Wednesday, November 2, 2005 ~ A discussion at bareknucklepolitics.com, led me to post the following to Ali, who has decided that Americans are ignorant and can be manipulated easily:
There are ignorant people everywhere, but don't think Americans will continue to let themselves be manipulated by Muslims. Islamic propaganda organizations in the United States are working diligently to find ways they can use our laws and our Constitution to destroy our democracy. Seemingly on opposite ends, but not really, C.A.I.R. and the ACLU use the same tactics to attack America.
The great thing about America is that we have the right to choose our political views. Similarly, Christians are not discouraged from inquiry by their religion. One has faith or one does not.
The first time I ever read a biography of Muhammed, the reasons for his behavior and subsequent actions were immediately clear to me. That he suffered from a personality disorder was obvious. There are many scholars who agree. Islamic clerics are very aware of the discussion of Muhammed's personality. They seek to use the DSM-III to explain why the prophet was not a pedophile, for instance. However, the clerics who attempt to use the criteria have little understanding of the meaning of it and they try to circumvent discussion of his actions by drawing the student's attention away from the actual sexual activity by claiming Aiesha became one of the most knowledgeable and enlightened women of her time under Muhammed's tutelage. They do not answer the original charge.
Islamic scholars continue the initial work of Muhammed by using circular reasoning that entraps Muslims. Every time Muhammed did something that seemingly opposed that which he had already taught and was questioned about it, he suddenly had another revelation to explain why his questionable action was allowed by Allah.
In fact, Muhammed was an extremely bright human being who lacked maternal bonding. He thus developed mental problems early in his life. As he traveled, he picked up the teachings of the Jews and the Christians, and he began to spin those teachings to gain personal power. He was depressed and angry because he was ridiculed, which led him to claim suicidal thoughts. There is no doubt that Khadija loved him, but love often causes an individual to deny the possibility that they are being used. And her wealth was used by Muhammed, as was her love and compassion. If he had wealth, he thought he would have power. Khadija, because she loved him, covered for him and explained away his irrational behavior. He took comfort from this and it gave him the self-confidence he needed to develop his following. The more powerful he became, the more ruthless he became.
His personality disorder and possible physical abnormalities caused him to begin to obsess about women and sex. Khadija was not a virgin when he married her. He became obsessed with having a virgin. He thought he "deserved" a virgin. If he could have Aiesha, he could be the one to teach her everything. She would not have been "sullied/touched" or "taught" by anyone else and he would control her mind, body, and spirit. This has become useful to jihadists who promise virgins in the afterlife to homicide bombers.
Muhammed did not even leave instructions as to how his beliefs should be followed after his death. This, of course, is what caused divisions in Islamic ideology. The clerics and imams today know that if they allow true scholarly inquiry into the life of Muhammed, Islam will fall apart and they will lose the power to control their people. Islamic rulers know that Islam is a convenient tool and they exploit it to achieve political purpose. This is why they fear democracy. They would prefer that Muslims remain ignorant. They make sure that Muslim children are indoctrinated early. Islam is a noose.
Post comments here.
Tuesday, November 1, 2005 ~ Contrary to Bruce's forecasted rain, the first day of November is sunny and bright. The yellow and green leaves glittering in the breeze provide an exquisite backdrop to the stark, leafless branches of the maple, and I can hear dry leaves do their crackly dance across the porch roof. Bruce spent his 55th birthday in a hotel room in Niagara. Gretchen called last night for his number. She was heading out to trick-or-treat with the kids, but wanted to call him before they left. We had trick-or-treaters by 5:30 last night, but there were only two little ones I knew. Most were teens taking rare advantage of not quite being grown up yet. Kate, Heath, and Aidan arrived late and I locked up the house and went trick-or-treating with them. Aidan was a Jeep, courtesy of the artistic talent of his mother's boyfriend. We were out for only 40 minutes, as putting Aidan in the wagon and taking him out put too much wear and tear on his costume. I suggested we go back to the house so Heath could make repairs. They decided to head to the mall where they could do a little more trick-or-treating and grab a bite to eat at the Food Court. I had a few more older kids at the door, but turned the lights out at 8:30 so I could work uninterrupted. All-in-all, a pleasant evening with no snowsuits, heavy jackets, or umbrellas required.
Prince Charles says the U.S. needs to be more tolerant of this? Great Islamic parenting, wouldn't you say?
Nate took the train up this past weekend to help celebrate his father's birthday. We have agreed not to discuss Friday night. Playing pool with Anthony Michael Hall in Saratoga on Saturday night was one of the more memorable moments of the weekend. At least it beat the excitement of helping his dad blow out trick candles.
Post comments here.
