dispel myfrustration. It is late now and this body hasseen more energetic moments. Perhaps there willbe time for me tomorrow. Perhaps. I've hadtime to do nothing here at all. Personal mattersare weighing heavily as they accumulate.Early evening saw one who loves his audiencesharing his music with a former business partner.Potatoes peeled at 6 sat in the pot untilher departure. Another late supper andconversations with Penni and Bun. A drop in BPand hooked to O2 again and I cannot stay herelong.
Tuesday, January 29, 2:45 p.m. ~Laughing. Not since you were thirteen, huh, Lion?
11:45 p.m. ~Back to normal as lunch plans turn into dinnerplans. Bush's State-of-the-Union in thebackground as I tiredly go through piles and pilesof receipts in my storage unit-never-to-be-done"half." One of us has to know what day it is, hon.
A pleasant, but too brief stroll throughthe nursery ~ shared dreams of shade-givingtrellises which belong in front of a house,not a duplex, bring to each of us our ownthoughts and memories. Hopes too, for time toregain what was lost and for time to sharewhat could be ours.
Midnight and I must return or the coachwill turn into the pumpkin.
Tarl, the younger, wondered briefly about theslaves' stiff and sore muscles, but it really wasof little concern to him, now was it?
But perhaps he can read a girl's mind, afterall?
Thursday, January 31, 4:20 p.m. ~Sitting here in shorts and tank top, enjoyingthe light breeze coming in through the openwindows. Laughing as my daughter complains thatschool was cancelled today because of sleet andfreezing rain. Flowers are already blooming herein Smalltown.
Rainy night in Georgia ~ quiet and easy.Wind chimes swaying noiselessly.
Memories to cherish ~ a perfect moonrise,rapturously hugging a wall only to collapsein a fit of giggles, the wonder on theface of a man who has returned to him somethingstolen so long ago, watching myself dance inthe mirror.
Friday, February 1, 9:30 a.m. ~There is one who reads here who is filledwith anger and misery that I well understand,for I have been there. She will not understandthat my pleas for honesty went unheeded.No, the truth does not ease the pain, butwhich is better? To live one's life basedon truth and reality? Or to live in a dreamworldcolored by the vagueness of lies? Truth forcesone to confront his or her own being.It is the only way to live fully. She canhope that what we have found will end,but it will not. For it has been a rebirthfor us and we will spend the rest ofour lives discovering anew each day.
Smiling at eyechat ~Courage? I suppose it was, but I prefer tothink I remembered my own Spirit and foundit important enough to set it free. The onlychains that hold me at all are thoseof my practicality and sense of responsibility.But keeping a foot on the ground (or atleast close to it)is necessary.
February 3, SuperBowl Sunday ~As usual, I had to ask who's playing. Thegame is not on our agenda. Rainy, cold,dreary day. Making possible headway getting theguys organized, but fitting it in betweendishes, laundry, pot roast, unpacking & straighteningmy "storage unit" enough to make it habitable.Growling at the dryer that ate my socks.
Monday, February 4, 10:20 p.m. ~How did it get to be this time of day sosoon? God, I hate shopping! I return feelinglike I have wasted the entire day. A simple tripwhich should take no more than an hourtakes 3. Nola, roll a few for me when you're inVegas. After discovering 3 more shredded items inthe dryer down the path, I hot-footed it tothe Smalltown Sears. That purchase was something Iwas praying I wouldn't have to make. Againa late supper and I am trying desperately to pushoff the fullness which makes me wantto put my feet up. I have things to do.
I think I may have discovered whySoutherners are so pleasant & charming. They figureif they can charm a smile out of you,you will forget how slow they are. So far,it's not working.
The wind has blown hard and cold all day.There were, even in the midst of all this,a couple of hours well-spent. Teacher andstudent flying together blissfully.
I hold tightly to the practical sideof my nature. That can't be lost, for everyday cannot be Sunday.
After midnight ~A minute to sit & catch my breath. It seemsso long ago that I had time to surf orhave fun here. I miss the Divas. Every day I thinkI will be able to scrounge time to dosomething for them or to do something new onmy site, but the time hasn't been available.When I can take a breather, I am too weary tothink or move. Everyone reads at forum,but entertaining without response is exhausting.I've had little time for that eitherand even the lion loses steam and asks "Whybother?"
It is not enough to only thinkabout it today. In order to have tomorrow, onemust do something about it today. Otherwise, the fearthat grips your stomach when you awaken willstill be there tomorrow...and the next day...andthe next.
Wednesday, March 13 ~You had me from hello, lion.
On this day, the three-month anniversaryof my arrival here, I give thanks. The Bradford Pearblossoms ~ a Georgia snowstorm of exquisite beauty.Everywhere I turn, there is Spring. And with itcomes hope and I feel a fierce determination thattomorrow will be ~ if only because I want it.
Happy Birthday, Herb:) We will be along shortly.
Another hurdle to get over. Sudden, unexpected,and we try not to panic. We will make the tripagain tomorrow as we did yesterday. Heartcatheterization is scheduled for Friday.Where are you, Arden?
And where are you, Penni? I miss ya, sweetie,and I'm worried.
Joe, sir, we are thrilled for you.
My Bunny ~ I know you'll take care of me.
Hope, I may actually get a new pageup soon. I "piddled" today, of all days. Thefirst time I've done so since I arrivedin Georgia. I wanted this morning to last forever.I never know when I will feel themelting for the last time and I don't wantto think about not having that.
Forgetting what day it is ~Hospitals and motels will do that to you, I guess.CIU, ICU, blockages, arteries, capillaries,monitor beeping, allergists, cardiologists, open heartsurgery. But even so, hope does not leave me.Nor can it leave you, lion.
