Whether you are looking for simple inspiration, guidelines that others find helpful, life stories that may resemble your own, or information on specific problems, you will find much of what you need here.
"People have differing abilities to cope with life's ups and downs. In the same way, the nature and severity of life's difficulties vary from person to person. However, when the problems begin to interfere with an individual's ability to function on a daily basis, a mental illness may be present. The degree and severity of illness may range from mildly troublesome to life threatening. "For someone who is suffering from a mental illness, a crisis, or an individual problem, the first steps may be the hardest to take. But they are also the most important. Recognizing the need to get help is a victory itself; taking the time to explore options and learn about treatment is an even bigger step toward wellness. To get started in treatment it is necessary to do something." from "Where to Start"
Magic Mike Berger |
I Celebrate Myself |
Robert Burney |
and Evaluation Test |
Codependency |
Definition of Hypochondria |
of Los Angeles |
Malcolm Ingram |