Monday, October 31, 2005 ~ Two words to Charlie and Camilla ~ Go home. And a few more words...Tolerance is what got everyone (including you) into this mess. No more tolerance.
Sunday, October 9, 2005 ~ The high point of my day was learning that Geraldo is leaving FNC. After Rita Cosby, I prayed he'd be the next to go. His voice does the same thing to my stomach that waiting for a car owner to turn off his car alarm does. The only problem is that FNC has recently played around so much with its cast of blondes that now there are plenty of others I'd like to see hit the road. Oh, and a note to Cal Thomas ~ Lay off the Grecian Formula.
According to Pukin Dog at FR, his undisclosed sources have told him why we conservatives need to rally around Harriet Miers. Give his "opus" a read and see what you think. John Fund also has an interesting piece at Opinion Journal.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005 ~ This is the longest time I've ever been away from this blog, but the summer was extraordinarily busy with family matters. Much time was spent in Albany babysitting for grandkids. Much time was spent trying to stay cool. The summer was unusually hot with awful humidity and temps hovering around 90 for weeks on end. There was no rain at all until we caught the tail end of Katrina. It is still in the 80s, although Friday's high is supposed to be only 59. The trees haven't even changed color yet. I only have a short time to get outside projects done. Perhaps the cooler weather will be the incentive I need. I've spent the past 2 days reporting at Free Republic on the Ethan Allen boating tragedy on Lake George. One freeper's 90-year old aunt was one of the passengers who didn't survive. It has been a somewhat depressing summer. The world is getting too small. I'm tired of the constant attacks from the liberals. It's rather ironic that they choose to refer to themselves as "Progressives." Their constant hateful rhetoric serves to halt progress in any endeavor. I'm also sick of the media driving the news. They've taken it upon themselves to actually make the news by repeating their opinions until people believe what they are saying is factual. This applies to FNC as well.
Monday, May 23, 2005 ~ My hubby and I did our duty at the polling booth last week, voting against the school budget, which passed anyway. Amazingly, only slightly over 900 people voted. Hubby seemed to be in the booth for a very long time. There were only 3 levers to be pulled, after all. I gave him a questioning look when he finally came out. He giggled and said he'd been looking for where to write in a name for the school board. He was seriously going to write in my name and as there were two slots open and only one individual running, one vote is all that would have been needed for me to have been "elected." I don't recall mentioning that I was interested in being on the school board.
How Bob Beckel was ever elevated to the status of strategist for any political party is beyond me. He is an ignorant man who needs to spend some time in a region plagued by Islamofacist terrorism. What he and the rest of his party don't seem to get is that if they keep up their anti-American rhetoric, he and his pals will get to serve that time on our own soil. The IPPA is today phone-slamming our representatives in Washington in support of Newsweek and its members are passing out flyers which spew anti-American hate. The IPPA is a party of peace in the same way that the radical socialists and Michael Moore fans are "peaceful." It makes me wonder if Soros is funding them as well.
Friday, April 27, 2005 ~Another unexpected week away and to catch up on (although I never do) and I have lost another household member. This particular one left in a cage. Ayo is lonely. Daughter Kate and her boyfriend will drop Aidan off with Babboo tomorrow when they head to the Albany area to clear some belongings out of Janna's basement. (I wish they would remove some things from mine instead) Hubby and I will attend a niece's First Communion on Sunday.
In the "I'm glad I didn't say that" category this morning is this quote from Tess Present, director of science at the National Audubon Society, in regard to the Arkansas sighting of an ivory-billed woodpecker: "The discovery of living examples of an animal believed to be extinct is rare." Really? How rare?
And in the now necessary daily news from Florida category, Toby Tyler Gets Ticked Off.
Friday, April 22, 2005 ~ After a spring teaser week of warm weather, we here in the Northeast are back to chilly temps. But there's no turning back now. The trees are budding, the grass is green, and my flowers are blooming. I've been trying to catch up on email and managed to get through 1 out of 4 pages a couple of days ago, but hubby has been home more often than not and I don't get a lot done when he's here. I wonder if I have gone from caregiver in Georgia to caregiver in New York, as he is now ill with polyps and ulcers in his throat discovered only 2 days ago by his doctor. He had to do barium and imaging at the hospital this morning. He is scared, but trying to maintain his normal routine.
On a more positive note, I am thrilled with the College of Cardinals' choice of Ratzinger as our new pope. Michael Kinsley may refer to Pope Benedict XVI as "ultra-conservative," but this is not a bad thing, as he implies. Church doctrine is rightfully "ultra-conservative." It is the Roman Catholic Church, after all, and the Pope, last I checked, is Catholic. I laughed outloud when reading up on the Cardinals last week and discovered Cardinal Biffi has declared that the antichrist is already here. He says he is a philanthropist, a spiritualist, an environmentalist, and a vegan. That's no surprise to me or to any other conservative Catholic. I wonder if Biffi has someone in particular in mind. I wonder if the prophesies of St. Malachy are coming to pass after all. If so, and if Pope Benedict's reign is short, as Malachy predicted, then who is Peter the Roman? A current cardinal? Or someone else? ~Thoughts for a Friday morning...