Wednesday, May 22, 2002 ~Has it really been so long since I was last here?Dear mysticlady, you are so right! Sometimes lifedoes get in the way.
Health issues have grabbed center stage recently,but while we wait for various doctors to confer,we have been busy working on our new site at CajamNet.Laf is almost done with his transfer. I havebeen working on the new site and have not yet begunmy transfer. Thanks go to my son for hishelp. We still have quite a bit of work ahead ofus before the new site is up & running, but it'scoming along.
Saturday, June 8 ~I've decided my mother taught me to be too polite.I need to learn to let phrases such as "lard butt"roll off my tongue more easily. It might evenmake me points with my little sister.
Sunday, June 9 ~Yes, Voy has been down all day. There is nothingwe can do about it except wait. In the meantime,we are working on updating and transfering pages. Unlesssomeone is experiencing yet another crisis,in which case, of course, we will drop everything.Why is it that some people seem to experience morecrises than others? We went to see a movie recently,which at least one of us absolutely hated, however,there was one bit of wisdom to be found in thefilm massacre. An AA sponser yelled in frustrationat his charge. He said, "Your problem is not that youare addicted to alcohol. It is that you areaddicted to chaos!" After awhile, your continuing crises,your inabilty to face your problems head on andto solve them by yourself ever cause the restof us to want to run in the opposite direction.(My growl for the day) ~
My wonderful lion, this, "The Banquet Long Denied," has been waiting for its guest of honor to findthe courage to step through the door. It isour feast. Savor each bite, as will I.And this time, if you close your eyesto sleep, when you again awaken, the table willstill be set with the finest of chinaand silver and there will be new offerings totaste and enjoy.
I raise my glass in a toast to you ~ to us ~and you let me say the words.Drink deeply, lion. Feel your fingers twinearound mine as they always do. We are...and, we are.We will always and forevermore be.
Friday, June 21 ~Happy Birthday, son. I love you so very much.
Almost 9 p.m. and my stomach is churningafter an unplanned confrontation. This time,I was right, hon. The truth should havebeen told long ago. Perhaps if it had been,a friendship could have been salvaged.Now it may be too late for both ~ the friendshipand the truth.
Monday, July 1 ~Early to rise this morning. I finally gave inand decided to start working from one ofthe lion's puters. This one has given me 6 monthsof hell and I can't take it anymore.I managed to get more done on site yesterday thanI've been able to get done in months. I willbe thrilled when I can finally move to CajamNetand get rid of these pop ups on Tripod.
ZDr, if you only knew how timely yourpost was this morning.
Congrats to Bunnykins, manager-in-training.Nola is having fun with her new toys:) One ofthese days, I'm going to get Ted to posthimself, ya know?
Ann, I'm almost close enough to see what you'rehaving for lunch now.
One twin daughter is making wedding plansand the other is due in a month and a half.My son is seeing the cutest little thing:) Hi, Leigh!My littlest angel still seems to not have forgivenme. I pray that will change someday soon, as Ipray a son in San Francisco will come backto his father.
Wednesday, July 3 ~Early morning depression dissipates a bit as Ilisten to the music here. The title ofthis tune is "You Had Me From Hello."He did ~ and he always will.
I think about my search for balance.A quest renewed daily.The need to visit all of the rooms in my(our) "house." The physical, the emotional, theintellectual, the spiritual. There is one other roomthat needs visiting daily and that is thepractical. It seems that I wander this oneroom alone. In a relationship, all rooms must bevisited together, otherwise, balance becomesunattainable and joy is diminished. If I mustvisit this room alone, then it becomes impossiblefor me to ever leave it and close thatdoor behind me for awhile to explore with anysense of freedom the other rooms.
The room of the practical is whereour burdens lie, but it is also the roomwherein solutions can be found. And, asin all other rooms, actions must accompanythoughts. If you come with me into thisroom, then you ease my burdens, as well as yourown. This room is like a closet wherewe open the door long enough to toss somethinginside. If we continue to do thatwithout ever cleaning it out, what happens whenwe are finally forced to open the door?
I had to be the first, of course,to "steal" a new midi. You are listening to"When I Fall in Love," sequenced by J. James.Visit Laf's Library to discover whatour lion has been up to recently.
7:40 p.m., Friday, July 12 ~How does it get this late so fast and howcan it possibly be it Friday again already?Time has flown since I arrived here 7 monthsago tomorrow. Our lion was up half the nightsequencing midis for his Library. I crashedin my chair after a late supper offabulous stuffed shells. God, he can cook!Ayo parked himself in his usual spot ~on my chest with his face tucked under my chinuntil I couldn't breathe under his weightand "asked" him to move. He obliged, then cameback as soon as I closed my eyes again. Itwas already 6 when I woke up and climbedbeneath the covers. What once was only a dreamis now very real and the alarm sounded, as itdoes on many mornings now, before I couldclose my eyes.
The plans I made in the morning dissolvedby noon. I'd hoped to begin transferring thingsfrom one storage unit to the other. Theweather was perfect for such an endeavor ~ cloudyand cool. I do get tired of waiting. It frustratesme and exhausts me. There are so many thingsI thought would be done by now. Instead, Isurfed to find what I need for this site.It is something that is necessary, but still, I hidin it so as to stop thinking of thethings that continue to be put off.
This is what seems to fascinate kids on the net:
Congrats to Bunny's and Rosie's girls, whomanaged 10 trophies at the fair as of yesterday.Brian, it was good to chat with you.Now go post!
I was struck by the comfortable feeling Ihad working here at this puter today with thelion working at his across the hall.Yes, hon. I am home.
Thursday, July 18 ~Not a "usual" morning. I woke up in my usualspot (the chair) and hobbled to bedaround 5. I pulled something while liftingyesterday and spasms kept me from gettingback to sleep quickly. When I woke up againit was to the sound of a cheery voice anda breakfast tray:) A serenade too, with anew wee hour creation, exquisitely done.Theme from Love StoryI can no longer pick a favorite, my lion.
