"Me lose my sense of humor with the bad practical joke my life has been up until now? Never. Sense of propriety went years and years ago. A sense of restraint - as you know all too well - was never really a permanent resident in my life. Memory went a while back, along with hearing and eyesight, teeth, hair and waistline. I really can't remember when they went, so the loss of memory has obviously set in quite well. Nowadays, when a young lady tells me that I am old enough to be her father, I have to ask her mother's maiden name... just in case. Who can remember without at least a hint?? Of course, when you start forgetting things, you'd think the seriousness of your own personal physical health would be a welcome memory loss. Take my word for it. The body is a constant reminder. Were I lucky enough to seduce some lady into my bed these days, I can now count on it taking longer for me to get me back out of that bed than it did for me to get her there... and that would take some time, as far as I can remember. Have I had this problem recently? I forget." - J. James (aka Lafcadio T. Lion) |