I spent Friday in Voorheesville babysitting for 4 out of my 5 grandkids. I've decided to allow Gabe to think he can run faster than me. There are some benefits to being over 50.
Thursday, April 7, 2005 ~ After being offline more than online for over a month now, I'm hoping that my cable problems are at an end. The cable guy was here for a good share of the day yesterday. It would appear that I had a double-whammy going against me. Time Warner and Road Runner have been going nuts looking for the cause of a problem that has plagued many customers and on Saturday discovered a bad transformer around the corner. Evidently, when they went to change it out, it exploded into flames. My problem then worsened and I lost connection for 15 hours before a service showed up at my house. After a marathon run up and down three flights of stairs and hiking the pole numerous times, the cable guy came to me and said, "Your cable is bad. I have to put in a new line." He continued to look apologetically at me, then with some amount of hemming and hawing, he said, "that means you have to clean out the workroom in the basement so I can reach the circuit box and the wall where I will drill." I wanted to cry and almost did. Son Nate had the workroom stacked floor to ceiling with boxes of stuff from Georgia. I said, "but there's no place to put anything." "I know," said he. It took me 40 minutes to haul stuff out. It took him 5 minutes to put in new cable. Even before he'd come, I had to hoe stuff out of my son's room where the cable modem is. Nate moved out a couple of months ago. His stuff is still here, of course. I wonder how much I could get for a snake in a bottle and a shotglass which measures a particular part of the male anatomy?
I have to laugh every time I see shots of the sharks off the coast of Florida. I have a solution. Send George Felos out to commune with them.
Pope John Paul II 1920 - 2005
Thursday, March 31, 2005 ~ A dark shadow has passed over America this morning with the death of Terri Schiavo. We have sanctioned "mercy killing" for one of our own citizens, a woman who in the times of Nazi Germany, would have been referred to as a "useless eater." For a look at how we got to this horrible place, I would suggest reading the following from The Journal of Special Education. Useless eaters: disability as genocidal marker in Nazi Germany by Mark P. Mostert, who chronicles the changing attitudes toward euthanasia in the past century.
“Next time
it will be easier.
It always is.”
I'd rather be part of Father Pavone's idealogical agenda than part of that of George Felos.
Thursday, March 24, 2005 ~ Little did I know that the purple finch sitting on the roof of the back porch yesterday morning was laughing at me. We got 4 or 5 inches of new snow last night and it's still snowing. To top off an already disturbing morning, Hillary's face is all over the front page of my newspaper, a decidedly leftist publication with an agenda. It seems she will be appearing at a theater a block away from me next week, which means the ignorant celebrity-seekers of our little town will be prowling the streets wanting to catch a glimpse of the most famous liar in the world. Hmmmm...wonder if they will talk her into visiting Esmond Lyons' mural over at Jackson Heights Elementary? How purrfect for the left that would be - a personal endorsement of Lyons' $3000 misrepresentation of history.
In regard to Michael Schiavo, O'Reilly echoed the thoughts of many Americans last night when he suggested that Schiavo has an opportunity to end the debate over his wife by doing the right thing. Unfortunately, control freaks are only concerned with one thing - getting what they want. Michael Schiavo is not concerned with what his wife would want. He just wants to win. It's that simple.
Your comments here.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005 ~ The world has gone to hell in a handbasket. As this country mourns for those who needlessly died in another school shooting, my local newspaper runs a front page news article about "the eroding fabric of some teens' lives". The article gives the results of a survey that was given to 7,200 kids by the Council for Prevention. The survey shows that kids don't feel connected to their communities. In the mid-sixties, this country began to see an erosion of values - traditional family values - that would lead us to where we are now. In the late 1980s, mothers began entering the workforce en masse. Materialism helped assuage mothers' feelings of guilt as they either left their children alone or plopped them in daycare programs. Rather than "getting it," so-called experts call on communities to step in to provide what families should be providing to their children - a sense of security, stability, and a sense of belonging to an indestructible and loyal family unit. More programs for kids spring up and yet things get worse. It is no wonder that kids feel isolated and disconnected from their communities. There is little casual interaction within our communities anymore. Generations are separated from each other. Neighborhoods are eerily quiet. Families juggle too many scheduled events. Children have little free time left for casual interaction with their families, friends, and neighbors, and what little free time they may have is swallowed up by television, video games, and music with highly questionable lyrics that further isolate them. Our self-esteem oriented schools and psychologists have also isolated our children by giving them the idea that they, as individuals, are somehow deserving of unearned attention and rewards. In this "me first" society, who can be surprised when our children get mixed-messages? Who can be surprised when they feel that they have no family to turn to for support and stability? Who can be surprised when children act out in rage when they are confused by the "for the children" messages, when it has become obvious that what is "for the children" is really for the selfish adult society? What program can we put our child into so we can be comfortable doing our own thing? What TV program can we turn on for our child that will hold his interest while we make dinner? What can we buy our child that shows him we care about him? Wake up, America! It is never too late, ...until it is.