One more trip and the move from onestorage unit to another will be complete.This one will be done with the helpof our new neighbor across the street.Happy Birthday, Nick!
wham 2001 from Alpharetta, welcome to theworld of Laf & Sage! An early morning chatwith Bunny made me smile ~ and Ryan,your abilities are making me jealous now!lol Nola, we're glad you liked "Harbor Lights."It did turn out nicely, didn't it?
Rome burned while Nero fiddled.Remember?
Sunday, July 21 ~Kind and caring individuals also have their faults.One of the most common of them is tocross the fine line between caring and beingan enabler. What makes this such a dilemmais that there is only one solution and that isto stop enabling. An intelligent person knowsthat doing this exhibits true caring, but itdoesn't make it any easier to do it.
Too often, the sin is not in what we do,but in what we do not do.
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 ~There can be no search for truth as longas one is comfortable with lies.
Tuesday, October 1, 2002 ~ after midnightSo many things running through my mind ~an anniversary celebrated, a new studio for onedaughter, a new house for another, a new babyfor yet another and a new job for my son. Onegrandson begins 4th grade in a new school andthe other starts preschool. I never fullyunpacked here and am moving again ~as we knew I would. Laura grinning and saying,as she handed me the brochure for GWEN ~Georgia Women Entrepreneurs, "This is you now.You are. We are!" And ~ "Just between youand me, you know, thees is why he does this..."Don't ask me, lion, because I will not tellyou what she said:) Birthdays this week ~ my twinsand Arden, who by one act could make his father'sworld almost perfect. I have been working onupdating these pages as time allows. They say,"The more you do, the more you can do."I think that is true, but we shall see.
Sleepless night for some reason. I got updisgustedly at 3 and made a cup of cocoa, read theSmalltown newspaper and flipped through the pagesof Vogue. Finally dead to the worldat 6:38. The alarm sounded for 20 minutes beforeI could drag myself up to turn it off.Busy day ahead with trips to our county officefor notary apps, then on to our office,and if things work out, dinner at Fronteraand the mariachis. I see I missed Ty around 2this morning, but I can no longer stay up thatlate. Note to Nola ~ it would seem you havemade a decision? It was odd to hear that yourson recently said to my daughter thathe and I had never gotten along. I remember himwanting to do something nice for me and tryingto clean out the basement. I remember watchingMonday Night Wrestling for him when he had toleave before it was over. We got alongjust fine until he called me at 11 p.m. thenight before a wedding I had to go toto tell me he couldn't take his son in themorning. He said he didn't want tobe responsible for him. That is sad, as is theidea that one irresponsible person could drivea wedge between so many good people.Is that what you wish to let him do?
Monday, October 7, 9 a.m. ~Stealing a few minutes before the rush. The mysteryodor is strong this morning. It has been2 months since I first noticed it. It seems to becoming from the southeast. I thought itsmelled like human feces. He says dead human. I'venever smelled a dead human, so I wouldn't know.All I know is that it is a horrific scent.It fills my nostrils and I smell it even whenit isn't there. I had nightmares last night.I was chasing frantically after Gabriel who wasrunning down the middle of the street headedtoward traffic. He was laughing and thought I wasplaying a game. I also remember trying to takeConnor's hand just because I wanted to touchhim ~ to hug him ~ and I couldn't reach him.The twins were 28 last Friday. Arden's birthdayis Tuesday and we still don't hear anything.Kate is almost as bad, but at least Ihave my older daughters to keep me informed. Nate,I know you get tired of looking. You reacha point where you just don't want to anymore.You just want it to be. Nola, I will try towrite later to explain. But now, because Idid not go shopping as I had planned yesterday,I am forced to waste an hour trying to come upwith something exciting to wear to work. Yeeha!
Friday, October 11, 2002 ~It is depressing to wake up to a message from Diwhich says she is sorry to hear yourlife is so bad. It makes me feel like no matterwhat I do, I cannot make a difference andit saps my energy. How others see you isimportant to me. Complaints, depression, angertend to push people away. When you push themaway from you, you push them awayfrom me too.
We've had our first brush with autumnhere this past week. Greens are paling slowlyand muted yellows and oranges can beseen here and there. But even as the season changesslowly, thoughts of upcoming holidays give me thesame frantic feeling they always do ~that there aren't enough hours in the day toaccomplish all for which I feel responsible.
I am, by nature, a quiet sort. The moreproblems I experience, the more I withdraw andthe quieter I become. Yes, I can enjoybrief respite from those problems. I can share alaugh, enjoy a kiss, soar in the beauty of music.But I will not experience those delights asfully as I could if I am encumbered by problemsthat do not get solved.
The practical matters of survival are the firstthings on my to-do list. Only after I canrelax about those will I pay attentionto the other things on the list. Sometimes, physicalchores make me feel like a drudge. I put offdoing things I want to do because there aredishes to do, a floor to clean, furniture to move,bills to pay, a mess to clean up. EverywhereI look, I see nothing but more work, more chores ~something that has to be done. I feel guiltyif I steal time for me.
I have spent my entire life being "patient,"waitng for others to do the things they should do.I don't want to wait anymore. Whatdelays me delays those who wait for actionsfrom me as well. The longer someone hasto wait for something from me, the guiltierI feel, so if a third party holds my actionsup,then I become angry and frustrated. Even now,as things change once again, I am hesitant to havefaith in those changes. The only thing I havefaith in is that I will wait.
Thursday, October 16th, 2002 ~Gret just messaged about her meeting withJon Bon Jovi. She has had this "thing"about radio contests since she was a kid.(Mom, would you call...please, please, please?????You have to be over 18) "I was 4' away from him!,"she said. She was also trying to locate herbro in Rochester to ask if he was coming toher housewarming party this weekend. (He is).What I want to ask him is is he comingto help me move furniture and where is my damnedcomputer?