Your comments
Monday, March 21, 2005 ~ I see the folks from Tripod have been messing around again with their ad placement. I haven't fully recovered from the damage they originally did to this site. All the more reason for me to move the site. If human beings were actually part of the evolutionary process, then by all rights, I should be three people. Hubby has been home so much lately that I lose track of what day it is and I get nothing done. I always said that I worried I'd go nuts when he retired, but I may not be able put it off until then. Am I supposed to care that UConn lost? I think I missed Herb's birthday. Daniel turned 1 year old last week and we celebrated in Albany on Saturday. I escaped outside to play kickball with Gabe. You can tell Daniel has to cope with an older sister. He pounced on a toy that Aidan was playing with and grabbed it from him, then pounced on Aidan's head and grabbed his hair. Aidan sat back up and just grinned at him.
I'm feeling antsy and like I am rushing, as I always do when I know this time alone will end in a few minutes when Kate and Aidan return from yet again another weekend away.
I caught up with the last 3 months of discussion at Theos-Talk yesterday. There are changes taking place there and I don't think they even realize it. They have been swallowed up by the New Age movement that used their Blavatsky origins and they will have to make a decision soon whether to join the movement or to remain true to their roots. They are in the same position that Christians find themselves in and are fighting against. But the theosophists are leftists and as a group oppose everything Christians believe in.
I've added Cult News to the menu on the left. It may seem like a "news of the weird" website, but I would suggest that it could also be called a "news of the dangerous" site.
I've also added Javier Solana to the "watch" list. All news on the EU website is in .pdf format. So I have provided extra info links here , here , and here for your convenience.
I am hesitantly delighted to report that I may have been successful in my attempt to rid the Internet of a website which has been a magnet for pedophiles. I have been checking the site on a regular basis in order to determine if there was any chatter in regard to my efforts. The website has been completely down now for 48 hours (at least). I will not name the site as I would prefer to remain anonymous to the owner. Keeping my fingers crossed...
I lost cable shortly before noon. As this is the third time in 3 weeks, I decided to call to ask if there was an outage. No, there is no outage, the rep said. So, I was expecting a knock at the door when cable TV and Internet came back and the phone rings. Cable company. They did have an outage. The left hand does not know what the right is doing, as usual.
I was thrilled that we did not get the predicted new snow last night. It is sunny and gorgeous outside. It's melting!
"The day is not far distant when I will not understand a word my children say. As it is, I'm moderately fluent in kid-speak, but losing ground all the time...more from Mona Charen
Concerning Terry Shiavo, I agree that the federal government really has no voice. BUT, there is a suspicion held by many that there is something fishy going on with Michael Schiavo. Like Scott Peterson, he has not evoked the sympathy of the masses, and I believe it is his behavior that has brought this whole thing on. There is no signed living will and therein lies the problem. What do you think?
Comment here
Wednesday, March 16, 2005 ~ Skateboarders have made their appearance in the church parking lot and I was startled this morning by the sweet song of a bird loud enough to be heard through closed windows. No matter what weather is thrown at us now, I know Spring is here. Grandson Daniel, whose birth I just missed when I returned to Georgia to pack up last March, is a year old today. Time marches on.
As Microsoft repaired my mail two weeks ago, the virus in my eye returned to severely limit my time at the computer. Of necessity, I spent as much time in dark places as possible. Dark wasn't easy to find as sunlight on new snow seemed to sneak glaring and painful light into every nook and cranny in this old house. Dark is good sometimes and as I hid under blankets, I came to the conclusion that Glens Falls is in desperate need of a conservative publication. The Post-Star has gone too far to the left to be of any value. The managing editor should quit and run for office. That would be far more honest than his attempt to present his newspaper as "fair and balanced".
Body, Mind, Soul, Heart
Thank you, Lion
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love is patient and is kind;
Love does not envy.
Love does not brag, is not proud,
Love is not rude and does not seek its own way,
Love is not provoked, and takes no account of evil;
Love does not rejoice in wrongdoing,
but rejoices with the truth;
Love always protects, always hopes,
always trusts and endures all things.
Love never fails!