I've considered using one of those bloggersites for this, but hey! I was here first andhere I can do what I want...if loading thefile manager would stop getting me disconnected.Did you really mean to dump my tcp/ip last night, hon:)???For instance, if I ever can be herelong enough to actually begin Journal Cuatro,I may change this so the latestis the first thing you see, but sometimes youreread old stuff when you have to comein backwards and I'm an abc kinda gal, so we'llsee.
I'm probably a bit more concerned thanmost of you about this wannabee sniper. Mybrother and his wife live in Fredericksburg.I waver between thinking the guy is just anidiot loser and thinking it is another Al Qaeda - sponsored game.
Friday, October 18, 2002 ~Chilly morning. I woke the lion up early,as he'd requested, so he could fax somepaperwork. It was really unnecessary. If I'd knownwhat needed to be faxed, I could havedone it and he could have slept. I got the heavyblanket out and turned the heat on for the firsttime this season, but only on his side. I want tocarve a pumpkin and hand out candy on Halloween:(Gabriel's birthday is Monday and I will belate with a gift. I haven't done well onbirthdays this year. I am still upset thatI missed Rosie's and Penni's. Some secretary I am.
The general election is approaching and I stilldon't know as much about the candidates asI would like. I voted in the primary,but took Laf's recommendations and voted for thesame people he did. I figured I might as well,as we both have the same political leanings.He protested loudly when he discovered the Independentcandidates were not on the ballot. I do not carefor the Georgia system at all. In NYS, youchoose your party affiliation and the only candidatesyou vote for in the primary are thoseof that party. Down here, you can vote for eitherDumbocrats or Republicans in the primary. I canuse my disgust with a popular Democrat to votefor his opponent, thereby causing the Democrat whois least likely to win in the generalelection to come out the winner in the primary,clearing the way for a win for the Republicancandidate in the general election. In my opinion,the purpose of a primary is to choose the betteror best candidate within one's own party.The winner will go on to be your party's candidatein the general election. If I am registeredas a Republican, then I should only beable to vote for Republicans in the primary. IfI am a Democrat, I should only be ableto vote for Democrats. If I am registered asa member of another party, then I don'tvote in the primary at all (unless there shouldbe a primary for my party). Here inGeorgia, you don't register as a member of anyparty when you register to vote.The only way that would make any sense at allis if our elected representatives were notrequired to be registered with any party.
sigh~I've been here almost a year now andreally never moved in to this place enough tomake it mine. I am still surroundedby boxes ~ both mine and the lion's. I willgive notice in 11 days. If that isn't apressing deadline, I don't know what is...and I will make this move as wealso set up the office. I think I will searchout the Wildman. We need more musclethan I have for the heavy stuff.
Uh oh. I see the utility company truckdown the hill. They must be ready to hook upelectricity for the new buildings ~ whichmeans they will turn our power off. I'd bettermove. One more note before I go. We aredisturbed that one of "our own" has "lost" adaughter, but one cannot be self-absorbed andparent well. This has been coming and isno surprise.
It made me smile when you described meto Sarah this morning, hon. You almost sounded happy~ geesh:)
Saturday, October 19, 2002 ~Joy experienced in the wee hours did not carry methrough this day. Little things seemed to hitme wrong all day and I can no longer blame thaton P.M.S. Thinking about creativity. Yes,it is elusive and must be captured as it comes.It seems that nowadays, I need let most of minefly past me unless it is in the arenaof creatively financing a roof over my head andfood on the table. Perhaps I could giverefresher courses in woman-speak.
I already did the roommate thing. Convenient.Cold. Lonely.
I've also spent my life taking care ofothers. I do not wish to stop, but I am tired oftaking care of me. Yes, I am my own person.I always have been. Just as I have alwaysbeen the strong one. A new reader hereis beginning to question the value of feministtheory, whether she wishes to believe so or not.It is good to be a strong woman, but howmuch better it is when she has a strong manat her side. That is how it is supposedto be.
The physical path will disappear shortly.Of necessity? For convenience? Or will the pathcontinue to exist always? As a way to keep acomfortable space where there is fear?
Sunday morning, October 20, 2002 ~My mood persists. Remembering a conversation lastyear at this time. Thoughts and words spoken.I knew even then whose need was greater.There never came to be the "you willbe there and I will be here and if we needor want, then it shall be" that wordshad described. Instead your heart spoke thoughtsyou can only speak aloud in poetry.Poetry for an ideal. And I will ask thequestion I asked so long ago. Do wesometimes use an ideal to protect us from real?For it is not my fears, nor myideals, nor my past sins that will cause thepath to remain. Can there be true joywhile those things exist? I want to livemy life joyously. I want to feel itfill my spirit. I want it to pump through myveins as though it has a life of itsown. Not just once a day or three times a week.To receive back what one gives ~ measure formeasure ~ that is joy. Like a transfusion backand forth with no beginning and no ending.Is it worth it to allow the fear of losingwhat one has always wanted to keepone from having it? Is it the performer'sdesire, in the end, to be surroundedby his fans or to have the one he helddearest hold his hand?
Give me some credit for knowing"kissing up" when I see it. You can't use abandaid when you need a tourniquet.I suppose, however, that I could take comfortin knowing I'm worth kissing up to.Kissing up is acceptable, unless its solepurpose is to side-step a problem sothe "kisser-upper" regains his or herdesired comfort level.
Everyone is capable of "hearing" the unspokenwords of another. Only a few have the capacityto understand those unspoken words, forthe key to understanding is to care enoughto "become" the other person long enough.Your success is directly related to thepercentage of "you" left behind when youstep into the shoes of another.
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 ~Cloudy, cool & foggy morning. I feel likevegging, but can't afford to waste thetime. I enjoyed my symbi's midnight serenadelast night before falling asleep wondering ifmy feet would hang over the edge of thebottom of a double bed.
In re: this weekend's dos attack on theglobal computer network, it has been coming.This is only the beginning, however. Theywon't stop until they've disabled all 13 atthe same time. The open relay Ifound in the Navy's dns server (and reported)was my first real clue, although activityhas been high enough elsewhere to warrant allpaying heed.
A note to the stupid:A massive weekend anti-war rally In Washingtoncould become a sniper's feast.
Would that it were as easy to love someoneas it is to love the idea of love.
The plight of the 419 (thousand) Nigerianswith dead relatives and millions to invest is bynow well known by anyone with an emailaccount. Some dimwit female here in Georgiaactually got sucked in by one of these swindlersand I hear the Feds are going after Nigeriato try to put a halt to it. I think you willenjoy the saga of one yound man's attemptto get to the bottom of it all. Thanks, Nate,for sending me this:The Story of Usman Abbas or one of the other 418
Saturday, November 9, 2002 ~This neighborhood is going to the dogs. The twoblack teenaged girls who moved in next to mehave been a constant source of irritation.As I write this, although they have chairson their porch, they are both sitting on their behindsat the edge of the road laughing and talking inexaggerated tones so they will get noticed bythe troublemakers down the hill. One of thegirls will end up in trouble sooner ratherthan later. She is wearing little blue pantiesand has pulled her shorts down aroundher knees as she sits. This isn't the firsttime she has pulled a stunt like this.What gets me is that a city cop lives directlyacross the street from her. Shortly afterthe girls moved in here, this one came out in askimpy little black dress and threw her skirtup from behind to show her thonged cheeks tothe boys who were standing in the middle of thestreet. I had a better view than they didas her backside was facing the window where Istood doing dishes. I think her parentsdecided they would put her up in her own placeas they do not live there and showup once every week or two. Some brave lady justtook on the job of resident manager.The day after she was announced, all theslobs, including these two girls, who wereparking their cars on the grass, moved them andevery car in the neighborhood was parked inthe driveway where it belonged. This is abetter-than-average Harry Arnold neighborhood,though. The City of Monroe is waging a waragainst him for "blight," as Eliot McLaughlin callsit.
Speaking of the City of Monroe, I wasreading the Smalltown Police Blotter the other dayand noticed that a 19-year old Monroeresident had been charged with murder and failureto appear in court. Huh?
Nate's horoscope for today: A passionateembrace from your past is just around the cornerfor a long-delayed round two.
Female lizards enjoy the best of both worlds
I need to clarify something I said earlier ~"To receive back what one gives ~ measure formeasure ~ that is joy." A relationship where one givesin order to receive will never work. So manythink that if they give, it will make someonelove them. What that really does ispush the other away. What I am talking aboutis something you carry with you. It is aspecial kind of knowing ~ a secret between thetwo of you that is no secret to anyonewho sees you or knows you. It is a constant ebband flow of thought, spirit, and emotion.But even so, words are necessary. Don't everassume the other knows. Because if tomorrownever comes, either you will have deep regretsor the other will always wonder.
I received a gift today. A peaceful driveover country roads. Amber and red leaves amidstthe ever green; dream-visions doing their bestto crowd out the uncertainty of the future.Perfection tugging at our souls.
Thinking of my littlest angel tonight. I miss her.
On a different note, a crisis involving a plungeris not a good diversionary tactic. I am notthe type to look for something in aplace I didn't lose it just because thelight is better there.
Sunday, November 10, 2002 ~Over the years, I've spent very little time in chatrooms,however, it has been my experience that any"gentleman" who is interested in a particular female willapproach her by immediately asking if she is married.This is man-speak for "are you free and interestedin pursuing any kind of relationship with me?"If the woman is in a committed relationship,she will answer with "Yes, I am married"or "No, but I am in a committed relationship."The man knows immediately that the womanis saying she is unavailable. They discuss theweather briefly and he moves on. If, instead,the woman responds by saying, "Yes, I ammarried, but..." or "I'm with someone, but...," thegentleman knows she is giving him the greenlight, or, at the very least, a yellow one.
If this woman's husband or partner was afly on the wall during either of theseconversations, how would each make him feel?
If he were to overhear the woman's firstreply, the husband/partner would be filled withpride and self-confidence, perhaps even asense of relief, if he'd had cause to wonderabout his relationship with the woman.
If the woman takes it a step fartherand draws her mate into the conversation byintroducing him to the propositioning male,she is giving her mate a very special gift.She is saying, "This is the male I chose.This is the male who deserves me because healone is capable of giving me all that I needto survive and to fluorish."
And what if he were to hear the otherresponse? One word ~ "but...," ~ and hisimage as a powerful male is in question.As a rule, a male will react by eventuallydivesting himself of the female who challenged,denied, or denigrated his power in front ofthe other male.
Now, what if the situation above isreversed? If a woman overhears the sameconversation between her partner and a propositioningfemale, is the reaction the same?
More on that one later.
Monday, November 11, 2002, 1:30 in the morning ~Listening to crickets and thunder and gusts of wind.The gentle gurgling of the table fountainmeshes easily with nature's rushes and rumblingsoutside my window.
The rain comes in on the sudden wind roar,then it is quiet. Gentle rain.
Monday, November 11, 2002 ~Seems to me that some people are simply destinedto make the same mistakes over and over.Got the deja vu blues tonight.
And the simple answer to the previousquestion is "yes." I'm not up to an explanationof the complex answer tonight.
Nineteen days left to accomplish what I couldnot do in 11 months.
Sunday, November 24th, 2002 ~Clear blue skies. The sun is warm, but thecement path is cold on my bare feet ~ a reminder that winter is near.
One week from today and I will finallybe where I should be. I have had cause tohave misgivings during the past weeks.I've felt a new and unwelcome need to announcemy movements from room to room. A needto put space where there was no reason for itbefore. A need to inure myself fromserenades meant to placate and protests andexplanations meant to derail. And I crymyself to sleep. The lowest of lows ~ suddenly supplanted by the melting,fingers which twine themselves around mine,a smile of delight shining in your eyes.The highest of highs.
Questions asked. Replies that do not answerthe questions. Replies perhaps meant to exalt, butbecause they are not understood by those whoask the questions, they instead serve to diminishme in the eyes of others. Twice now. The emotionsof those who live in this societyas it is are real and predictable.It is as it is. And sometimes, we haveto accept that. Change may come, perhaps inour lifetime, or perhaps not. But in orderto deal with others, or to teach them, wefirst have to understand and treatthem as they are, not as we wish them tobe. And before we can come to a completeunderstanding of ourselves, we must be ableto understand others, for it is others who have shaped us.
You can carry with you hatred for someoneall your life, but that is a heavy burdenand a waste of time. How much betterto examine that person and understand thecause and effect of the relationship. Notto excuse or forgive, perhaps, but to understandyourself.
I understand why my husband chose the womanhe did. I know what his needs were and wherethey were born. I knew him better thanhe knew himself. I would pray that he haslearned new things about himself,but I fear his loneliness got the better ofhim and that he will stop learning.She will tell him what to do ~ and sadly,that is part of what his need alwayswas.
That look...hands in the cookie jar.Is this how I will live? Avoiding rooms andconversations?
Only 6 days and I have no energy forany of it.
Monday, November 25, 2002 ~Wee hour conversations exhausted me and dozingoff on the john was enough to convinceme I needed more sleep. So now it is lateand I am panicky. This week must golike clockwork. I hate that. For once in my life,it would be nice to ease into aholiday, but it won't be this one. It would bemost helpful if conversations with cousinswere limited to "Happy Thanksgiving." And thatmessage is for the one who asked me,"Is this something I should have known?" Thepast few weeks have been utter hellfor me. You reach a point in your life whereyou must decide what is really importantand who is really important. That is whatmy life has been about for the pastfew years. It is why I am here and not there.It was "the one thing I could not do."Now it is almost 11. I am fighting nausea,but it is time to wake the lion.
The only thing I want for Christmas issomething that all the money in the world can'tbuy. What is the one thing you cannot do?
Tuesday, November 26, 2002 ~Thank God for Wildman Barry who spent severalhours last night helping us with my moveto the lion's Poverty Heights hovel. He willbe back tonight to help with the restof the heavy stuff, then the rest of the moveis up to me. Although I can rest somewhateasier about the timing of this move, it will takefar more than that to let me close my eyesand rest.
Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2002 ~6:15 p.m. ~ Thanks to the lion for rigging myphone outside so the kids could callto wish me a Happy Birthday yesterday. Apackage from the girls, cards and abig chocolate smooch were the high points ofa pretty rotten day. The kids are appalledat what their father did to me. That he couldsign his name to a piece of paper withsuch lies printed on it saddens me.
Friday, December 6, 2002, 3:30 p.m. ~Hell week continues. I'm tripping over my own2 feet in this place and frantic aboutthe boxes still on the porch. The bedroom is noworganized enough so I can cart 10 more boxes inand fill up the available floor space.We had so much time to make this move gosmoothly. That it didn't has caused me atremendous amount of work. Forget Christmas shoppingor cards or baking or any other holidayactivity. Instead, I think about a deadlineimposed upon me by one I would neverallow to be bad-mouthed. Look where that gotme. I'm sure his family has had aball with someone else to gossip about. Ifthey knew, that would stop. But I willnot say anything against their precious son.
Monday, December 9, 2002 ~Today's necessary trip to Augusta for medswill consume most of the day. I have no faithin any amigos showing up soon to rearrangethe storage unit and I will have to tryto ignore this mess long enough to Christmasshop with the holiday only 2 weeks away.I hate that Christmas seems like nothingbut a chore to be gotten done. What Ihave always wanted and never had is thesimple joy of having someone care enoughto take away the burden of being the oneresponsible for Christmas.
Nola, we received your cheery Christmas card.I needed that right now.
I watch Joe and Kandi's Christmas Toons comeinto my email knowing they have putme over quota. It is noon. The lion isnot well. We will not go to Augusta todayafterall.
Men and mothers ~It seems that the majority of men spendtheir lives either trying to find someonejust like her or someone exactly theopposite.
Thursday, December 12, 2002 ~Really frantic now. A bright spot createdby Bunny's possible visit after Christmas andanother by conserv's return to forum. I'vefelt so guilty that I've been ableto spend so little time there.
I've always hated the human body's needfor sleep. It seems like such a waste of timeto me. If there is anything that irritatesme more than wasting time, I'm not sure whatit would be. If you think ahead properly,then you should have plenty of time to enjoyyourself without feeling like you should bedoing something else. I plan like crazy, butif those plans involve other people, then Iusually find I've wasted my time even inthe planning of how my time needs to be spent.If you are the type of person who iscasual about time, then keep in mind that whatthat says about you is that you consideryourself and your time more important thananyone else's. If a driver motions to apedestrian to cross the street, then it would benice if the pedestrian would behave inan appreciative manner by at least acting likehe or she is scooting a bit. But ifthey meander and waddle slowly while you wait,how many points do you think youcould get by running them over?
The first time we've been apart ina year tomorrow to the day and I am suddenlystruck by the feeling of "home." To bealone here in the hovel for the first timeand feeling like I belong ~ that I'mnot just visiting. That you have left me at"home." That you will come "home."
I'm doubtful that the conversation went exactlylike this, but yes, Elizabeth, I do love.
Almost 10 a.m., Friday, December 13, 2002 ~A rainy December morning, cool, but not unpleasant.I was up until 5 a.m. too tired toactually shop, so I just browsed and searchedand prayed for time. A year ago today,I arrived in Georgia. I wish there was somethingI could do to erase the suffering my departurefrom NY caused, but there is not. The futureof a man who loved me for 30 years wassuddenly turned upside down. I loved him, too,but could not be for him what he wanted.There was a mental mutuality missing that Icould not live without. Nor could he. Weexisted on two separate levels and whateach of us was looking for would never bethere between us. He may never understandthat rather than abandon him, I gave him thechance to find something and someone withwhom he could have what he needed.
The handyman pulls into our drive andgoes to my old door. I feel somewhat violated.The whole of the duplex is no longerours. I want a house, lion. Away fromcivilization. A private monument to us withholy spaces in which to give thanks forwhat has been found.
Uh oh ~ I see a good amount of irritation coming.The office computer is offline and the office isno longer simply down the hall.
Have you ever had one of those "Huh?"experiences? You know ~ one where she says thathe said that you said and your jawdrops in awe that someone could have gottenthat out of a simple statement? I guessit's like the game of gossip, which is a gameI would suggest you avoid if youhave a tendency to exaggerate or accuse.You can always find trouble if yougo looking for it. You can also cause troubleif you don't know the facts.
10 p.m., Monday, December 23 ~We are finally back online after over aweek of cable modem problems. Of course,it is now too late to complete online Christmasorders. And who knows if we will stayup and running? I feel a little better knowingmy daughter's gift to me has beendelayed too. At least it's not just me.
Merry Christmas ("you guys" for family and friendswho know best and to y'all for those who don't)Teasing, lion...Here we are, feelthy and worn outafter 5 hours searching for one lousy boxin the storage unit...which we never found)
5 a.m. It IS true that Santa never sleeps.
Noon on the day after Christmas ~Normally on this day, I would spend it inrelaxed mode. The house would still be cleanand shiny from holiday cleaning and any "pickingup" would be minor ~ scraps of ribbonand gift wrap, toy pieces. Meals would be nomore than hauling yesterday's buffetback to the table and we would munch as wewanted throughout the day. The kidswould be in and out with friends as they checkedout each other's new toys and games.It is different this year. With no childrenaround, it is a little too quiet. I am feelingsomewhat more relaxed, at least. I still have gifts thathave not yet arrived here, as well asgifts to be sent late. There isstill much unpacking and arranging to do.Important papers and bills to be foundin boxes where they were thrown for the move.There is a sense of urgency that Iusually don't experience on this day. Theback-to-the-real-world feeling that theday after Christmas usually absolves me from brieflywas with me immediately when I woke up.Christmas Day was relaxed and pleasant. Afterworking on preparations until 7 a.m.,(baking, wrapping gifts, making a stocking for Ayo,and sneaking Christmas music onto forum :),then collapsing into bed, I slept until noon.Messaging back and forth with the kids,phone calls, last minute baking for Christmasplatter gifts, grinning as I worked in thekitchen and listened to the lion play withhis new toy in the office, visiting with hisfamily and returning too late to botherwith a formal Christmas dinner. He had agood day and that was what was importantto me and what allowed me to enjoy the dayin my new home. Seeing the wonderin his eyes as I explained my son's role in hisgift. The joy of being accepted by myfamily as his has accepted and welcomed me.
A special note to those who are heresearching for midi music: Midis can befound by scrolling down andclicking on the icon for the musicof J. James that you will find there. Betweenthe two of us, we have a midi collectionof several thousand pieces of music. J iscurrently working on expanding his libraryof midis he has personally arranged. He isa gifted musician and has the abilityto redo old midis (you know what I'm talkingabout ~ the ones you found on the Net thatwere some of your favorite songs, but soundedhorrible:) Visit his site and if you have aspecial request, email him and he willbe more than happy to respond.
[Spammers] are the mutant spawn of a bizarrereproductive act involving a telemarketer, Larry Flynt,a tapeworm, and an executive of the Third Classmail industry.- Dave Barry
If there was a car speeding toward me,would you run out and push me out of the way?Or would you just stay put and yell?
My "to-do" list is longer than it has ever been.Why is that?
Silence hides nothing. Words conceal.- August Strindberg
Ask "too often" and you shall receive."I enjoyed being alone." And no...I did not everhave that. I accepted that I wouldn't.I never thought I would. There was toomuch I understood.
Life doesn't always work out the waywe think it will or wish it would. How we handle that realization defines our character.
We can blame. We can hide. But nothing changes reality.
"Lose this day loitering; t'will be thesame old story tomorrow, and the next daymore dilatory ... Each indecision bringsits own delays and days are lost lamenting o'erlost days ... What you can do or think you can,begin it--boldness has genius, power andmagic in it."--Goethe
To attempt to motivate takes a gentle hand ~and sometimes a good swift kick in the ass. anon. :)
Stifled for now or no, hon, if youcared what I thought, you'd be here. But you'renot. Wonder why. Not.
By the way, DARPA has removed the all-seeingMasonic eye from it's TIA site. Interesting.It was there.
"The Future is, of all things, the thingleast like eternity. It is the most completelytemporal part of time -- for the Pastis frozen and no longer flows, and the Presentis all lit up with eternal rays. ... Hence nearly all vices are rooted in the Future. Gratitude looks to the Past and love tothe Present; fear, avarice, lust and ambition look ahead....With the present ... there, and there alone,all duty, all grace, all knowledge,and all pleasure dwell." --C.S. Lewis
I believe the above is only partially true.The present is enjoyed so much more if the future contains shared goals.
That requires each to know the goalsof the other. It is not enough that only onehas goals. It is not enough that onlyone understands the goals of the other. The goals must meet someplace. And theyhave to be acted upon in a pro-active manner.By both ~ not just one. Like ~ a roof over one's head.
"Call on God, but row away from the rocks."--Indian Proverb
Slang is a language that rollsup its sleeves, spits on its hands, andgoes to work. - Carl Sandburg
Tuesday, January 21, 2003 ~10 a.m. Cloudy, windy and fairly mild morning.I can no longer distinguish one day ofthe week from another. They all the followthe same pattern. There is a real world outthere someplace.
sigh ~ I suppose it's time to putthe coffee on. Will Rigoberto show for the tripto Grayson? Who knows? Will Matias showup after work as he promised? Who knows? Idetest waiting and piddling and floating. Doesn'tanyone in the South have any kind of schedule?
Saturday, February 1st, 2003 4:40 a.m. ~Speaking of schedules, it seems I am back on mine.It's been eons since I've been on at this timeof day. I should be in bed, but it issoooo quiet. I opened the back door to grab asoda a few minutes ago and it is "misting"out there. The wind chimes are making music outfront. I was wondering how people in Floridaknow Spring is here. I remember my father and I usedto have a contest of sorts to see who would spythe first robin. Of course, that was in upstate NYand it would be late March or more likely earlyApril. Down here in Georgia, I saw my firstrobin 2 or 3 weeks ago. I made supper late tonight.I was working on the business site and didn't wantto have to stop to make dinner. After spending2 hours in the kitchen and eating a full meal,I had no energy left to do much ofanything. I may/may not make the fettucini withbacon and roasted red bell peppers tomorrow.I've been working on that one all week it seems.Dinnertime always comes too quickly and at aninconvenient time for me. Plus, I bought a redbell pepper rather than a jar of already roastedpeppers, so that meant making my own. Thefirst recipe I found said to bake for 50 minutes,so I put it off for a night. Found onetonight that said I could broil. It took 7 minutesand the skin blackened and peeled off easily offjust like it was supposed to...but still, itwas 8 p.m. when I did that and I hadn't thawedchicken. So I made hamburger steaks, mashedtaters and gravy and peas. One of the lion's favoritesmeals ~ if he could eat it. He did not have agood night. He collapsed and headed to bedearly. I stayed with him until he slept, dozingoff myself and coming to around 3:30. I wantedto shop for Valentine's Day gifts for the kidstomorrow, but it will depend on how he feels. I'vebeen working on something special for him for hisbirthday, but it is out of my hands as to whetheror not it will come to pass. Thinkingabout Sue and Saranac Lake where it was 22 below zeroyesterday.
It was after 8 when I finally did morethan doze. I had strange dreams that tookplace in strange houses. My father was thereand I think I even saw my mom. Connor, Gabeand Evie were there playing with childrenI didn't know. I remember Aunt Ora was thereand she was yelling at me. This is veryodd. I was so young when I knew her that Ihad forgotten about her. I turned on Foxnews when I got up as I always do. There wasa report that NASA had lowered its flagto half-mast. There was only one explanationthat came to mind ~ the shuttle ~ with the Israelion it.
Sunday, February 2, 2003 ~8:40 a.m. I've been itching to open windows.IT would soooo very nice if it hits the67 degrees promised. I am NOT turning on Fox thismorning. I'm not ready yet to listento another 24 hour Shuttle discussion. And btw,Fox News needs to get rid of theirconstant news "alerts." They abuse the term andeventually, no one will pay attention. They couldalso tone down their music. It's loud andobnoxious. I heard a comment by Bill Clintonyesterday which is probably the closest thingto the truth I've ever heard from the man ~ that Trent Lott was just trying to makean old man feel good on his birthday and thatthe Republican party used Lott as ascapegoat for past sins. This is an "is" thatreally "is." Speaking of the Clintons, someone needsto start getting the truth out now aboutHillary because Lieberman is going to choose heras his running mate. I have not been intoforum yet today, however the lion was growlinglast night. Evidently Voy managed to loseall the posts again. I didn't get upset becauseusually Laf can find a way to repair theirdamage, but this time he couldn't. We'll haveto see what happens. However, he mentioned thathe noticed the latest updates at theVoy site are from last fall. If this is thecase, we may have to start a search nowfor a new venue ~ before Voy goes down as ITW did.I have started work on Journal Four usinga new format. If tests go well, it should be upand running within a few days...or in FIVE MINUTES,whichever comes first. Have to scoot.Client at 11:30. BTW, lion...MOVE the car!The snowplow is coming!
This morning's paper reports that our landlord,Harry Arnold, has requested a change of venuefor his trial. He says that Walton Countyhas deliberately tried to ruin his reputationby painting him as a man without theslumlord of the county. Well, I'm sorry,Harry, but you did that to yourself. LastJanuary 2002, a month after I arrived hereknowing nothing about you, I was told by aSears sales rep that you were known asjust exactly that and that was well beforeEliot began his push in The Walton Tribuneabout "blight" in the county.
February 19, 2003 ~Nola, I'm not done yet, but I figured "whatthehey!?!?"Here ya go ~ Journal Four
This beautiful arrangement of "I Love the Way YouLove Me"is used with permission from MIDI Composer,J. James. If you would like to use this music,please do not link, but save to your ownhard drive. He also requests that you place hislogo on the same page you use hismusic and that you send him the url for thepage at J. James, as he enjoys seeing how others usehis music. If you would like to visit his Library formore MIDI and Real Player selections,clicking on his logo will take you there.Mr. James will be happy to consider all requestsfor arrangements of music that is special to you.All rights are reserved to the originalartists and composers.